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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Anything else nitwits? Trump won because the conversation in America wasn't all inclusive and it wasn't real....That's what we need to look at....Happy to discuss that.
  2. If he did it would have been closed down as those things are against the law in America.
  3. See what we have here is that none of you actually know what you're talking about and like sheep are just regurgitating half truths and propaganda. Sorry state of affairs. I knew exactly which things you donkeys would come out with before I even posted. The battle moves to France.
  4. Utter tosh. This is attributed to his ex-wife during a divorce saga.
  5. https://off-guardian.org/2016/08/18/media-using-pro-al-nusra-media-center-as-source-for-war-propaganda/
  6. AMC is made up as is Syrian rights watch which is essentially a bloke living in a semi in Coventry UK.
  7. There is absolutely no factual basis for calling Bannon an anti-semite or racist. Really there isn't. You do know that the Tories were canvassing 'the racist' UKIP core to come over to their side after slamming them for a year.
  8. This is a source the holier than thou Guardian use. Well the AMC is an Al-Nusra front group ie Al Quaida ie on the American terror list.
  9. That article wasn't comissioned by Breitbart, was written by a Jew and had nothing to do with Bannon. Thing is Gloomy this is a time when we all need to be more discerning. It's obvious to all that the rejected establishment and media are going to throw everything at Trump. We're being bombarded from all sides. There is push back against the establishment in Europe and America we have to accept this and we have to debate it and look at the reasons....Propaganda and smears aren't helpful. I find it wearisome that all resistance however misguided and its leaders somehow immediately become misogynists, anti-Semites or racists....It's laughable. Alt right is a propagnda tag the MSM have applied to everyone that doesn't agree with them. Like 'Coalition of the Willing'...These are propaganda terms or the much fabled 'international community'....These terms are to constitute consent without much soul searching. Everyone has a view and opinions it's healthy that these debates are carried out in the open so they can be challenged. There is a sort of reset going on. Accept it.
  10. New Chief of Staff. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reince_Priebus
  11. Love this attempted smear of Bannon with no clue of the origins. Establishment left, poodle loving, bed wetting, hysteria in full swing. #Amexit #Brexit #Frexit
  12. He's that far gone he won't even accept Trump into the Libertarian camp even though a lot of what Trump said to the rednecks was Libertarian claptrap. Think what we all agree on is that those left behind have been picked up by the proto-right or alt right - (this is a kind of protest right rather than Nazis) wing when infact they are prime candidates for a more broad left wing message. The DNC and Clinton got it wrong by completely taking for granted vast swathes of the population. If you even look at the history of Europe the masses have looked for answers from the left and the right...Spain, Italy and Germany have had swings to the right in very recent history. Personally I believe that these labels are no longer helpful and that politics is in flux and in somewhat of a crisis...Single issues are the order of the day. Whether it be jobs or immigration of sovereignty.
  13. I'd say you're all pretty much middle class on here bar MF, Stevie, Alex, Tooj, The Fish and HF and a few others who still have the essence of the working class about them. True barricade boys. Renton and Gloom, no matter how much they stray on stand out topics are still socialists as I read it. I suspect Chez could make a pretty good case for right wing economics and we'd all start to believe him and his high- falooting terminology.
  14. I am the leader of all rednecks.
  15. Thanks mate. Good read that, just quickly skimmed it.... "......Both parties have supported free-trade deals because of the net positive GDP gains, overlooking the blue-collar workers who lost work as jobs left for Mexico or Vietnam. These are precisely the voters in the crucial swing states of Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania that Democrats have so long ignored. Excuse me. Who’s stupid?"
  16. There's one he does in his dressing gown the clutch.
  17. Fixed polls, death of legacy media, hobbits fight back..........
  18. MSM shills go into shock as Trump numbers start coming in...
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