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Park Life

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Everything posted by Park Life

  1. For me it's Boro, WBA and one from three.
  2. Happy Face will back me up, I said it was all about the clipboard a year ago.
  3. not neccesarily, we know english managers wouldn't accept the system but continental managers are used to working under "directors" who find players etc That's the theory. I don't see much evidence of the DoF system working in English football myself. Spuds elected to employ an established continental manager to fit their system and look what happened there. Ironically, if they'd abandoned their DoF sooner, rather than the manager who'd just got them two fifth places the chances are they'd be in a far healthier position than they currently are. Mourinho left ultimately because of interference; Benitez wants assurances of more control; Wenger has stated he wouldn't accept players imposed on him. Ashley, I suspect, believes in his system for financial rather than football reasons. There's nothing to suggest his model will work here other than a load of half-arsed promises about kids coming through and where we'll be in five years. Agreed. If the manager hires the DOF and trusts him is the only way it can work.
  4. This nanny stuff is ridiculous. Adults should be allowed to indulge whatever vice they want whenever they want.
  5. Saw it? He lives it. A complete database would be handy if they ever determine the genetic likelihood for criminality though - save on all those expensive trials and stuff. The funny thing is we're all suseptable to criminality. :lol: Aye, there'll probably be a cut off percentage. 33%+ = jailed from birth, >33% mean you cannot commit a crime even if you do. If dna reveals who will grow up to be a fraudulent banker I'm all for it.
  6. I see your bretheren have nicked all our money again.
  7. Which is again fair enough IF it is for all, but it is not. A different "crowd" doing the same thing would be destroyed - just look at the brutal policing at that climate camp recently. You're advocating equal police brutality for all then? I think we've got a lot more to worry about than a few muslim loons who for all you know might be collared off camera (as has happened before). Equality for all, not a two tier system based on race/beliefs of the group in question - whether its the brutal end or the passive end or somewhere in-between is completely irrelevant until that EQUALITY is there in the first place. Do you now admit there is two tier policing by the way having seen the evidence with your own eyes? Without sound I can't really judge. I think the policing style probably is different though yes, as there is good reason to keep these arseholes under surveillance, not that there is some bizarre institutional racism in favour of muslims going on ffs. Which is what Fop said all along. As for the rest, there's clearly institutional racism/discrimination when it comes to policing, yes. Not sure Muslims living in Birmingham and Leeds would agree Fopper. Or Muslims being harrassed at airports or Muslims being asked their religion at Dover. Last time I flew everyone was as harassed as anyone else in either airport (either that or everyone on the flight looked like shoebombers ) = equality (pointlessly scaremongering equality, but still). That policing is not equality though, it's different to what most other groups would get. It's a sensible policy in the current climate imo.
  8. Which is again fair enough IF it is for all, but it is not. A different "crowd" doing the same thing would be destroyed - just look at the brutal policing at that climate camp recently. You're advocating equal police brutality for all then? I think we've got a lot more to worry about than a few muslim loons who for all you know might be collared off camera (as has happened before). Equality for all, not a two tier system based on race/beliefs of the group in question - whether its the brutal end or the passive end or somewhere in-between is completely irrelevant until that EQUALITY is there in the first place. Do you now admit there is two tier policing by the way having seen the evidence with your own eyes? Without sound I can't really judge. I think the policing style probably is different though yes, as there is good reason to keep these arseholes under surveillance, not that there is some bizarre institutional racism in favour of muslims going on ffs. Which is what Fop said all along. As for the rest, there's clearly institutional racism/discrimination when it comes to policing, yes. Not sure Muslims living in Birmingham and Leeds would agree Fopper. Or Muslims being harrassed at airports or Muslims being asked their religion at Dover.
  9. It is racism/discrimination though, just as much as when a black guy gets stopped and searched (or even arrested) because they are black. Saying it's ok to let people get away with something they wouldn't let anyone else get away with, because it might inflame things is utterly, utterly wrong (its racist appeasement - just as much as any KKK member getting let off in 60's southern USA). Equality is equality, not just when it favours you or you beliefs (or it's not equality at all). As you well know there is no such thing. Police enforcement is controlled by the Whitehall/Home Office policy of the day. At the moment there is somewhat of an appeasement stance toward Muslim dominated demo's. Rightly so. Wrongly so, discrimination is discrimination (not only when it politically acceptable to be). Appeasement never works, especially when you're dealing with factions that see appeasement as portrayed weakness and/or their victory. This is ivory tower stuff at it's best. Muslims all over the world are being killed by a state of the art western war machinery, I'd expect a few demo's letting off steam...You don't?? I wonder what demo's will follow the nuking of Iran?
  10. Muslim demo's about Gaza here have been peaceful, police and protesters laughing a drinking coffee etc... A million marched against Gulf war 2 didn't they? How many were Muslims? It's good to demonstrate. White boys don't seem to have the time though. :lol: In all honesty I doubt that these (videoed) demonstrations had anything really to do with "Gaza" (and certainly not "peace"), there were other agendas fuelling the violence/abuse seen. The straw man begins taking shape.
  11. Which is again fair enough IF it is for all, but it is not. A different "crowd" doing the same thing would be destroyed - just look at the brutal policing at that climate camp recently. You're advocating equal police brutality for all then? I think we've got a lot more to worry about than a few muslim loons who for all you know might be collared off camera (as has happened before). Equality for all, not a two tier system based on race/beliefs of the group in question - whether its the brutal end or the passive end or somewhere in-between is completely irrelevant until that EQUALITY is there in the first place. Do you now admit there is two tier policing by the way having seen the evidence with your own eyes? Without sound I can't really judge. I think the policing style probably is different though yes, as there is good reason to keep these arseholes under surveillance, not that there is some bizarre institutional racism in favour of muslims going on ffs. I too am bewildered by this new Fop style.
  12. It is racism/discrimination though, just as much as when a black guy gets stopped and searched (or even arrested) because they are black. Saying it's ok to let people get away with something they wouldn't let anyone else get away with, because it might inflame things is utterly, utterly wrong (its racist appeasement - just as much as any KKK member getting let off in 60's southern USA). Equality is equality, not just when it favours you or you beliefs (or it's not equality at all). As you well know there is no such thing. Police enforcement is controlled by the Whitehall/Home Office policy of the day. At the moment there is somewhat of an appeasement stance toward Muslim dominated demo's. Rightly so.
  13. Muslim demo's about Gaza here have been peaceful, police and protesters laughing a drinking coffee etc... A million marched against Gulf war 2 didn't they? How many were Muslims? It's good to demonstrate. White boys don't seem to have the time though. :lol:
  14. Could be that too many on here on hyper sensitive to any criticism of NUSC I wonder why That might have sounded good in your head, but since I've never once discussed the ins-and-outs of NUSC (largely because I have no strong opinion on the subject) any insinuation that I have a pro-NUSC agenda doesn't make a lot of sense. Like most of your posts really You, on the other hand, are all over anything relating to them. I've not read it but I imagine the like-minded folk at Window-Lickers Offline are much the same. You do love yourself dont you You're coming across as a bit of a buffoon mate. I suggest you calm down a bit.
  15. Which is again fair enough IF it is for all, but it is not. A different "crowd" doing the same thing would be destroyed - just look at the brutal policing at that climate camp recently. Climate camp? Mow them the fuck down.
  16. It's sensible home office policy not to inflame Muslim situations, I would have thought you could see that. Write a letter if you're upset. Pro hunt wallahs need mowing down.
  17. Perhaps in all his madness their is by accident some kind of saving grace.
  18. I think is it's not so much a problem if everyone is policed in that way, but they are NOT. Football supporters, pro-hunt protester or any other PC acceptable targets would be mown under police horse hooves for much, much less than that. It's institutional racism/discrimination by the police - just because it's targeted in a different direction doesn't make it better or right. Codswallop. It's sensitive and commonsensical policing. Refreshing to see.
  19. It's mostly what they are shouting for the first few mins, until they start attacking the police, then it's about "amazing" policing. Check out the other video though the violence (and police passivity) is there from the off for those with a short attention span. What do you want a batton charge?
  20. Found it again, dunno how long it will be up for here though (maybe that's why you want the link ). Imagine football fans being allowed to do this. Happens all over Europe every week.
  21. I'm thinking Liv and Arsenal will have serious issues without current levels of Sky money.
  22. There are some big players in the PL with serious gearing issues regarding debt. The grapevine says News Corp are in the beginnings of a cash crisis, partly bought on by the purchase of The Wall street journal who's revenues have tanked. Our debt actually doesn't look so bad compared to some.
  23. Imagine if over the next year or so, Sky said it could no longer pay the football money.
  24. Boro and Pompey at home are wins for us.
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