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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Anyone see her on that Teen Sex programme last night? obviously it was on in the background like Before they even said her name I remarked on how much she looked like him unlucky lass
  2. Trying to avoid a bollocking at the AGM? Basically I reckon so, he knows fine well that 90% of whats wrong with the current setup is him so hes getting out of the firing line. He'll still run things from the background as he always has done. Surely its only a few months until the elections isn't it? I believe the last ones were in March. My fear for this years elections is over some of the dubious 'personalities' who might stand instead and benefit from the mess that's gone on this year. Arent elections every two years? Previously Ive thought the same re personalities however having spoke a number of times to probably the main one we can all think of I have to admit that should he stand he would definitely do a better job. He definitely has the interests of the Trust at heart when you hear him talk about it.
  3. Trying to avoid a bollocking at the AGM? Basically I reckon so, he knows fine well that 90% of whats wrong with the current setup is him so hes getting out of the firing line. He'll still run things from the background as he always has done.
  4. This. Something to have in mind is that should things start to look like theyre not going right then those involved are amazing. Little fella was induced, took about 18 hours I think for it to work but then when it did he was suddenly legging it out. In the space of about 10 minutes Ellie went from about 4cm to 10, she was on the gas and air and just generally pissed as a fart while midwife did her checks. Anyway during the checks midwife just casually said "hmmm Im not 100% happy here but dont worry" pressed a button (in the room not in Ellie!) and suddenly the place filled with people all with their own job and all knowing exactly what needed to be done. Consultant took a look, said she wanted him out pronto and everyone including Ellie and the bed were gone. Just me standing in an empty room! 30 seconds later, nurse legs it in and says "what you doing here, get in there", kits me up in wellies and gown and launches me into a theatre. They decided to have one go at natural before doing C section and within a couple of minutes George was here. Like Mac says though, cutting the cord just went out the window.
  5. Bit above their level isn't he? they should stick to trying to lure Fuller. A think Fuller is a name banded about by people in hope it eases there envy a little bit Im getting the word Pennywell.
  6. hmmmmm I thought that with George too, Countdown comes on and hes glued to the box, taking in every minute detail and watching intently then I realised what it was he even goes all shy when she looks into the camera
  7. You need help with that profile pic Your wit just cuts through a thread like a hot knife through concrete.
  8. Thing is there are many legitimate thoughts and concerns here but are you lot going ot the AGM? its the only chance you'll have to get your point across.
  9. One of the rules of being a Trust is that you must appoint an independent auditor, the reappointment will simply be rubber stamping them for another year.
  10. I can see the point on the beer but a library ffs I know Im always cynical and you tend to try and find the good points but all I can see is this being done purposefully to ensure we dont have time to spend on what should easily have been an hours worth of AOB on its own. 6 -7 on a Monday is a piss take
  11. Arguing with a heemersex?
  12. And Ive got a tenner, I can buy your momas ass
  13. would be worth it just to see that parked up on Grey Street
  14. leave Talksport alone, its not that bad.
  15. Surely we should have sorted the replacement out first and then loaned out Routledge. What happens if our move falls down?
  16. peasepud


    At 92 minutes on Sunday, half of them wanted him gone. And at 94 they were proclaiming him a God
  17. I attempted to find out however I was allowed to look at the spreadsheet but they wouldnt give me details of figures when I requested them. So basically all I was able to confirm that the spreadsheet they had did not include any of the names I knew of that hadnt renewed. As the spreadsheet basically included everyone who held a share I asked that they break down the figures and tell me how many were eligible voting members, they refused yet we are expected to pull together 20% of an unknown figure for any vote of no-confidence. Supporters Direct still havent got back to me with any answer but saying that theyre as much use in a disagreement as Douglas Bader would be up front for the Toon. Allegedly though the total number of members (Full Adult, OAP, Unwaged, Child and associate member) is around 1500.
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