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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Ha ha Gloom I was gonna post that. Love a bit of Milo. She started to look desperate after 30 secs.
  2. They've spent a lot of money on it.
  3. It was alright for about an hour and then all the CGI started getting a bit tedious. 6/10 Legend - Slow paced, dialogue heavy - shot like Eastenders. 4/10
  4. There is a group in the PLP that are determined to stop the Labour party even moving slightly to the left. The Blairites are well connected and very determined.
  5. This is your fucking fault. 10 years of 'nothing to hide posts'. #Parkytinfoilhat.
  6. What's the deepest ocean trench?
  7. It will have the best names, beautiful names like you wouldn't believe...It's gonna be the best registry ever... Bush already tried it post 9/11. People from war zones were required to register iirc.
  8. I'll take a look. Love that kind of thing. The Durst thing you recommended was spot on btw.
  9. You can't be gunned down...Who'd run the site?!
  10. OOo I like that NIte Funk...The synth lead break is spot on.
  11. Yeah cause the Govt. wouldn't be lying about unemployment rates. Real Unemployment Rate Formula Using Current StatisticsIn October, the real unemployment rate (U-6) was 9.5%. That's double the widely-reported unemployment rate (U-3) of 4.9%. Here's how to calculate both: Step 1. Calculate the official unemployment rate: U-3 = 7.787 million unemployed workers / 159.712 million in the labor force = 4.9%. Step 2. Add in marginally attached workers: There were 1.700 million people who were marginally attached to the labor force. Add this to both the number of unemployed and the labor force. U-5 = 9.487 million / 161.412 million = 5.9%. Step 3. Add in part-time workers: There were 5.889 million people who were working part-time because they couldn't get full-time work, although they'd prefer it. Add them to the unemployed, they're already in the labor force. U-6 = 15.376 million / 161.412 million = 9.5%(Source: "Table A-15," Bureau of Labor Statistics.)
  12. America has the highest prison population in the developed world. We can argue numbers all day but America is in a mess with sovereign debt at catastrophic levels... http://www.usdebtclock.org/
  13. Yeah but most of it was around persona and misogyny and tax very rarely was his policies discussed and very rarely was anyone from the emerging protest vote (probably never) given airtime and their grievances discussed. They rushed to the polls because frankly they worked out nobody was listening to them. Hundreds of farmers in the mid-West have lost their farms due to pressure from Agribusiness (bayer and Synegy) and seed prices and fertilizer scams. Thousands of farmers in India have committed suicide. The MSM never ever dealt with these issues. I'm afraid the core Trump vote you'll find isn't just right wing anti-immigration nutters. iirc 42% of Americans are on food stamp or other social welfare programmes. Black prison population is over 50% or something ridiculous. Unemployment in some states runs at over 30%....These are all legitimate concerns. I simply will not allow the debate to descend into Bannon said something nasty to his wife once.
  14. Nah. You lot have jumped on me because you are intellectually lazy. Boom! I will always argue for the far right or whomever to have a platform. Otherwise we become as bad as them....And then stuff like Brexit happens because things weren't dicussed. If the MSM in America had for one moment opened up the debate Trump might not have won....
  15. Logistically I don't think she can win. It will be close but there will be a coalition of sorts to stop her. However that isn't important for us....What's important is to open up the debate across the board and try and congeal what is actually rotten in the state of Denmark. Because there is much worse lining up behind the Trumps and the Le Pen's. They are only the canaries in the mine shaft. The sea change in Eastern Germany caught everyone on the hop...Because discussions weren't had and ideas weren't challenged because the discussions are shut down as inappropriate and so on...
  16. Why try and paint me into a corner that doesn't even exist? Why would I be supporting Le Pen? Frustration looms for straw men.
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