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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud

    Vista is fucked

    One of my PCs has died a death and now will not boot up, tried a repair and just about everything possible. Theres been that much has gone on that its now impossible to get back to a workable position so I need to fresh install Vista on it, trouble is I can find two product boxes in the cupboard but no actual discs So Im sat here with valid Vista Home Premium OEM codes but no discs. Any ideas?
  2. peasepud

    Web pages

    Ive had this same issue for months, on one profile on one PC all the graphics for toontastic and only toontastic were missing, tried clearing cache etc. Unistall and reinstall of Firefox yet nothing. Found it today. While on the site with the problem, go Tools>Page Info > Permissions and check whats ticked.
  3. hmrc.gov.uk payrollworld.com toontastic direct.gov.uk bigbustyslags.com
  4. I locked it in getting a bit overzealous with a "stern talking to" that needs to be had Apologies, bad dayat the office resulted in this.
  5. Hardly, Ashley for all his faults is inestimably better than the last lot. He still hasn\'t pocketed his £52 Million \"profit\"
  6. Nee difference at all (execpt that it's not Ashley), in our case the "sponsor" is making a big contribution (the equivalent of paying a huge amount for the privilege even) to the club by not taking interest (as yet) Your second sentence proves it's different. How ?? obvious question is obvious... Nope it's not, nee different. A party is benefitting the club by a large sum, as part of that large sum (or in consideration of) they appear to be getting advertising. You cannot consider one a disgrace and ignore the other. OK. Arsenal are getting £100m over 15 years off Emirates Airlines. How much are NUFC getting off FMADirect? £15 over 100 years
  7. Is that an actual quote from the documentary?
  8. Again, it was me and Parky pointing this out to you last night, now you're playing it back to me as you're own. Mug.
  9. peasepud


    Its a very very strange atmosphere today, very quiet and not much football chat going round at all. As you say thats how Rocky was, loved Sunderland but would happily talk about the pros and cons of Newcastle (generally through a mouthful of Pastie like) Still no word on the cause, seemingly theres a post mortem tomorrow.
  10. Tell you what, I missed all this at the time so reading through it in a rather quiet and subdued office following the news at the weekend probably wasnt the best thing to do. Made me laugh though
  11. The player was described as being a 'top footballer' so I don't think we've got anything to worry about. Saying that, how often do you see these Newspaper headlines screaming "Prem footballer in sex shame" only to find its some 3rd rate player from Hartlepool who made one appearance for Reading in the Prem.
  12. Didnt RT the one where someone pointed out how pointless it was blanking the number plate out when hes got his name on the bonnet
  13. Yes. The £280m breaks down something like this. A £135m (loan?) for the purchase of the club. A £110m loan to pay off the stadium loan and other existing interest incurring debts. A £25-35m loan to cover operating losses during our season in the championship It fucks me off big style that Ryder reels out this shit. In the same way it fucks me off that we’ve had the crap about FMA being some kind of saviour rammed down our throats for the best part of four years. At end of the day an NUFC carrying a £100m of debts was either worth £135m or FMA paid too much. Either way he deserves no praise. He either got what he paid for or he fucked up... it’s no basis for kissing his arse Mr Ryder. A. So NUFC owes Mike Ashley £135M because..........? B. So aside from paying off the Stadium, (approx £57M) our debts were in the region of £50M? C. The £25-£35M cost of keeping us afloat in the 2nd Division shouldn't be a loan re-payable to this twat as it was his own incompetence that caused us to be relegated in the first place and the bill for it should laid completely at his door. It looks to me that we should owe the bloke £110M. The Stadium was mortgaged until he paid it off, (saving himself interest), and became the new creditor. Now go back to his statement about 4 years ago where he said that he was always willing to bankroll the club to the tune of £20m per year and not expect anything back in return, said it before and I'll say it again, this football club should therefore owe the fat one £10m not a penny more.
  14. peasepud


    For a Sunderland fan he really was a good bloke. One of lifes worriers was Kev but probably one of the nicest lads you could hope to meet and someone who you knew that if you really needed it he'd help out. Unless it was for food of course, nobody could eat like Rocky, hes the only person I knew that would have a pre-drink kebab, stop halfway round the bars for a burger then a pizza and finish off the night with another pizza. Hes had a rough time of it lately, fell ill while in Scotland visiting his daughter and ended up in hospital for a week or so, followed by a few months off work. Since then hes had a couple of problems but as far as Im aware hadnt been diagnosed with anything in particular so this was quite a shock. As was said in the RTG thread, his 14 year old son found him, as there is just the two of them at home I cant even begin to imagine what that was like, poor kid. Tonight I'll raise a Greggs pastie to Rocky, its what he would have wanted. EDIT: if theres any SAFC posters reading this, Id have posted my respects in their thread too however as said before, for some unknown reason I appear to be banned.
  15. peasepud


    A mate from work who I know is a regular poster on there has died, trouble is I dont know his username. I know hes messaged me on there before or as a member I can view the members list and try and find him.
  16. peasepud


    Tried it but to be honest if its monitered as often as we do ours then no chance
  17. peasepud


    cheers for that, doesnt really help the problem though
  18. very melancholy. just heard that a mate from work was found dead this morning, had a bit of a bad patch lately at the same time as having health problems. His 14 year old son went in to wake him up and he was dead.
  19. peasepud


    can anyone who is a member on there get the admin to contact me or ideally unblock my email address (not even sure why its been blocked as Ive not caused any problems). Its to get a message to them about one of their members.
  20. No chance Would just be nice to see some different arguments and fights for a change
  21. Has N-O been that way for a few days now?
  22. It really is, Its been the case for a good while but almost every thread now gets derailed into arguments between LM and others. Automatically saying that it looks like Im blaming one party, Im definitely not but these things are now regularly falling into a relentless cycle of "he said this 5 years ago", "you're changing your tune now" etc etc etc Many assumptions of other posters are being made by many of us (myself included) but isnt it now time to draw a line under it all and agree that collectively most of us have the same current view on where this club is going. I say most of us, CT and Deano (RIP) excluded. Its time to shake hands and shut the feck up about the past views of posters, whats been said etc 5 years ago is history, we all change our views time to time and that shouldnt be held against people. For the sake of sanity lets all agree LM was generally right (apart from when he said Souness would be a great manager and that it looked like Ashley was going to reach CL with KK)
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