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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I take it youre attending the "Lee Ryder school of Journalism"? If its been equalled then its not made history surely? 6 goals in 9 games = 0.66 per game doesnt it? youve taken those stats from the BBC and then not adjusted them for the later time you published. Please run a spellchecker before publishing although as proven by Ryder, its not a prerequisite of working for the Ronnie.
  2. 6-8 weeks? pah little fella has outgrown his before weve left the shop
  3. You're the 2nd brightest in your year? Could twilight shifts possibly be shifts during the twilight hours? Get that out of your baldy head, 2nd brightest in my previous year, 3 years ago.
  4. Whey a canny few years ago. That River Phoenix. Were you not getting confused with Corey Haim? Who i believe was offered that part but turned it down.
  5. Top marks to the club for this, it's a quite remarkable deal. Struggling to find the downside to it which is strange as there's usually something a pessimist like me can pinpoint As HF says though, a bit of a pisser for those that signed up pre season. What it does do is set a dodgy precedent. Next season do you buy beforehand or think "sod it they'll reduce prices in a few games". If we then have a disasterous start they'll possibly not sell. It does seem that whenever the club do a good thing they then offset it by doing another good deed to the detriment of those taking part in the 1st one
  6. quite a few did, which was really encouraging to see. i suppose it now makes Brewse & his lot even more socially & politically isolated So was it a particular Kick Racism day or something or was it just that a number of managers chose to show their support? If it was a recognised day for the campaign then yes id agree Brewse is even more of a cunt than we thought, if however it was never deemed to be the thing to do then hes simply a cunt. To answer your question though, yes, generally they are a racist bunch of inbred ginger fuckers. Give or take the odd one.
  7. Did the other managers wear one? or just Pardew?
  8. tell you what, Occupy newcastle is fucking shite isnt it? 4 tents and about 6 hippies. Should be fun times at 11 o'clock when all the radgies are kicking out the Bigg Market
  9. Nurses man, shes probably had a few blokes in A&E with a Bishops finger stuck up there.
  10. Fair play to everyone tbh, Im quite amazed the amounts that some people were willing to put in, its a beautiful thing....my new 40" 3D LCD that I got yesterday
  11. where you jet setting to this week?
  12. You seem to be more the financial wiz than me, explain how we aim to be self sufficient and continue to progress on the pitch while our incomings (without player sales) are at best break even. we saw it in september, we'd sold Carroll for £35m yet when it came to Santon the words from Pardew was that we had to sell Enrique first before we could afford to buy him.
  13. I agree that standing had to be stopped however the way he did it was never the right way. The club came to NUST the season we went down and asked us how they could stop the standing in L7, I believe we gave them a number of thoughts on how it could be done and most importantly what they shouldnt do. True to form they ignored the positive stuff and steamed straight in by employing a security firm to work themselves in there. Cue fighting and random ejections from the ground. Bouncers picking on 70 year old blokes etc. This is what I get at with this lot (well Dekka frankly) you can almost guarantee that if theres something important needs to be done then he'll fuck it up
  14. peasepud


    toontastic wish it to be made clear that in no way are the views of Mr Anthony Smith above representative of the toontastic admin and theres no way that I used the same method proposed by him a few weeks ago to sort out my Vista, no way Jose not a chance never......
  15. I think I must be on the turn, not really bothered about alcohol these days, happy with a juice or cuppa. With not going out Id say I have at most half a dozen bottles of cider in a week (and thats an unusual week tbf).
  16. Are Man U the richest club in the land? Yes or No? Yes is the answer you're looking for. Do they have huge debts? Yes again. Your inability to class debt to an owner as debt is strange. We have way more debt now than under Shepherd. No doubt you'll say that it's not a problem because it's personal debt, I'd argue the opposite. although he's far younger than Fayed I worry What the future holds if the fat Cunt chokes on a pie. I'm sure some ex wife will be even less likely to do the right thing than he is. Im guessing I'm one of those posters Chez talks about and to be fair part of what he says is correct. I always expect the worse from this lot and so far they're generally true to form. On Pardew I'll state now that I believe he was appointed to toe the party line however they appear to have struck lucky, the only criticism I have of the man is his insistence on praising Fatty in press conferences. Closing of L7, twatful, spiteful and can only have a negative effect on atmosphere. You'll see exactly what I mean the next time were getting tonked at home. 10 year STs seem a good deal but let's seehow it pans out, forcing membership to a club is the key I believe. How much will that cost next year? It could turn out to be a stealth tax as such. Increasing family enclosure is good, there's no other conclusion. Putting it where he did though was designed to take the flak off L7 disbanding. Carroll - great business, not having a replacement lined up, gross stupidity that could have cost us another relegation. At the end of the day Im happy with our start it's way better than I predicted but I can't help but feel I will all fall apart. This concept of being self sufficient is the worry selling one or two big name performers every year to allow us to buy cheap potential with contract clauses is a dangerous game
  17. Season we went down we had 6 points from the first 8 games. It took us 16 games to get to 16 points that season. However between now and that 16th game we have Wigan (H) Stoke (A) Everton (H) Man C (A) Man U (A) Chelsea (H) Norwich (A) Swansea (H) So realistically I would be expecting to win against Wigan, Everton & Swansea with a draw at Norwich, giving us 26 points at that same stage, as Ive always maintained though, its how we react to a couple of defeats and the Man C, Man U and Chelsea games could be a very bad run. They then have a bearing on Norwich and Swansea.
  18. So its mathematically impossible to be bottom at Xmas is it? wooohooo :party: Whats your gut feeling? Not many bookies pay out on gut feelings. My gut feeling now though is that at Christmas we'll be somewhere between 8th and 14th.
  19. *Already posted in General Chat but for anyone who doesnt venture in there. As you know a lot of work has gone on lately to get this forum into a better state, as a result we now have a much more responsive, user friendly and much faster site. This has however come at a cost, we now have hosting bills of over £40 per month and have had to upgrade the software. between the 4 remaining admins (Me, Craig, Tom and now Ant) we will ensure that it never goes down and the bills are paid however many of you have offered to chip in on numerous occasions, usually when its been running like a pissed Heather MIlls. Now that its like a whippet on speed will you be so generous? Any amount will be gratefully received and all monies raised will go on the running of this place, we've agreed that Toms penchant for hookers in custard will no longer be subsidised by toontastic, those days are long gone. Anyone donating a tenner or more will be added to an Investors group, with a new badge to show that you are along with a toontastic.net email address. Just PM one of us if you'd rather not promote the fact you're flush. Please note however, a donation does not make you immune from any moderation required, likewise you'll be treat no differently if you dont donate, you will simply have it imprinted on your conscience that my child shall go hungry once in a while There is a donate button on the main page, please think of the children Thank You
  20. Greece could save a fortune if they stopped smashing plates
  21. A very fair point my friend and one which Im sure old Rapey Pardew has already considered.
  22. Thank you to a Mr Deano, 50 quid, thats very generous of you mate.
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