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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. So far so good for me. Has hit the ground running and coped well given the circumstances of his arrival and the fact that his own career had stuttered so badly. Hearing players comments in the press would suggest he is having a positive impact on training. (I particularly like the way we have started to try new things at free kicks). I am also pleased that he is getting our current squad tied down. I think the communication with the journalist, and so us, is better than it has been since Keegan. The bottom line will be whether this "Kernt" that people talk about will appear once he has his feet under the table. Hopefully he has learnt from his mistakes and realises what a magnificent opportunity he now has. No need for you to respond CT. Your positive spin on any and every event, even stretching so far as to contradict your own initial gut reaction has given you a Comical Ali persona. When everything is brilliant you can't really be constructive. Which bit is the spin? The players positive comments re the improvements in training? Tying down Ben Arfa, Barton etc? Improved communications with the press. I think the truth is that you have dug yourself so deep into the trenches and cant see that the war is actually over. No need for you to respond Happy. I must have missed that one like cos nothings signed yet as far as I know. Do you believe Barton or Ben Arfa wouldnt have signed under Hughton considering it was him that brought him here? Can you give me an example of these improved comms? I didnt see any problem with Hughton and so far none with Pardew. I think peoples view of your spin is that pre Pardew you were all for Hughton even having the foresight to back him when the rest of us had reservations. Now hes been replaced you see everything done by the new guy as being better than CH.
  2. going off around Gosforth way at the minute?
  3. I did want to change the logo but when I couldnt find the font I gave up
  4. I know someone who would benefit from that if its still there mate.
  5. a ) Australia b ) Blackpool
  6. Can the committee please tell us why the haven't bought a pub yet? Its unlikely they'd get the mortgage, what with the debts n shit.
  7. Yep, we desperately need an injury prone, overpaid waste of space to cover our injury prone, overpaid waste of space.
  8. Dont you mean WW2? A time when many children didnt have parents or prospects? Your first Stokoeshop is on page 2 of Google search for 'Stokoe' I know, maybe a more moralistic one would have been preferable
  9. Dont you mean WWII? A time when many children didnt have parents or prospects?
  10. tbh Rob I think its the opposite, too much focus on hiding away in a room whittling a plan to buy the club without remembering the important stuff ie the members and general view of the organisation. They could have the greatest plan ever to raise the funds, they could have agreement from Ashley that he'll sell however without the trust of the general fanbase then theyve no chance of getting the funds together. Add in petty disagreements and a chairman whos as trustworthy as a Jeremy Kyle guest and you've got a recipe for disaster.
  11. From my understanding the promotion aspect is nothing different to what the Mag and True Faith get ie a link on the website. SW sent a link he wanted which involved a Nuts style image of a lass in a Toon top. The offer of a page (it might even have been 2 pages I cant remember fully) was then knocked back with a fairly snotty email using the image as the reason, not the content of the mag itself but the image he wanted as a link. Now I totally agree that the image was not right for the Trusts website but thats no reason to lose valuable advertising space, simply tell them they have to use a different image. There was no attempt at that though. SW has given a fair bit of promotion to the Trust, a slot on the weekly radio show being one, all of which came without any strings or requests for promotion however as soon as it came to the Trust giving the rightful backlink which frankly is nothing more than any site deserves (this one included but we'll come onto that in a minute) they refused. This is where we have a conflict of interest with Mark J, you cannot be the chairman of an organisation such as this and then be involved in decisions which have some, albeit slight, bearing on your private business. When one board member made this observation he was threatened with legal action and is now currently suspended, all for daring to criticize the chair. Thats the bigger issue, that they will happily lose the experience and skills of probably the hardest working member of that board because he said something against the chairman. The Wraith thing however goes far deeper and more sinister than just a backlink, its my understanding that MJ is using his influence to stifle the competition with some pretty underhand tactics and although these do not involve the Trust its not the way the chair should be acting especially when the businesses involved are directly related to the Trust ie fanzines of the football club. As for toontastic, one of the reasons why Bill Corcoran resigned was that he had no knowledge of many of the Trusts actions and was ignored when asking about certain things. This got to the point where he even had to use the "Ask the Trust" feature to try and find out answers! One question he had been asking many times and never got an answer on was why Toontastic had been dropped from that list of "friends". Toontastic has been on there from the start mainly because as a whole this site has been a promoter of the Trust but also because of the amount of work I personally put into it. Its only fair that any site which provides promotion gets its backlink from the Trust, ours was removed one day and no amount of questioning from Bill got an answer why. He finally got one the other day, seemingly I personally requested the links removal which frankly is bollocks. This however seems to have moved focus slightly, the argument isnt Jensen or Wraith because thats not even on the table as I believe that SW has no intention of ever running for a position on the board. My original post about Steve W being ok wasnt meant as a promotion of him for the job and as much as I said earlier that I have time for him hes not the person I would vote for given the chance, theres a dozen Newcastle fans way more qualified and better suited. That list doesnt include me however CT, sorry
  12. It appears that the reshuffle was decided (as usual) by a section of the board as at least one board member only found out about it when he read it on here! Says it all really. How can you expect to run a democratic organisation when half the committee doesnt have knowledge of major things such as this. MJ was elected by the board as chair. Surely if he drops out then they need to have a quick show of hands to elect a new one?
  13. Trying to avoid a bollocking at the AGM? Basically I reckon so, he knows fine well that 90% of whats wrong with the current setup is him so hes getting out of the firing line. He'll still run things from the background as he always has done. Surely its only a few months until the elections isn't it? I believe the last ones were in March. My fear for this years elections is over some of the dubious 'personalities' who might stand instead and benefit from the mess that's gone on this year. Arent elections every two years? Previously Ive thought the same re personalities however having spoke a number of times to probably the main one we can all think of I have to admit that should he stand he would definitely do a better job. He definitely has the interests of the Trust at heart when you hear him talk about it. Really? Why did he take no part in the founding of either NUSC or NUST when all the other fanzines (even those who later withdrew) invested time and money in it? Did he have NUST's best interests at heart when he was asking for free publicity for his fanzine in order to give the NUST a mention? What about when they told him he couldn't have it as they didn't offer it to any of the other fanzines in exchange for a space and, in seeming retaliation, he allowed people who we know to have previously helped broadcast the private telephone numbers of committee members to begin writing vindictive personal attacks on members of the current board (whom they've never even met). Did he have their best interests at heart when Colin Whittle and others were trying to set up a Trust back in the nineties and instead of backing that project he chose to accept a job with the club; one engineered by Freddie Fletcher and one which basically killed any chance of proper supporter representation as the role was in reality nothing but a name? He has described this, in his own words as: "very happy years at the club"...for him, I'm sure. Sorry but I'm not convinced that he's done anything but sit back and watch other people build the Trust before picking his moment. Frankly; the day NUST starts running talk-ins with Cass Pennat is the day I give up on it altogether. Feuding between fanzine personalities has been the central cause of nearly everything that's gone wrong with the NUST in the past year and, I'm willing to bet, the reason for the gradual withdrawal of effective communication as people put backs to the wall in the face of vindictive personal attacks. As I've said before, for this reason nobody associated with the running of a fanzine will be getting my vote in future under any circumstances. While we're at it; scrap the position of chairman. Internal politics was not what NUST was supposed to be about. Dont get me wrong Ive always been a critic of SW however after having spent a little time with him and had a couple of dealings I can see that hes not as bad as he comes across. Thats not me endorsing him for the board either btw or even the thought he would want to go for it because I had believed he would have done last year. I think what Im getting at is that in a toss up between him and Jensen then theres no contest for me and thats a worry considering I would have classed Mark as a friend and ally in the past.
  14. You went to school with tough guy?
  15. Trying to avoid a bollocking at the AGM? Basically I reckon so, he knows fine well that 90% of whats wrong with the current setup is him so hes getting out of the firing line. He'll still run things from the background as he always has done. Surely its only a few months until the elections isn't it? I believe the last ones were in March. My fear for this years elections is over some of the dubious 'personalities' who might stand instead and benefit from the mess that's gone on this year. Arent elections every two years? Previously Ive thought the same re personalities however having spoke a number of times to probably the main one we can all think of I have to admit that should he stand he would definitely do a better job. He definitely has the interests of the Trust at heart when you hear him talk about it. Isnt that one of the problems though that people are more interested in a proper supporters club and not the trust nonsense. Obviously my view but seems to have been expressed a few times in this thread by others lately as well. When I said Trust I meant the organisation overall rather than the pipe dream and I would agree with your view.
  16. just in case anyone thinks Im making it up http://sexperienceuk.channel4.com/the-joy-...t/the-show#ruth
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