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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud

    New Car

    You might as well just cut your bollocks off now
  2. Just to showcase the branding opportunity. Thats the thing, people were taken in by that whole bollocks at the time and they will be again. There was never any intention of selling the space off, it was always going to be Spurt Direct, just another lie to paint over the fact hes taking free advertising.
  3. Why do we need to have Newcastle United on the stand? is it in case we forget who we support?
  4. I dont think he said the lies were specific to his contract did he? and even if he was, how would you. me or anyone not connected to the negotiations know either way? One potential lie straight away though is the "made Enrique a fantastic offer", offering what hes on now at his stage of his career with the seasons hes had is not fantastic in any way, shape or form.
  5. Routledge to name another straight off the top of the head.
  6. Two left for more money and one hasn't been offered a new contract. Three great examples there I cant even work out what the hell hes on about there Does he not even know that theyve gone? strange considering hes been banging out about it being good business
  7. Even ignoring the fact that its Ryder ffs, that last sentence says it all. A lot of younger players loving it, the players who a year ago wouldnt have dreamt of taking part in something like this? no wonder theyre loving it. The players who stand to gain from the bigger names going. If I was a 19 year old being thrust into a tour of the USA with a premiership club Id be loving it too regardless of whatever is going on with the more experienced team members. Many reports coming out of this tour talk about worrying signs with the morale, Ryder however has his reports written by Derek so its unlikely hes going to say that. And yes, Bobby, the rumour coming out at the moment via Steve Wraith is that they are pulling the sign down this week to replace it with SD sign
  8. I think theres more to it than meets the eye, why would Jose pick last night to suddenly have a rant? Personally, I think that while the club have been making the right noises about "fantastic offers" etc the truth is way different, my money is that hes been told theres an offer on the table and that they are going to accept it. Hes getting in there now before the club issue the usual "didnt want him to go, head turned, player requested move" statement.
  9. No you're right it would have been implausible to imagine Shearer, Lee or any of those players doing this kind of thing. Why? different class of player? different generation? nope, different owners. What we have here, now is an owner that knows no shame, has no interests in anything but making money for himself, anyone who says otherwise is talking out of their arse frankly. Cue yourself of toonwhatever stepping in and saying "hes taken nothing out", "hes forked out money year on year" etc etc. Yes, he has but its all been building to this, 4 years in and we are now in the first year of Ashleys 5 year plan. The only reason we're not in year 4 of it is because previous attempts to get it in place have backfired and Ashley found out that unlike some retail business he buys he cant just kill off a football club, businesses dont have fans, they dont have brand loyalty in the way a football club does and it doesnt make major news when a sports retailer goes to the wall. We are now in full on money making mode for Ashley, all his lies all the bullshit have been leading upto this. We now have a manager that will be guaranteed to toe the party line and a scout capable of making it happen. In 2 years time we wont be having these conversations because there wont be any players who have been here long enough to get attached to before theyre sold. We no longer buy players to plug a gap or fit into the managers style of play, we purchase purely on resale value, the hunting out of clauses in contracts, potential talent from abroad and taking chances on players with dodgy histories that other clubs strangely dont seem to want. The only excitement we, as fans will gain from this is seeing fleeting flashes of brilliance amongst the durge. Ben Arfa, Tiote both appear to be quality, it'll be sickening when they follow the rest out of the door. Bring em in cheap Pop in the shop window Sell em at a profit Use money from sale to buy other players explain away remainder under the "wages" scam Then move onto whatever else, plaster the place with Sports Dire logos, East Stand ffs! the words "Newcastle United", the name of our club to be replaced by that tat, its inconceivable but its happening and no matter how many arguments are put forward Team Positive will come out with something random to explain it away. Idiots will back the move in the name of "accounting" and more WUMs will appear from the woodwork. We better hope that the currently decimated team spirit is restored before the Sunderland game otherwise revenge will be obtained and our season will be shot before its even started.
  10. you drive a 1.5 Megane, your opinion is invalid
  11. Fuck off man, you could get married in a pair of Sambas theyre that classy.
  12. As I said in my post, I take no glee in someone dying but I do see her and Doherty in the same bracket, famous more for drugs than their music.
  13. you lurve her dont you?
  14. Mentioned in the Oslo thread but deserves his own thread. Norwegian NUFC fan Tore EIkeland (21) has been confirmed as one of those killed in the Oslo massacre. Tore was a writer for http://www.newutd.no and a blogger on a number of subjects including NUFC RIP mate, no doubt Sir Bobby will be waiting to greet you.
  15. Doherty plays guitar and co-wrote most of the Libertines stuff and as far as I believe wrote most of the Babyshambles songs. Hes classed as good enough a singer to have colaborated with other singers. As for Winehouse not making her money out of being a junkie, whats the song shes most well known for about again? As far as talent goes I think both have way more than they deserve based on the way they chose to waste it.
  16. I think theres a difference though, so clearly in distress that she glorified drug taking, there are distressed addicts, those living in squats, doing whatever they can to get their next fix while theres the Amy Winehouses and Pete Dohertys of this world who make a fortune out of the fact they are junkies and act like total tossers. Its sad when anyone dies but frankly some people reap what they sow. We shouldnt dance a jig at the fact shes died but at the same time Im not going to lose any sleep over it.
  17. The other bellend @Tommy_Da_Tank (must be rhyming slang) reckons Owens better than Shearer because hes seen more kids with Owen 10 on the shirt than Shearer 9. When I replied that Milburn must have been gash because you never see a Milburn shirt he gave some shite about Owens England career pissing on Milburns. I swear cunts like these shouldnt be allowed a twitter account.
  18. perfection but the suede ones dont last 5 minutes on my boats. I practically live in the proper ones. Been trying to get little fella a pair. We picked him up some Dunlop Green Flash's the other day to revisit my schooldays.
  19. peasepud

    New Car

    Really? So is that extra money she'll get monthly or do you have to claim Bach at year end? Of course not telling her any of this or she'll be getting ideas above her station Its in her wages. Salary Sacrifice comes out before tax and NI therefore she will have £93 less Taxable Pay. Ive assumed 20% tax band and standard rate NI therefore she will save 33% of £93.
  20. peasepud

    New Car

    Bullshit, our lass works for the council and gets the same deal, its not that cheap. Why do you feel the need to consistently lie, is it because you drive taxis? See this where I would normally reply "why do you argue so much, is it small man syndrome", but let's face it, it's pretty boring patter on both sides. I know little about the deal other than the list of top 25 cars and prices she brought home, has several cars in the group she is looking at for £93. She is currently going through the quoting process for the models / spec listed above so has no final price as yet and I have no idea whether the £93 includes vat or not. Only thing I do know is that if it's a lot more than £93, she won't be getting one. Dont forget to take into account the Tax and NI gains as well. The £93 a month is really only £63.24 a month.
  21. Im amazed that you'd think Liverpool Slums doesn't get an outing at SJP twice a year! I agree though that the chants of yesteryear ha mire thought and originality than now. Next year will be dire now the orchestration of Singing Corner is no more
  22. Id say youre allowed to call him anything you want except a hun, he gets touchy over being called a Hun.
  23. Ive just accessed the toontastic admin email and found this little gem. I think tbh you might have to call your lawyers in because this is a free thinking message board which in no way condones racism but at the same time wont just roll over and censor the views of its members because some random QPR says its wrong. It would no doubt be interesting to see what a court of law would make of your complaint especially as I could pull up a thousand posts from a hundred different Rangers message boards saying far worse about the English and Celtic.
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