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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. This is going to be his grannies all over again isnt it?
  2. Do our players not bother with training today? Surely Simpson shouldnt have time for a trip down the smoke to watch Man U play a game? unless hes off with Pardew to do some research?
  3. Sadly, in Jacks case it is terminal and the reason hes at home is to die with his family. Theyre from Scunthorpe I believe but top work from Ferdinand there, the fact that all the while people were tweeting him telling him to help Jack out Rio was actually on the phone to them and playing FIFA with the lads older brother gives you a better feeling about footballers.
  4. Fucking Simpsons taking the piss now
  5. Have you ever thought that maybe the 1st statement has a bearing on the 2nd? Just a thought like, you know, sometimes people like a reciprocal agreement on the #ff's
  6. just a post in here to say you want it killed off/ merged with another will do.
  7. Great, get him a new contract! Id simply say "Hoo Joey, Dekka called your mum a slag."
  8. Anyone else think Enrique deal is part of Carroll one? "35m and first dibs on Enrique"
  9. Laughable i think your defence of ashley is laughable. in fact, i'm wondering whether you really are a toon fan or a WUM given i've never met a single supporter that shares your view. we've got the shittest billionaire ever to run a football club. Bold bit. You could be right, but my whole opinion is based on the premis that, thank God we have a billionaire, thick/shit or not. It's sad really, to be honest the real majority "hate" for Ashley stems not from his percieved "lack of ambition" (which we'll see for real this summer, or not) it's all because he fucked off "the Messiah" and if people where honest with themsleves, they'd admit it. (I don't include LM in that BTW, he's in firmly the "lack of ambition/trust" camp and is too grown up for the worship). The fact he has had to "cut the cloth" (or has chosen to) is just another stick to beat him with because "he upset Kevin". The reality is he's ploughed a HUGE amount of his own money in, yet it's still not enough Thats bollocks or at least it is in my case. I hate him because in almost everything he does I can see the motive, the selling of players at the last minute to avoid buying replacements. The renaming of the club to SD as a "favour" to showcase the NUFC brand. The lies and the requirement for our chairman to spout on about how the great Mike has saved us time and time again. The dragging of our club down to his tacky level, chairman running naked over the pitch for a bet. More importantly though, I hate him and his cronies for turning us into the laughing stock of the premiership, if not the country.
  10. Id agree everything except the bit in bold. We are an attractive prospect to players looking to further their career. Unfortunately its not the types of players that will help NUFC. Championship players, lower league Europeans and those with a "dodgy record" who otherwise would have little chance of playing in the Prem now see coming here as their chance and hopefully for them if they do ok they'll get to move to another "bigger" club. Sometimes it will work, Ben Arfa will likely be an excellent example of the "dodgy record" ones, players who appear to be so skillful its unbelievable yet for some reason havent been snapped up by Man U, Arsenal etc. Keep his nose clean here and they'll be fighting to sign him. The Ben Arfas and Tiotes of this world are the ones that will pee me off the most, watch them for a season, marvel at the silky skills and then be devasted the season after when they tear us apart for some other club. Sometimes I think Id prefer not to have seen them in Black and White at all, at least then I wouldnt know exactly what I was losing.
  11. Sorry but in a thread about yet another player leaving you talk about us tying players down? Where? Ive not seen any example of this. We may be extending contracts but only an idiot would assume this is simply to ensure the player stays with us.
  12. Im afraid you're going to be disappointed on two counts.
  13. I know what your saying pud and its fair enough he's had far too many chances and fucked most of them up but this time we've seen our best player sold for a huge amount of money. Looks likely another one of our players is leaving for a decent figure....this time he has NO excuse if he doesnt reinvest with quality. This really is last chance saloon. and what? we cant even organise a good anti-Ashley chant now hes fucked off the singing section. The only thing that will change is some of the remaining optimists (such as yourself) will realise what he is, 2 weeks later he'll buy someone a pint or Dekka will come out with some bollocks about pushing forward, balance sheet looking better etc and half of you will be back on board.
  14. One last chance....until the next last chance time after time after time we say this is their last chance. Hes set himself up a bar tab in last chance saloon.
  15. Remind me again what the other alternatives are then? 1.Sold against will 2.Request transfer 3.?
  16. Do a Spurs? More likely we'll do a Derby.
  17. QFT I might as well save us all the hassle and code this into the forum. Anytime someone posts a transfer related thread, post this as the answer and close thread. Job Done.
  18. I think "close to signing" is a bit rich, he had a medical, was shown round the training ground and then asked "so will you accept a grand a week?....no?....get stuffed then"
  19. Am sure that is an issue but a much more simplistic view would say the reason he 'wants away' is because someone else 'wants him'. I really dont understand how anyone can say that Enrique has decided in the last 2 months to leave the club because of the shit owners What planet has he been living on for the last 2 years? Has he just realised they are wankers? Nah. The reason he wants away is because his performances have alerted other clubs to his quality and his agent is advising him not to re-sign with us. The idea that Enrique has just realised the extent of the ambition of the club doesnt make much sense to me. The two go hand in hand though, his performances have alerted other clubs and he knows he has no chance of winning anything at all ever as long as hes here. If we showed ambition then he may well have stayed.
  20. so lets get this straight, the plan is hopefully to sell one of the countries best Left Backs and replace him with someone better. Good luck with that like.
  21. I think the arcade should go, at least in the short term. All of the games on it are available elsewhere on the net so still playable but the idea of our arcade was to get tournaments going etc. If thats not happening then we might as well save the space. I know I used to use it loads but havent touched it for well over a year.
  22. http://northernleagueday.wordpress.com/
  23. Unlike us Villa would be smart enough to have a clause in his loan that doesn't give him the opportunity to score against them. I believe it's now a prem league rule that you can't play against your "home" club. In Irelands case it appears to be against any club
  24. If you're under 30 years of age, or so, you can't be anything other than a so called "fairweather bandwagon jumper". Depends if you then stopped going once the good times had gone.
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