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Alan Shearer Is God

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Everything posted by Alan Shearer Is God

  1. Cheers for that Besty, wasnt too sure if it was the same as the FM06 code but I didnt dare try it, incase it messed up on me!
  2. Watching the game at my mates house and then we went down the local park for a kick about in the rain, was pissing it down that day aswel.
  3. The current one I am at in the moment. Working for Morrisons, the job itself isnt that bad, have a good laugh with the people that work their. It's just the way that you are spoken to/treated, by the management of the warehouse. Idiots. It's just like being back in school the way we are treated.
  4. Happy Birthday mate, have afew for me!
  5. How do you find breathing with the gimp mask on, Captain Crotchless?
  6. Either going out in Warrington or going to Wigan Pier (no Orwell Jokes Please!). Not too sure yet though, either way, im going to be ratted
  7. http://www.pcworld.co.uk/product.php?sku=2...c_kelkoo_search
  8. Brock what the fuck is up with you? Everytime you come on here you have to mention some bird or other, have you got somehting wrong with you? Desperate to pop the cherry, tbh.
  9. Last time Zog played their for us, he was getting raped everytime. By Wigan Reserves!
  10. Couldnt find anything better on me computer and it was where I was sat at the England Vs Greece game at Old Trafford last month.
  11. Jesus christ, what a total cunt! Im with Mark on this one, attentionseekerrific, tbh.
  12. ....and Freddy's the man for that job. With a team of all Geordie forensic accountants and auditors. *dances in the street with lercal pride*
  13. Where I was sat in level 4 it seemed as though it was kicking off for a while! Only saw 2 people get chucked out in the end.
  14. Why dont you just use Windows Media Player, that plays all CD's.
  15. Couldnt see them letting alot past them either. Build from the back, not the front.
  16. Correct young man. Pitch is in Wales and the Main Stand is in England.
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