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About Elric

  • Birthday 08/12/1983

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  1. Elric

    Arcade Fire

    I was thinking that, too. The guitars were often drowned out by the percussion, don't know if they need new speakers or what . That guy with the megaphone though
  2. Elric

    Arcade Fire

    They were fucking class. Doing a Smiths cover halfway through though, WTF?
  3. [shamed]Wherever You Will Go by The Calling? [/shamed]
  4. Read title as "Arnt (sic) boobies gorgeous...". Disappointed with contents tbh
  5. Overheard a couple of charvers discussing the virtues of 'Pearl Drops' toothpaste. This was at the back of the bus, yesterday: "Here man, have yi eva fuckin' tried that fuckin' Pearl Drops toothpaste? Gets ya teeth propa fuckin' white like hew..." Bizzare
  6. What a shower of kernts. So the jury have decided that her sharing each of these songs cost the music industry $9,250 . I'd be very interested to see how that was calculated. I'm guessing it was a complex procedure involving a big hat and some numbers.
  7. Elric

    James Blunt

    Couldn't be arsed to read the whole thread, didn't know there was such a creature as a James Blunt fanboy though. Motherfucker
  8. Elric

    3 sugars!

    3 fucking sugars? Might as well break out the tin of Golden Syrup!
  9. Never have - never will, in fact - at current employer (HMRC). Time-and-a-half for 3 times the work of a normal day? Fuck off
  10. Tret (as in "treated"). No such fucking word, you absolute spanner. Edit: Also, when Mackems (because I'm led to believe it's a Wearside thing. Or maybe just a 'tard thing) say Retchester. When they really mean "Register". Dieeeeee.
  11. "Aaaarooollddddd!" "You fucking tactically inept old man!"
  12. A young Ja Rule. Same fucking 'tache, too
  13. The Slack Album tbh. "In the Mouth, an Encore" pisses all over the Linkin Park version. Gotta love Pavement.
  14. NTC was down for about an hour, they managed to restore everything though, was hoping to get down the pub sharpish
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