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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Goddamn it, can't say "t-e-h" without being corrected, and I was trying to be ironic too. Fucking nazi spellchecker
  2. Super Magical Death Band 3000 the Best
  3. Cut The Pretence, We're Fucking Shite, Yet We'll Reach No. 1
  4. Yeah it rocks,getting a new Family Guy episode in 15 minutes rocks so hard,BitTorrent is actually the only program that puts my speed to test,I always get around 220-240 KB/S for the newest FG episodes. 34856[/snapback] newzbin + newsleecher + newshosting > Torrents. Tbh.
  5. People still actually use torrents?
  6. Make it Virtualdubmod, and 'tis truthery.
  7. The plasmoid thingy also works with Grapes, apparently
  8. 40 Year Old Virgin, it was hysterical in places while in others not funny at all. Still probably worth seeing overall, the waxing scence had me in tears
  9. It's about this time of day that I like to go to sleep. But I can't
  10. To look outside at the rain soaked - yet charver-free - world, and wish for a Katrina of our very own to wash the bastards away. Now wheres my Ark.
  11. 'twas good. Anyway: VHS - The Matrix. It's been in there about a year, keep forgetting to eject it. DVD - A Dvd-rw with a few episodes of Ghost In The Shell: SAC 2nd Gig. Been trying to get the encode looking good, still working on it. Fucking mkv files.
  12. E, F.... <rewind>... E, F.... <rewind> etc.
  13. Reminds me of that one Kevin Bloody Wilson track, when he's talking about his guitars: "Do you like this guitar? This is a really interesting guitar in as much as I've just had it repainted, but it's got a very interesting pedigree. This used to belong to Stevie Wonder <long pause>. Fuckin' still does. He's probably crawling around his dressing room lookin' for the fuckin' thing."
  14. well thats my problem, neither happen. I dont get a pop up when i run winamp and it is not shown in the list of plugins. bloody typical eh 29464[/snapback] My winamp plugin is in the Media Library section, since I 'aquired' the pro version. Checked there?
  15. That'll be generated next week
  16. Just set the plugin to exclude submissions from files located in C:\My Documents\Hardcore
  17. Play some audio from a cd or an mp3/ogg/wma/whatever file through Winamp, then check your profile page to see if the file info has been submitted. Just make sure the plugin is configured with your username and password etc.
  18. I thought that was the only reason to do it. I mean Elric is a top bloke (especially pissed) but he's listened to Xzibit 99 separate times This kind of thing needs to be queried. Do you do the arm motion Elric? X to the mother fuckin zee homie 28952[/snapback] Too busy gettin' ma mu'fuckin' walk on, homes
  19. I'm sure he could front them all a few 'keys' to sell, to earn themselves a bit of cash in the meantime.
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