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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. By all accounts every previous memorial for it has been perfectly observed by Celtic fans
  2. 40 years ago today 66 people went to the match and never returned home. We should never forget the fans of all clubs who've lost their lives watching the game we all love. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ibrox_disaster
  3. Just scored his sixth in as many games.
  4. peasepud


    You were in bed by 1, you tart I went to bed at 3, you mong I distinctly remember you being at your place before 01:30, scabbypants I was, i was in my house at 1 15 to be exact. if i had of stayed any longer i wouldnt of got a taxi, smart move on my part, eh davidenkó You fucking ponce, when I was your age, New Years Eve was classed as a washout if you got home before lunchtime. Walking home is part of the night. I remember one NYE walking home from Chapel House to Lemington via Elswick* *Admittedly that means fuck all to anyone not from round here.
  5. Ineresting, will be good to see if Everton fans are right about him.-+
  6. This, QPR don't need to sell for any reason and are in a prime position to come up, only reason he would leave is if he was absolutely desperate for premiership football now. I think it's more likely that he can wait until the summer! exactly why sign for a team thats only guaranteed half a season Premiership football when you can stay where you are, be a hero and get at least a full season next year.
  7. Bye Bye Andy its been emotional.
  8. how do I change my Country? Cant seem to buy Gold membership because it shows me as being USA and doesnt accept my address in billing info
  9. :icon_lol: You're describing about a quarter of all women there like. and Meenzer
  10. Alas not me. Off out about 5ish for pre party drinks, then to a party and hopefully too drunk to type when I get in. Even better awake to the transfer window, a month of madness. Remember: Throw up before you get in the taxi and dont try to get out while its moving. Tell you what kidda, for a dad of a very young bairn you do alright for nights out
  11. peasepud

    New Year

    I remember one year we were in between hooses in West Denton of aal places and we were outside what was Presto's as the bell turned to 12, fuck knows how we planned that. No one knew the words to Auld Lang Syne, so we ended up singing Howay the lads Howay, for 2 minutes pissed in the freezing cold. Should auld acquaintance be forgot, Der der der, Dah dah dah dah..... Ha'way the lads, Ha'way the lads Ha-ha'way the lads, Ha'way!! (And before you all start, I couldn't give a fuck if the Mackems put 'haway' and we've got 'howay' in the tunnel, I once had a hat with 'ha'way' on it from the club shop wich used to be a portacabin when the Milburn stand was the West stand so I'm taking historical precedence here, and be honest, do you say 'ha' as in happy or 'ho' as in Merry Christmas, HO-HO-HO?) What shop? The proper shop the supporters club shop opposite The Travellers Rest, I had a scarf that said HOWay The Lads, and if you think about it, you say the How in Howay, like you'd say say "how's that like?" The way mackems say it is more like "heyway", just ring CT up he'll show ye. about 1989, I'm sure it was still there when the Milburn was built, it used to sell tickets and doubled up as Magpie travel with fat Stan with the beard the main 'steward' on the bus, (auld Stevie used to go in them days do a song and come round with his cap for some spending money and to try and bum some tabs off people). Anyway, we tend to pronounce it (phonetically) 'HA-where the lads' where the mackems who try to be Geordies phonetically say HA-wey the lads. I seriously don't know anyone who says, (in real life), HO as in hoe. I remember it well, used to be opposite the back of the Milburn just next to the top gate. It was basically about 2 portakabins together.
  12. That's nowt Theres a video of Stevie doing the same thing as a backpass!
  13. Show me one person who doesn't think he's a great signing.
  14. peasepud

    New Year

    Staying in and having steak. I think I was about 21 when I last went out on the lash for New Year, generally it's been out for a meal on NYE.
  15. Whoa there! I've not voted 'yes' It's up there with guyliner and Justin Bieber haircuts in the 'completely fucking unnecessary' category if you ask me. You want to put your stuff somewhere when you go to bed? That's what bedside tables are for. Proof if any were needed, that its not even acceptable for a woman to use.
  16. Unfortunately it only works on the later version, something we'll need to shell out for. We did talk about it a while ago and have some of the money put aside so we'll have a look into it.
  17. We're ganning off topic here lads, can we stick to speculating on how mental the thread starter actually is?
  18. As Im at work I have my webpage dragged over to the left to stop the dodgy avas being seen, I read the first two lines and thought Christmas Tree..... how wrong I was but the username explains it all.
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