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Alan Shearer Is God

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Everything posted by Alan Shearer Is God

  1. I reckon they are signing him based on reputation rather than current ability. He will sell millions of shirts in Asia, then maybe they can BUY players rather than sign free transfers! Gypsies!
  2. Send Harper to them if it means that we will get Boa Morte, we wont be missing much if he goes.
  3. I hear he isnt a 'proper' player though?
  4. Although he is a total cunt - I reckon Dyer. He always seems to raise his game with the captains armband on and also has a very good record as captain with us.
  5. Dont think that they would make you buy a ticket for a game such low key as Yeading, especially as it was only arranged late this week.
  6. What and you're defending Souness because he's doing a great job??? Face it, blind faith is going to get the club nowhere. In another thread someone was saying it maybe it's a good thing we aren't in Europe this season, sorry Gemill, but that's bollocks. Since when it is acceptable to praise mediocrity let alone be content and live with it? To let something important to you slip away? Not in my life. Souness isn't the answer, he's the fucking problem. 7696[/snapback] Getting on the managers back is going to help him and the team do well this season isnt it?
  7. Well done mate - Get another Souness Out thread going. Why not start another post on here about Robert and Bell-end because your just going to get what you want to hear - Sack Souness.
  8. How many times did he slip and get pulled up for hand balls last night? Everytime he came to chest the ball he almost caught it. How did he miss that sitter aswel, even Fumaca could have scored it.
  9. Perfect excuse for Given to want out, no shock today aswel that Arsene has said today that he wants to sign a 'keeper in the next week.
  10. Lets hope that someone is stupid enough to still believe his hype and that he is a class up and coming youngster with the world as his feet!
  11. Downloading it now mate, will tell you what I think of it when its finished
  12. Aye, but your an Aussie and your not good. 4341[/snapback] Aye, but YOU'RE English and you thought they'd beat the Aussie cricket team. 4635[/snapback] We still will Toady, dont you worry about it!
  13. Can't blame him. Can you ? Maybe the dutch lad will be on stream by then ! 5296[/snapback] Can Krul play on the right wing, so that he can replace Bellamy?
  14. hows bloody STUPID can u get ?????????????? somehow i think MURDER is a worse sin than having a bastard. what an idiot! 5327[/snapback] I see your against abortions then........
  15. Thanks, someone had to spoil the day didnt they!!
  16. I take it your on about a certain Mr. Wadsworth - hasnt he been sacked from every managerial job hes had since he left us?
  17. We have a thin squad because FF wont open the cheque book, maybe he is "Keeping The Powder Dry" Souness has obviously identified the players that he wants but FF isnt doing anything about it. This isnt a pro Souness post as I am getting very annoyed with him as our manager now.
  18. Just look at http://www.toontastic.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4 and you can see who is missing off this board who was on the old board.
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