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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. is he any good? i went to the blackburn & man city home games last year where he cost a goal each time. pressure was on, he knew you were watching
  2. This is the bit I think you get mixed up on. Being a "proper" fan does not equate to being positive when everything is grey, it equates to supporting the team through thin and thinner, thats what we all do, whether we're a die hard 40 games a seasoner, a once a year treat trip to SJP or sat in the far corner of the globe listening to a crackly radio at 4 in the morning. You dont have to support the club to support the team You dont have to believe that everything is great when the sky is falling around you You simply have to love the badge. Convincing yourself every players a Pele and desperately clinging onto some forlorn hope that every player purchased and sold has been done so for the good of the team does not maketh the fan
  3. Hi from me too Lee ! I know Im a little late but just in case. FUCK OFF LEE YOU WANKER!
  4. Not their style these days, more likely to table a £45m bid for Ferguson in the mean time
  5. All smoke and Mirrors, thats the basis of their incoming transfer policy, make shitty bids for actual Premiership quality then when theyre ridiculed and knocked back, buy some cheap shite instead. They then however can say they tried for said players regardless of the fact the tongue was firmly in cheek all the time.
  6. Maybe the plan isnt to strengthen it further, send Forster the other way then get rid of Harper?
  7. would that be a box with chicken in? Derry man, always ahead of the game.
  8. I really wish someone would just say what they think is "going to be revealed"...... At Christmas Barton and his agent were full of praise for Ashley and Llambias. They offered Barton a new deal which he agreed to in principal and then renaged on (according to Barton) Even up until May he was quite happy to remain at Newcastle, working for Ashley and Llambias for the next 3 or 4 years. Sure, like the rest of us he was upset to see Carrol go but there will be nothing else other than his own demands that will have caused his outbursts. I predict here and now, nothing absolutely zilch will ever be revealed, even when he's long gone. I dont think anything new will be revealed because its probably confirmation of what we already know, that Ashley is slowly stripping this team and playing roulette with results
  9. to be fair, as funny as it is, a banner saying "Kill McKeag" cant be classed as harmless.
  10. Thomson House were prepared to be critical of FMA right up until the club banned the Sunday Sun from SJP. Since then they’ve been a bunch of arse lickers. You can’t blame them, without their football coverage circulation would drop significantly. Ryder is the patsy who has to put his name to a shit scared editorial policy. I would still argue that the Ronnie should be holding the cards in that. A newspaper can do much more damage than a couple of wideboy chancers and so what if they dont go to the press conferences or have a seat in the press box. Ryder gets all his stories from twitter/facebook anyway.
  11. for probably the first time in my life, I agree 100% with that entire post. I feel dirty
  12. oh get in another dossier. Golf clubs and the invention of the light bulb
  13. I would imagine so. There are currently two comments under his latest shambolic blog entry. I'd be surprised if only two have been submitted. he deletes comments that he doesnt like, hes gonna be busy like!
  14. I must have missed your profile from the dossier I did on the site.
  15. Dunno if this has been said but whats the odds that when we have a poor start/ relegated the club puts the blame on Barton for leaving?
  16. Can just see it now. "Ive been watching you son and I think that youd be ideal for Newcastle, youre young, cheap and have a clause in your contract. Now theres just one last test, if you can just get on your knees for me.." zzzzzzzip.
  17. Thing is what would the Ronnie lose in being banned from the club? Its not like he ever gets any kind of scoop from them (or at least not a credible one!) Wouldnt be difficult to see the games, after all Lee Sooopafan Ryder was sat on coaches drinking cans at the age of 3. Ronnie is part of Mirror Group isnt it? so he can simply get any press conference data direct from Bird etc. The club should be more wary of peeing off the local rag than the other way round.
  18. get it washed kidda, its gonna get an airing
  19. United for Newcastle have no interest in anything but their own self publicity, all the accusations made towards NUSC in its original setup can be clearly levelled at this couple of kids. Early indications are that most other "groups" are happy to join together and discuss the options (the discussion that CT finds so laughable). Many of us learned a couple of important lessons from NUSC/NUST. Firstly if you dont have the majority of fans on side then youre wasting your time, thats why the idea is to pull together the fanzines, websites, forums and twitter groups. Secondly, rush out and organise protests and you'll just get the same shite levelled at you, support the team, it'll affect morale etc etc UtdforNewcastle however refuse to listen to anybody else and are doing the whole "we're for the fans" bit with posts like "if you want us to organise protests we will". No matter how many attemps me, Mac and others had last night on twitter to make them see sense we might as well have been wading through a pool of molten shite.
  20. I plan on seeing a few of your games this season. Shankhoose?
  21. actually lets keep it as a football club and install Shearer as manager. Gene will literally self combust
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