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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. wheres this protest come from like? United For Newcastle on Twitter. oh well that'll work then
  2. I reckon if we all put £50 in we can buy Percy Main and turn it into a tiddleywinks club Just to piss Gene Clarke off like. I can imagine the tweets now "its Peasepuds club he can do what he wants with it" *obviously Ive jut elected meself to be the overall owner there
  3. Is the bigger point he made not that Barton wasnt offered a contract and he wanted to stay?.... Barton was offered a contract at Christmas and turned it down. According to the club. Just as Nolan was and then it was just dropped.
  4. I think that Colo is nearer breaking than we think. Personally I reckon the captaincy was a sweetener, couple of bad results and it all goes pear shaped.
  5. Rumours are that he wont be the last to do it, allegedly a certain Mr Simpsons not happy with the bollocks that Lee Ryders been spouting, that he and JB were slating the right wing. Not 100% certain with the source though so at this stage its merely a rumour. We are however all about to go to hell in a handcart.
  6. theres only one problem with this thread. Thats not Nick!
  7. Aye, it's called banning him - sadly the mods would prefer to appease cock-weasels like these than keep the regulars happy, things are deffo on the decline I fear. I think my and Nicks views are complete polar opposites but we pride ourselves on the fact we dont ban people for having different views. As far as Im concerned his view of life and football in particular is shite but if he and others, didnt have these views then what would we talk about?
  8. Hello, hello We are the Geordie Boys Hello, hello We are the Geordie Boys We're gonna win the Football League We're gonna win the Cup We all follow the Accrual Revenue method Toon Toon in the black army
  9. You still following me? Jeeeeesh go out and get laid or summit you loser Says the virgin with the sig of a 12year old girl? I saw a pensioner in Laos king buffet yesterday with a 'twatter' things shirt on. I'm not sure he knew what it meant That reminds me of a tweet to Owen I saw. "Michael, can I have a shout out for my grandad, hes 96, not sure he'll see it mind, hes more a Facebook kind of guy"
  10. thats an interesting point, if a parent company owns the stadium then its highly possible (I assume) that any payments for stadium branding etc are being made to them?
  11. I want to be a Magpie Ranger I want to be a Magpie Ranger Only live for sex and danger Only live for sex and danger incomings go left go left go left go left expenditure go right go carry the zero go left go right go left
  12. Healthy bank balance, lets not go squandering it on players and the like, simply leave the money in there to collect interest. If it was upto Nick theyd play the game with accountants not players. 11 pen pushers to a team, first to consolidate the outgoings wins the match. Thrilling stuff
  13. I still think that my scenario is plausible.
  14. Shearer wasnt himself but then that was down to the way he, Rob Lee and others were being treat by the manager not the fact he just wasnt trying. Id rather have an Alan Shearer trying for 50% of the time than any of the we have now.
  15. And the relevance of your totally random statement is? What the hell has the salaries of the players got to do with any deal between two companies?
  16. I see the loans bit in two ways, firstly, it must be nice to buy a toy and not have to pay for its upkeep, bit like getting a Ferrari and lending the petrol station the money to fill it up. At the same time though, if he does lend the club money then its understandable that he should get it back
  17. and by natural progression you're fucking banned.
  18. Fuck that Im watching it for Hufty
  19. O'fuckingLeary man thats the other one...allegedly, according to you twats.
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