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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I see UtdForNewcastle are now realising that theyve been had. Its a shame because theyve worked hard on it but doing what they did played right into Dekkas hands.
  2. ahem I was right about a vast number of things. Hideously wrong about relegation from Champiosnhip, I'll give you that like
  3. ahhh vital football, the only thing thats vital is the pinch of salt,
  4. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/7615655.stm so thats 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 at £20m per year with another 20m this year and next and the year after. Now to me the words "bank roll" mean give, not lend. Thats backed up by the last sentence ending with "and not expect anything back". Again if you dont expect anything back then its a gift, its being given not a loan. Interest free credit from DFS isnt advertised with the words "we give you a sofa and dont expect anything back" So by that logic he should have put in £80m which means that if we take the full £140m into account hes lent us a further £60m (which frankly should be written off because thats how much relegation cost us, but thats a different argument). The 2nd option is that we owe him nothing and hes behind on his payments. The £70m to clear existing debt could be argued as not part of the running costs, it should have been advertised properly by Hall either paying off the debt then selling for £200m or advertising it for £132m + take on debts. If the former then the inclusion in the sale price would mean the cost wasnt passed onto the club. Aye OK By that logic the debts he did pay off saved the club £7Mill a year in interest which would be a total of £28Mill, so we owe him another £8Mill So are you disagreeing that he lied at the start when he said hed "bankroll" the club to the tune of £20m per year? Youre saying that means lend? I wish I could have fun that way, is it fair to say that my ST payments are simply a loan that I expect back at some time?
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ted/7615655.stm so thats 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 at £20m per year with another 20m this year and next and the year after. Now to me the words "bank roll" mean give, not lend. Thats backed up by the last sentence ending with "and not expect anything back". Again if you dont expect anything back then its a gift, its being given not a loan. Interest free credit from DFS isnt advertised with the words "we give you a sofa and dont expect anything back" So by that logic he should have put in £80m which means that if we take the full £140m into account hes lent us a further £60m (which frankly should be written off because thats how much relegation cost us, but thats a different argument). The 2nd option is that we owe him nothing and hes behind on his payments. The £70m to clear existing debt could be argued as not part of the running costs, it should have been advertised properly by Hall either paying off the debt then selling for £200m or advertising it for £132m + take on debts. If the former then the inclusion in the sale price would mean the cost wasnt passed onto the club.
  6. Over and above the purchase price and existing debt pay-off (£132Mill +£70Mill), the additional working capital that he's loaned is, as far as I can see, £69.8Mill up to 09/10. Not sure what the year by year increments are, it was around £41 Mill total up to year end 08/09. So £70m was because he didnt do due diligence and then hes loaned a further £70m to the club to help it run. Seeing as hes been here now for 4 years then we dont owe him £140m, we either owe him £60m or (and I think this is the case) he owes the club £20m. But conveniently he seems to gloss over that when announcing how lovely hes been to us.
  7. agreed - just keep drizzling cash into the club and when everyone above is in foreign hands there's his chance - he'll be gone in seconds In several years time that could he a hell of a lot of clubs
  8. How come we owe over £100m to Ashley in money hes loaned the club, anyone got details of how much hes put in for each of the years hes been here?
  9. and its not half as good, went the other week to sit in, obviously stopped serving cod and are now doing flatfish.
  10. Cant wait, my first year of sitting posting random abuse on twitter while watching. This is what the internet was made for.
  11. I think you're mixing up "moaning" with "having a different viewpoint to you". Id say that LM is nowhere near the top of the moaning list. Search his posts for Topics hes started or posts hes added where hes maoning about something. LMs issue is that he gets sucked into discussions about players etc and posts his views about how {insert any 1 of a thousand scenarios here} wouldnt/didnt happen under previous chairman. All perfectly legitimate posts btw.
  12. Paul Reece is desperately tweeting about his missing sister, keep an eye out fo her. http://twitpic.com/4us2yg his twitter account is @PaulReece10 and I know its wrong forum but more exposure here on a Sunday morning. I'll move it later
  13. Id suggest having a conversation with any of the local journos, Bird, Caulkin, Starforth. All will tell you what a joke this football club is.
  14. I've tried to explain why Liverpool and Spurs are streets ahead of us but then again apart from 7 or 8 years they always have been. rubbish. If you talking about the recent history, are you referring to 12-13 years of the Halls and Shepherd era ? If so, why do you "hate" them ? These people who base their "opinions" on how much they do or don't "like" somebody, are a fucking hoot. We finished above Liverpool once in the 10 years Shepherd was chairman and three times with Hall - 4 times overall in 13 years - they must have been quaking - is that factual enough for you? Your view that because of those 4 years we are somehow rivals to the most successful club in English history who've won about 3 times as many trophies is laughable. However since 2007 we've failed to even finish above Everton.
  15. W might as well have a "my ideal threesome thread", it would as realistic. Eva Mendes & Theresa May
  16. I thought Paul Wynn had left here. ooops said too much....
  17. Goodwillie gone bad? if he does a runner will they be Goodwillie hunting?
  18. http://www.twitter.com/@AlanSmithy17 I think
  19. peasepud


    Too busy thinking about pies. You just concentrate on the poll Lone Ranger, 30% now want him back. Yes we know its not a democracy, its craigs world but hey, forgiveness and goodwill to all... Its not Craigs world though, its a collective. ASM did nothing but abuse people both online and via PM, he refused to listen to reason when he and others were asked via PM to stop certain actions, the rest agreed and worked on it but ASM refused and purposefully went all out to antagonise. Frankly nobody should have to explain anything here, the Admins run this place as a virtually do-what-you-want type of board, theres little gets censored and its very rate for anyone to get banned. ASM is one of those rarities but he is so hey ho.
  20. Id love to know what those tweets when he reappeared on twitter were all about.. something along the lines of "been out of the country, thank god for the British justice system". wrongun.
  21. Fucking hell man, animals? jeeeeeeeez thats sick
  22. My Inbox is empty people, this makes me sad
  23. How ironic that someone called Milligan works for Greggs
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