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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. good player and worth the money but he wants silverware so thats that, or is it? tbf (and I dont say this often/never) if we went out and spent 12m on a player the manager wants yet only has 1 year left on his contract then Id see that as an intent to push for honours. Id also have to get a t-shirt made
  2. Thats the most salient point made in any assessment of your posts CT and its bang on the button. You're not contrary you're simply trying to bang the Ashley/Llambias drum and appear that way because they dont have a clue and bounce from one extreme to the other.
  3. I was thinking about this the other day and I get more amazed every day by the number of people who use "getting rid of high earners" as a valid reason to lose our best players. So at the moment we're looking to remove Barton and Nolan off the payroll, that along with Smith would (I believe) remove the £60k plus earners leaving us with a collection of players on anything from 5 - 55k p/w regardless of the amounts however you still get a mismatch in pays. With the influx of new cheaper players that we're working towards we'll have maybe £25k - 30k as the average pay come January. I reckon we'll then hear talk of "removing the high earners", the likes of Jonas, Colo, Enrique, Harper etc. Slowly (probably not even that slowly) chipping away those at the top of the pile and replacing them with cheaper options and so the cycle continues. As long as they always remove the higher earners then they score on two counts, generally these will be the ones with the higher resale value and the biggest cut to the payroll, more importantly though the likes of CT will always lap it up and talk of "making the right noises" What it does as well though is reduce further our position in the global market, making it harder to attract any kind of talent until somewhere along the line we hit the breaking point. No more high earners to get rid of and nobody any good to replace them. Chances are however we'll be a 1st Division team by then so it'll be fair enough.
  4. Im happy for my "if we spend over £10m on one player I'll run round the Strawberry naked" one to go in there. In addition Im going to predict that we will have a terrible start to the season and be bottom 3 by Christmas.
  5. We all want to be proven right about stuff, but we all admit when we were wrong. See this is the General idiots approach on here which you have now fallen into in your desperation to try and win a point. Your question this morning was asking for a reason why I change my mind. I give you some clear examples of why Newcastle supporters, me included, may change our mind about things. Rather than accepting a very sensible answer, you now change tac again and now say its about admitting your wrong You then once again dress your own version of reality as my comments by suggesting I said I never liked Hughton. I didnt. (Links if you have them). Rather than iffs and buts...why dont you just say I was wrong about xy and z if it makes you feel better and back it up with actual facts rather than mis quotes and your own ramblings. The bottom line is I, like everyone else have been wrong about lots of things. I thought Hughton might work out, he didnt. I dont see what the big deal is to be honest other than a few too many wanting to be internet warriors rather than getting on with the here and now. All a tad sad really Hold on, unless Im missing something, all those things you listed arent examples of people changing their mind, they're clear cut examples of being fucking wrong. A couple of those Im guilty of big time such as the expected freefall following relegation, I predicted it, I didnt then change my mind and decide it wasnt going to happen because of some amazing ability. I was proven wrong by the way in which the team went about its business. Your version of events however is to wait until something happens then change your mind and declare yourself a visionary.
  6. Jesus wept man, do you kick blokes out of your taxi in the dead of night for not agreeing with you? Team nasty ffs Clearly however you were intimating that you agree with moves to remove Nolan and Barton when you started off your post with In a post where you then go on to talk about Barton and the "Gang of Four" of which you were clearly wrong on who these 4 were, as pointed out by Team Nastys centre back Alex...the utter cunt that he is, storming in and highlighting fundamental defects in your argument.
  7. Re-fuckin-markable. About a year ago you were blowing the smoke about how good it was that we had this very same "shop steward power base" at the time when that appeared to have some power and many of us were saying it was a bad thing. Yet here we are a good while later and theres been no sign of any power struggle from the ranks yet you're saying its good to get rid. You really couldnt make you up, you're a psychologists dream. Its a well known fact, not hidden by the club and not some remarkable ITK that only a few select are privvy to that pardew is desperate to hold onto Barton and Nolan while its the idiots above that want rid.
  8. And far more rewarding when you can rip apart those who didnt applaud
  9. But thats not what you said originally, you insinuated that theres no way that kind of contract would be given. Uh, because he put the club before his own financial gain? And it's not a rumour, he's on the record talking about it. You thick-as-fuck cunt. evidence.. your mum must be a cunt to give birth to you... I think you're a few cunts too premature there like.
  10. fucking hell, jesus wept on a bike etc etc
  11. I did like the request someone did for an RT @themichaelowen can I have an RT please for my niece its her 2nd birthday and she thinks your a c unt as well.
  12. I think its a little daft to use the fact hes got 2 French caps to Joeys 1 England one as proof hes better. We all know the reason why JB has no more caps and its nothing to do with ability.
  13. Given their contract lengths it's time to cash in from the club's pov. Fair enough if their replacements are as good / better but it's a high risk strategy imo and one which will probably lead to often flirting with relegation if it's done over a long-ish period. We weren't that far off going down this year (not that we were ever really in danger of that as we always managed to keep our head above water) and we had freakish away form in a very strange season all round (same amount of wins as the champions despite being the lowest scorers). I also think the team spirit was a big factor in the season gone and a revolving door policy can hardly help matters there. It also badly affects future incomings. Whos going to want to come to a club not knowing who youre going to be playing alongside and being unsure about your future? Its maybe fair enough if we were Man U or Chelsea and the lure of winning stuff would draw them in but funnily enough we're not. What is there to attract players? in the past it was to work under the likes of KK and SBR and to play alongside top players. Can you imagine any player signing and saying "I came because the idea of playing alongside Leon Best and James Perch excites me" It sends out the wrong message to players and will make contract negotiations of those we want to keep (if there are any)very difficult. Will Nolan, Colo and Jonas want to hang around once JB and Enrique go?
  14. You: Id like L4 please Her: I'll just check sir... {looks at your Supporter Number and sees current seat: Level 7}....Im sorry its full. Someone else: Id like L4 please Her: I'll just check sir... {looks at Supporter Number and sees current seat: Somewhere other than Level 7}....Certainly Sir, how many would you like?
  15. What was the name of the ITK again, that you religiously followed and quoted regardless of how often he was wrong ..
  16. Apparently am Asian noo. Leazes would never speak to me again. Stevie whats your twitter account?
  17. Considering Pardew has made it clear that a new contract is being offered thats not exactly ITK is it? Do I also assume from the "Not hopeful" that you fear he could be staying? After all hes on the "wain" Haway then whats your twitter username then? Dont try and make out you only browse theres no chance you'd miss a chance to have your say
  18. Thats disgraceful, its no more than 96% surely?
  19. Balls! Just realised Im going to be sat in the back when it crashes and nobody can see my mangled body
  20. It was made before The Office. Its also not set in an Office
  21. Ride around in the back of CTs taxi all day to see if he spouts the same levels of shite in real life.
  22. peasepud


    hes the bloke who left achicken foetus out on a Liverpool street
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