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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud


    hes the bloke who left achicken foetus out on a Liverpool street
  2. peasepud


    oooooh quite Miss Marple aint we? But youve still got another 2 to find.
  3. You're right in the fact that the club (and most others) has under previous regimes shit on the fans, no doubt future ones will too, however theres a difference here. I know one of the 6, a man I have great respect for and probably the only person on the current NUST board that I trust and Im sure even he would tell you that the current fuck around is a different class to Shepherd and Hall. The seat moves that SOS was about related to the clubs decision to create new corporate areas, ones that would bring in far more money per game than the Season Ticket holders currently sat there. Sell the tickets at a premium and you pull in wealthier fans, stick them a nice area to eat and drink in and they'll spend more time and more cash pre and post match than "normal" fans. That decision was based on a plan to increase turnover, the current one? placing 18 year olds next to away fans and putting kids in the Gods, thats pure and utter spite, a need to prove whos boss and reduce the ability to create protest. Its future planning for the seasons where protest will be whats needed. Theres a difference but you wont understand that.
  4. peasepud


    troubled man by the sound of it
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/diving/13583152.stm
  6. Cannit wait They're saying they'll need to edit it a bit and condense it, but Brenner likes it, he says the paper will be full of CL stuff but they'll find space, he approached me to do it this morning. I'll give you a sneak preview: The latest action of the club to disband Level 7 in its' present form encapsulates my thoughts on their regime at the club. The decision is so bad, I firmly believe, as with the Hughton decision, as with many choices they have made, it borders on an active attempt to wind the clubs supporters up, and firmly demonstrate who is boss. We were behind the goal in Level 7 till 2008, they moved us to the corner, there were murmerings of discontent, but we found a new home and we grew to love it. It was like being at an away game but at home with 3,000 vocal fans doing their bit. Everyone was happy there, yes there were vocal criticisms of the regime, but in my opinion they were no where near at the level that they could have been. Liaison officers have recently held discussions that a viable option would be to house us all lower down in Level Four, we ALL saw through it, it was nothing but an attempt to appease the fans to avoid two or three months of vocal anger being directed at them on match day. It's like they're running NUFC like the Kim Il Jung runs North fucking Korea!!! They believe they live in the best country in the world because they're taught that, well we live in a civilised fucking democratic country and these arseholes are treating us like we're spanners! The lies and contempt the clubs supporters are shown on a monthly basis, mean there will never be no trust towards the board, even McKeag's mob didn't deliberately lie and create the vast chasms that exist today. It is a disgrace, one so bad, if we win the league I'd still view them with the utmost disdain. They are a true disgrace and stain on this clubs proud history, alienating the clubs greatest asset, the fans. They are a fucking disgrace!!! Steve Marshall-Barnes wooooooah roll it back kidda!!!!! We all saw through it? What happened to the bit where I was the only one saying this was the case? where I was telling UtdForNewcastle that they were actually playing into the clubs hands by entering into "dialogue" and where I was being scoffed at for being cynical? Mr Marshall-Barnes rewriting history methinks
  7. have collectively battered a Magpie to death in my garden poor bugger
  8. I saw 6 minutes of it earlier, Ive memorised where they live and am now away to purchase a shotgun wish me luck
  9. Given being sold Carroll being sold That we'd make a profit in numerous windows. I expect game, set and match though with my L7 stuff, created a thread the day before it was announced, said they would pay lip service to UtdForNewcastle and then string us along before dispersing everyone. Theres been others too. edit: that Geordie Shore would be cringeworthy and a future one, that Milligan bird will let Stevie tap her up on twitter
  10. I cant believe you could be so cynical to believe that there are fake accounts out there. Alan_Pardoo, DekkaLlambias, The_Big_Sam all are clearly genuine
  11. yeah but CT was there saturday, in the pub Sunday
  12. tbf he'll have had more experience than many of warming a Wembley bench.
  13. peasepud

    The World

  14. peasepud

    The IRA

    Hoo man! thats Kevs granny your talking about, show some respect.
  15. Manors should be alright, come over the Tyne Bridge and take the second exit, turn right at the roundabout and then right at the lights. Theres a couple of carparks there which should stay open and be a little cheaper. Manors Car Park
  16. Aye I remember the police charging the Italians and pushing a wall over too.
  17. oh well if number of murders is being taken into account then Liverpool 85 has to be up there.
  18. speaking of Mr S. Is that him teeing off at the end of the Close House advert? Looks like him but its only on screen for a split second.
  19. I will put my neck on the line here and say I'll bare my arse in the Strawberry while wearing a "I want to suck Dekkas dick" t-shirt if we spend over £10m on one player.
  20. Loosely translated as if the weathers nice, I can be bothered, theres no pub nearby showing it and wor lass hasnt found something more interesting for me to do. I'm painting the shed fans of the world unite FYP
  21. Always the optimist you. I'm hoping for £20m. Though I expect us to hear lots of stories on 1st September about how difficult it was to do business and how close we were to signing another couple of players. Exactly. "We were a gnats chuff away from signing Messi, trouble is we spent all month chasing him and then didnt have time to find anyone else. Dont worry though Shola and Peter are on fire in training while Ranger is almost the finished article."
  22. If KK is correct about Tiote going we'll be lucky to break even like. I think it'll be Enrique and Barton with Tiote as an outside bet however I wouldnt want to go against KKs contacts in the business. I get the feeling he makes it his business to know what the club are upto..... its just a shame he didnt do that when he was boss
  23. I'll be slated by some on this but Im saying that we will spend no more than £10m in the Summer and thats not net. Overall I predict another window where we make a profit.
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