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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I hinted at it earlier but I felt her attitude along with Mr Tucks was quite disgraceful. Contempt shown for certain members when they questioned things and an aggresive attitude. totally agree The revelations of how this debt was occurred was staggering. One man (thankfully no longer associated with the Trust) acting alone and given free reign to negotiate with NJC media almost bankrupting the organisation as a result. That this was allowed to happen is, in my view, inexcusable (although its important to point out that this apprently all occurred before the current board were elected). Again I alluded to this with my question however Mr Jensen kept schtum when I asked if the person was alone in the meetings. The simple fact is that he wasnt, who was with him? Mr Jensen now if anyone would have been seen as having the necessary authority it would have been MJ. As much as I never really got on with the person in question I feel hes been made a scapegoat to get MJ off the hook. It staggered me that we could pay x thousands for advetising yet not know what it was we were paying for! As a member of the board at the time that was my belief, in the little snippets the rest of us were given it was made out that this was a campaign ran by us with the support of the Chron
  2. peasepud


    Are you a commis chef like?
  3. peasepud


    Well there's a £5. Aye but then theres the advertising that was taken out, 6 weeks of full page adverts in the Ronnie so currently we're starting FCUN with a deficit of £40k...oh minus the fiver though so thats -£39,995
  4. I still believe the decision to sell was made weeks ago, a deal with Spurs all but signed then Liverpool came in and started waving their dole money about which couldnt be ignored.
  5. Head turned, nothing we could do etc etc interestingly in trying to find what he actually said about Given I found this little nugget on a thread here which quoted the infamous Lee Ryder interview: sound familiar? I think the first part is most telling, after saying all that about N'Zog we then put in a last minute bid for him?
  6. I can well believe its true however its not desperation its putting on a show, if they'd accepted the bid then Llambrinis arse would have dropped and they'd have found another reason to not go through with it. Worryingly however I think the choice of purchase will have been Pardews but the implementation the chairmans. They simply didnt want to be seen as not trying to spend the cash.
  7. I agree with everything other than the spite bit, I think zero decisions are based on spite, he would have done the same things even if he had a great rapport with the fans. I think he enjoys doing them even more knowing hes pissing us off but thats different.
  8. That is the crux of it but I understand why Michael got worked up over it. At the end of the day we have 1,100+ actual paying members of which 18 made it to the AGM, many of those members are OOT so fair enough but out of at least 600 locals we have 18 who managed to turn up. 18 people who care enough about how the Trust is ran and the future of the only vehicle we can have for fans ownership. Allegedly 5000 people replied to their survey, 65% of which said they would invest at least £5000 in any club purchase, are we seriously going to believe that they will stick their hand in the pocket when we couldnt manage to get a higher turnout than 1.6% of the membership to turn up to the Annual Meeting? I slated the choice of venue and time/date because I believe it was ridiculous and excluded many members from getting there on time however even at a better time Id be surprised if we would have doubled the attendees. Anyway thats my rant over. The meeting was, as expected a bit of a farce. New chairman Norman gave his speech which gloated about how we had managed to gain 75 new members in the last month including 10 new lifetime memberships. I would love to see the background to this, what in the last month has made 75 people think "thats an organisation I want to be part of"? The only times its been mentioned has been to slate it for its lack of doing anything other than piss off its members. What he failed to include in that little stat was we'd lost 50% of the members in the preceeding 4 months. He went on to say how we had a debt from YWC of £9000 owing to the Chronicle but due to some "exceptional fundraising" we had paid off £7000 so far and had agreement to pay the remaining by end of March. The accounts however only showed £2000 being raised by fundraising, when questioned on this he admitted the other £5k had been paid for with members subscriptions. The subject of resignations and suspensions came up and was basically brushed under the carpet, members have a right to know why the people they elected are not happy with the state of things and have a basic right as members to question that and receive honest answers. When tackled about how the members forum had been taken down for maintenance I was given a fob off answer about it falling over and the person responsible for the site not being in the country for two weeks! Something which I have on good authority is absolute bollocks but just shows the contempt in which the board holds its members. The worst bit about the whole evening though was watching peoples faces, 2 members of the committee sneered their way through that meeting, replying to members questions with contempt and deriding many of the views put forward. Thats not how you meet with your membership and its not how you deal with the very people who voted you in there in the first place. I didnt even get onto the subject of toontastic and its removal from the "friends" list, according to the person responsible, firstly I requested it and then following a backtrack gave the statement "its supporters and sponsors so why would it be on there in the first place?" this site has done more to promote the Trust than any other, thats the simple fact and for all the work I personally put in (as well as that of Tom_NUFC and the other 3 members of the interim board who were members here) it should have been our "reward" just as the Mag, True Faith and nufc.com get.
  9. In the cold light of day my thoughts are that £35m for a player who has one England cap and half a season in the Premiership under his belt, is fucking mental. Especially when you look at the baggage that player comes with. Drinking, court cases, getting on the wrong side of local gangsters etc. Problem is twofold, firstly it might as well have been £300m because the figure is immaterial to the club. We didnt go on a spending spree and we wont go on one in August. The squad is now 2 players shorter than it already was and we are a laughing stock..again. secondly, it sends out a message, that this club has no ambition, as many were saying on here yesterday, whichever way it went would be a clear statement of intent, if he'd stayed then we intend to slowly strengthen and make our way up the table, improving season after season. If sold, then we are just looking to make whatever profit we can when we can and are willing to gamble on the clubs future in the process. Its not just about whether we can score goals without Andy Carroll its whether we are a viable prospect to other players and we are not, to be fair we werent beforehand but now we are clearly a club that says "play for us and you'll not win owt, you'll be part of a canny team setup and good dressing room but at the end of the day, the next big payday is the job afer this". The most disappointing thing of it though is the manner of it all. The pretending that he wasnt for sale while touting him around but more importantly not hunting out a replacement while doing so. The forcing of a local lad to slap in a transfer request to make the MD look better. The no doubt wailing and wringing of hands from Llambias that is to come "oh how we tried to keep him but the lure of bigger money turned his head" etc etc I recommend that anyone who doubts the last para go back two years ago and look at the events of the Given transfer and see just how closely they mirror this one. If we had done what other clubs do in these cases, bought players over the last week or so to bolster our squad including a Premiership quality striker then fair enough, spending £20m on the team, strengthening key areas and ensuring we werent left light by his loss would have made this a whole lot more palatable.
  10. editor of the mag fanzine i think Aye No, editor of Toontalk and Number 9, owner of media events company Players Inc and generally in with a number of players past and present. Ive left out the "media whore" and mate of the Krays bits cos theyre not really relevant in this case Hes the bald one....in the suit....
  11. Didn't you say he was going to Spurs, oh mystic meg?! I said that Spurs would have been well aware of our stance ie that we were willing to sell and how much, the fact Liverpool trumped them on the day and they understandably didnt want to go over the £35m mark couldnt have been predicted.
  12. 6pm transfer deadline day in a hard to find building in town. And they looked surprised when I questioned their reasons.....
  13. No pub then? Are you saying only 18 people turned up?????????? He sure is, Ill add to this with my views in the morning.
  14. aythangoooo Im not going to do a Leazes but that is something Ive said all along, hes not done it in anything like the way I expected ie a fire sale and leaving us screwed but bit by bit hes taking the money he "invested" and doesnt give a fuck what it does to the club. The same will happen with Ben Arfa, Tiote and anyone else that looks good, once a good offer comes in they'll be sold and a lower quality signing replace them on the hope the same happens again. At some stage he'll sell us for £200m and end up about £100m in profit with no thought for what its done to our club. Lets just hope thats before its too late.
  15. For a little light relief I recommend going back to about page 5 of this thread and reading peoples views earlier today. Its uplifting. Now I just need to find the posts from the same people slating me for saying Carroll was going in December.
  16. Like I say before we all darken his name further we should wait and see what comes out.
  17. You could at least say if it explains why he was unable to say No Thanks. As that is the basis of 99% of what I have then it would be a bit counter productive! however this belief people have that players can just say "fuck my career, Im not letting the fans down" needs to be dispelled. One look at Xisco should be enough, theres no way that kid isnt good enough to get into our or many other teams yet hes been made to sit and rot on the sidelines. Aye but Carroll is a much bigger name than Xisco. Not to mention that if they left him to rot then his transfer value would be about 10% of what Liverpool were offering. But without Carrolls agreement then the transfer fee would be zero.
  18. Ashleys accountant has just shot his load.
  19. Wasnt it Ireland we wanted from Man City but didnt think to include him in the Given deal? Groundhog day, then they'll make a big thing about how they tried for him but Liverpool wouldnt play ball. Michael Johnson wasn't it? Aye. Tried to sign him and Kieran Richardson in the last hour. Thats the fella, it was all a farce though, deal with City was agreed 2 weeks previously yet we didnt think to say "we'd like that player of yours as part of the deal"
  20. Wasnt it Ireland we wanted from Man City but didnt think to include him in the Given deal? Groundhog day, then they'll make a big thing about how they tried for him but Liverpool wouldnt play ball.
  21. You could at least say if it explains why he was unable to say No Thanks. As that is the basis of 99% of what I have then it would be a bit counter productive! however this belief people have that players can just say "fuck my career, Im not letting the fans down" needs to be dispelled. One look at Xisco should be enough, theres no way that kid isnt good enough to get into our or many other teams yet hes been made to sit and rot on the sidelines.
  22. Im not posting it because as I say, its not my place and would cause problems to those involved, I was simply told the info from a 100% reliable and connected source but basically it backs up the Redknapp statement. Ive PMd what I have to 3 people only so that they can verify at a later date I wasnt talking bollocks or slate me to everyone should it turn out to be bollocks.
  23. The one thing that wont be cleared up is the fact he didnt say NO! We'll see Have you heard something like, Peter? Yep, it's not my place to print the specifics but there's no way Carroll is going to allow himself to be the Cunt in this As an aside iPhone autocorrect changes cunt to Cynthia
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