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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. Good articles into the German scenario. "Germany is often seen as the most powerful example of a distinctive European economic model, its workers insulated from the worst pressures of globalisation by collective bargaining, union consultation and norms of social solidarity. A new study of income distribution in Germany from 1992 to 2001 suggests that, at least as far as financial rewards are concerned, there are close parallels with Anglo-Saxon capitalism." http://voxeu.org/epubs/cepr-reports/das-kapital-how-german-elite-are-winning-globalisation "These companies thrived in the decades immediately after 1945, when the economy boomed as a result of the need to rebuild a war-ravaged country. Whereas UK companies were often hindered by an overvalued pound, the mark was undervalued, making German exports extremely competitive in world markets. Another part of the story involves the structure of German industry. The emphasis on vocational education combining academic studies and on-the-job training for apprentices is globally admired. German companies are also the beneficiaries of close links between industry and the banking sector that ensure guaranteed long-term funding." https://www.theguardian.com/global/2016/mar/30/the-uk-could-learn-a-lot-from-germanys-long-term-industrial-strategy
  2. Strangely the EU could have worked imo. The original idea was a good one...Spreading wealth and infastructure and regulating against parasitic Capitalism. Somewhere in the last 20 years it got co-opted by the very things it was set up to mitigate.
  3. The counter argument is here with reg to its benefits.....See if you can work out what's wrong with it. http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21707926-globalisations-critics-say-it-benefits-only-elite-fact-less-open-world-would-hurt
  4. It has hit a brick wall. People are waking up to the fact that the suffering is endless with no end in sight.
  5. Globalization hasn't been driven by people at all...It's the de- facto elite project to facilitate multi-nationals and neuter state intervention in any meaningful way. edit: Like Rayvin says in the first bit.
  6. Does interviews in France in French dontcha know!
  7. Interesting Micheal Flynn (National Security Advisor) interview with Mehdi Hasan. Ex-Jsoc, Ex-Head of DIA. Says the U.S. saw the Caliphate concept coming and runs through policy errors.
  8. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-carson-housing-idUSKBN13I2HG
  9. I'm torn here. I find myself sympathizing with all three of you on various specifics.
  10. Megan Kelly says he's gonna get hit and he's gonna get hit often. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA5_a_dKk1c
  11. Yeah agree forgot about those. Fox was on Obama's case plenty. It is a Conservative/Republican brand tho.
  12. Yup. There will be all this dizzying talk of precision, hi tech, targeted, clinical and all that other nonsense that is disproved by all the data.
  13. We first heard details of the drone strikes in NW Pakistan when the Supreme Court of Pakistan said they were war crimes and Imran Khan started briefing the world media.... and then it was picked up the the American media. It was hardly discussed by the MSM till that point (nobody imagined Pakistan was being droned). The more independent liberal media ran with it with greater detail and you had to go to AlJazz, TYT, Democracy Now, New Yorker etc....In the UK The Guardian did a really good job on it. CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc were broadly supportive or neutral. I think anyone would be hard pushed to find any issue with reg to Obama or Bush where there was sustained criticism on any policy.... I don't see it will be any different for Trump. edit Fox did go after Obamacare.
  14. I agree with you but perhaps for different reasons. HF is worried that they covet their access, book deals, lifestyle franchises etc...I think its more that they are a tool when needed for the power behind the power...The billionaires, industrialists, warmongers, neo-con hawks and so on...
  15. Have the corporate owned MSM ever gone to war with a sitting president? General Electric and Sony will be looking for favours they won't be inclined to tell their puppets to go after Trump... Obama had a free pass for his whole first term more or less.
  16. There is that thing about his dads money getting him into Harvard as well. This surely can't happen.
  17. Sneering middle class tone mixed with asking people for money every 5 mins. 'Become a supporter'.....Nah mate I'm only here to light up the comments section.
  18. Yet it was 'Parkyland' that predicted Brexit and Trump. I shall deliver my analysis on France shortly. You best pay attention. HF is saying it's corrupt 'court jesters looking for political access' etc...
  19. We will be better able to get into the specifics after the first 100 days. So far the noises about the trade deals (the one's half of Europe and America have protested about) and better relations with Russia are promising signs that he does intend a reset of sorts. This will have angered the Globalists and the Military Industrial Complex (the shadow Govt. if you like). Illegal immigration is something most of America is worried about (bar maybe California). All afaik he's committed to is deporting those that have committed crimes whilst in America. My major worry about Trump is that he lacks political finesse which is compounded by a very challenging persona and ego. If he can get out of the way of himself and reach out to both chambers will be the test. Will the corporate media back off? Depends if he gives their bosses and owners things to worry about. A lot of them have changed their tune just cause the stock market went up... Will he do something for the rust belt and the inner city? I think he will. I'm intrigued to see if he can get the 21 trillion hidden in offshore funds back into the states with some kind of amnesty or investment honeymoon. This is a pretty good idea and I hope he doesn't forget about it. Is he a nutcase? Yes. But you have to be one to run for President.
  20. Do you seriously think he would have gone through all this shit if he wasn't sincere? I agree he is politically naive and likely to be reigned in by the insiders but I never doubted his sincerity. If the political architecture in the U.S. engages with Trump there is likely to be some kind of balance to his term after the hysteria has settled and 'big politics' takes over.
  21. Only a matter of time before we see conciliatory articles in the Gurardian.
  22. You still going on about that? Even after we've seen the establishment and the courts and most of Parliament line up to dismantle Brexit. Even May is talking 'transition deal' just a few weeks after 'Brexit is Brexit'.
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