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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Good point which I agree with. Yes, I would join, but I would want it to start with a clean sheet, so not constantly complaining about yesterday, but hoping about tomorrow. Thats what I was meaning when I said I think that should it take off and become a large organisation then the last point becomes very difficult to avoid but it would be something that is tackled at the time (with the inclusion of the members). If it got to that stage then I would hope it doesnt comment on anything minor but only the big things, Carroll sale an example. To facilitate this though I would love to see what I (unsuccessfully) tried to implement with NUST, a part of the members website that has simple polls like we do in threads here which is then used to gauge the general feel of the membership before making comment. Rather than a chairman being called at 5pm on Monday night and asked what the SCs view is on the Carroll sale and him having to guess the general view he/she would be able to take a look at the current poll and say "well at this point in time it appears that our members arent happy about it". No definitive statement just a current view. Id also hope that it could build links with the club, having the chance to talk to them about problems, what I mean by that is if fans have problems with facilities at SJP etc then the SC should be the place to collate them and raise through dealings with the club. Again something that appears to have been lost on NUST and is probably long gone now with the loss of Bill who had a good relationship with Simon Esland at the club.
  2. I'd heard rumblings of this but dismissed it. Got no issues with Ashley doing the scousers over for an additional £10m but if its true then it clearly shows we had no intention of buying a replacement and yet again the clubs version of events would be shown to be lies.
  3. Turns out there'd been a power outage in Maidenhead which is where the servers are stored, affected many many sites seemingly. All seems to be well now.
  4. has refused to sign his contract and is now waiting to see what develops seemingly.
  5. This season, just behind Leon Best Next season, Old Trafford
  6. If we had an organisation that wasnt tied up with the dream of buying the club, wasnt political in the slightest and generally had no ambitions to force changes, speak to the press etc But instead organised away trips, get togethers, talk ins and generally just created a togetherness of fans Would you join?
  7. All crime and ASB 33 Burglary 3 Anti-social behaviour 18 Robbery 0 Vehicle crime 0 Violent crime 4 Other crime 8 hmmm the bother at Guthries house that time is down as being "Other" is that likely to make it drugs?
  8. I hear this blokes still free
  9. :( :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: For once I'm in agreement with CT. I wouldn't trust that lot with emptying the bins. no disagreement here like
  10. No idea if this has been said in any of the other 30 Carroll threads but has anyone else heard rumblings that the £35m is payable in instalments?
  11. Tbf he never said he was delighted with the move. As an aside Carroll is living with Nolans dad
  12. I thought it was accepted that he had been touted round as available. I know SpivHarry said it and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere You dont get £35m for a player being touted round for sale. As i have said before, i only say things as i see them but the likelihood of that being true is 0% in my opinion. My understanding of this back in December was that the club had made it clear to other clubs they would only listen to offers over £20m, any less and they werent interested so dont bother knocking. This was the basis of my posts previous and why I said it was a done deal re the discussions at the Spuds game. Thats not touting for sale its merely making your position clear, people are wasting their time trying to bid less but talk our kind of numbers and you may get a deal. And that 'position' being clarified would have been a 'response' to hostile bids for the player. Not the other way round, otherwise no offer would ever get to £20m, they'd all be under that. I disagree, the world doesnt operate on this strict cycle that you're making out. Chairmen talk, owners know each other etc etc there will be conversations over a brandy, chats on the phone about unrelated issues. If I remember correctly thats how Cole ended up at Man U, Ferguson was talking to KK about another player and cheekily said something along the lines of "how much for Andy" where he was told a price that KK felt was too good to turn down. Next thing you know hes gone. Even if it is as a result of a "hostile bid" that doesnt mean the price drops, club A bids £10m and is told you wont listen to offers of under £20m (which I believe happened earlier last month with Spurs didnt it?) that in itself alerts other clubs but you're not touting him. I love my Vectra its only worth a grand but its the car Ive had for years and Im attached to it. You offer me £500 and I'll tell you to shove it, if you bug me to buy and ask what would it take to sell then I'll say £1300. If you then offer me £1500 I'll snap your hand off. Thats not the same as placing an ad in the Autotrader for £1k ono. Will you take James Perch ? I said it was worth a grand fuckin tyrekickers
  13. Well I don't think it'll be blown to appease the fans, to allay some of your fears. N'Zogbia..... 12m.... At anyone believing that bid was genuine tbh. at anyone who would be appeased with that deal.
  14. I would agree that if a club physically goes out and says "we want to sell this player" then its a buyers market and if you value him at 5m you'll probably get offers for less than that.
  15. I thought it was accepted that he had been touted round as available. I know SpivHarry said it and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere You dont get £35m for a player being touted round for sale. As i have said before, i only say things as i see them but the likelihood of that being true is 0% in my opinion. My understanding of this back in December was that the club had made it clear to other clubs they would only listen to offers over £20m, any less and they werent interested so dont bother knocking. This was the basis of my posts previous and why I said it was a done deal re the discussions at the Spuds game. Thats not touting for sale its merely making your position clear, people are wasting their time trying to bid less but talk our kind of numbers and you may get a deal. And that 'position' being clarified would have been a 'response' to hostile bids for the player. Not the other way round, otherwise no offer would ever get to £20m, they'd all be under that. I disagree, the world doesnt operate on this strict cycle that you're making out. Chairmen talk, owners know each other etc etc there will be conversations over a brandy, chats on the phone about unrelated issues. If I remember correctly thats how Cole ended up at Man U, Ferguson was talking to KK about another player and cheekily said something along the lines of "how much for Andy" where he was told a price that KK felt was too good to turn down. Next thing you know hes gone. Even if it is as a result of a "hostile bid" that doesnt mean the price drops, club A bids £10m and is told you wont listen to offers of under £20m (which I believe happened earlier last month with Spurs didnt it?) that in itself alerts other clubs but you're not touting him. I love my Vectra its only worth a grand but its the car Ive had for years and Im attached to it. You offer me £500 and I'll tell you to shove it, if you bug me to buy and ask what would it take to sell then I'll say £1300. If you then offer me £1500 I'll snap your hand off. Thats not the same as placing an ad in the Autotrader for £1k ono.
  16. Under AN Other owner I would have seen this as a fantastic bit of scouse mugging especially considering his off the field problems. As our current squad stands £35m spent on 4 or 5 quality additions to the team would have seen us looking upwards, instead by selling and not bringing anyone in we're looking over our shoulders.
  17. I thought it was accepted that he had been touted round as available. I know SpivHarry said it and I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere You dont get £35m for a player being touted round for sale. As i have said before, i only say things as i see them but the likelihood of that being true is 0% in my opinion. My understanding of this back in December was that the club had made it clear to other clubs they would only listen to offers over £20m, any less and they werent interested so dont bother knocking. This was the basis of my posts previous and why I said it was a done deal re the discussions at the Spuds game. Thats not touting for sale its merely making your position clear, people are wasting their time trying to bid less but talk our kind of numbers and you may get a deal.
  18. Apologies if Im repeating what others have said, Ive not had time to catch up on this thread. Not sure if its a misquote but I remember Pardew stating yesterday that after the Liverpool offer AC said he wanted to renegotiate his contract to make him the highest paid player at the club. Now ignoring the values involved and the fact that the statement doesnt give us any then that in itself is not an unreasonable request. AN Other club values him as the 7th most expensive player ever and they dont value any of our other players in that way then he can legitimately expect to be rewarded accordingly. If another company made an offer to take me on and said they felt I was hugely important to the future of their company then Id expect to be well paid for it. If I liked where I worked however and then looked around and saw other employees (say for instance A.Smith in accounts) who were being paid 30,40,50% more than me but who were never at work or didnt bother when they were here then I'd feel aggrieved and would expect for my loyalty that Id be better paid than them. IF AC has gone in and said "I dont want to leave but if they value me at this then surely I should be paid more than Mr Smith in accounts, give me a more than him and I'll stay" then I dont think thats unreasonable at all. If however he said "they want me at Liverpool, treble my wages or Im off" then I can understand our reluctance to pay it if his demand meant doubling the wage ceiling we've set as that has a knock on effect. It still boils down though to the fact you cannot build a successful team with such a tight wage structure as we have.
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