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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I don't think it's as absolute as being bothered or not. Think that's a tad simplistic. If I lived in a flat with my partner and first born, I could be totally gutted about leaving the place I've been happiest in when she gets pregnant with a second kid while also seeing the logistical necessity for a move to somewhere bigger. I don't think the pyramid example bears any relation to football, because its ONLY use is as a heritage site. The example could have easily been SJP or Grainger town, it was just to emphasise the point that if you value heritage, there is no trade off. Your flat whilst having important sentimental value has no cultural value and hence no heritage. I think you get what am saying, it shouldnt detract from the wrongness of our situation I just think it's bullshit to say football's heritage wasn't affected by multiple stadium moves because of the payoff. It's a perverse argument. Hey! its a very nice flat
  2. Love ya longtime, Pud (and Deaders) You still got the ones I gave you? I wasnt going to let that part slip but yes
  3. I thought about the paintball one or ideally those high powered water pistols, trouble would be with those that you'd need paint thin enough to fire but thick enough to stick.
  4. simplest protest is to produce banners the size of the advertising hordings at SJP that simply say "St James' Park" then at a set time during the Chelsea match place them over every available Sports Direct sign. The cameras would pick it up straight away and we could ensure that anyone with a camera get a pic. In the meantime this is what we can expect.
  5. Following on from the earlier discussion about the additional benefits of this. Currently on google there are 4,580,000 pages contain the phrase "St James Park" and also "nufc" 52,800 of these also contain "Sports Direct" though, so the figure becomes 4,527,200 There are currently 1,610,000 pages with the phrase "Sports Direct" So, hypothetically, if all of those pages were to be updated to the new name then Sports Direct would have a web presence of 6,137,200 pages compare that to his competitors and he's way ahead. "JJB Sports" - 1,320,000 "JD Sports" - 1,580,000 and puts him on a par with other major retailers such as Morrisons (6.7m), if hes looking into cracking USA then thats not going to do the company any harm at all.
  6. <p> Well said, it is about time that the full might of football fans was seen, whether it be against a brand such as Sports Direct, the Glazers or some attempt by the FA to push another anti-fan agenda. There are millions of fans out there, the thought that many would come together to damage a corporation that is ruining one club is an amazing one but sadly, something that is unlikely to happen.If only we had a Supporters Trust type of organisation that actually gave a shit, maybe then they'd work with their counterparts across the land at times like this. They'd definitely get my tenner again I know that much (and Id destroy those pics I have of a certain fanzine editor and another board member
  7. I've not set foot in one of his shops since the day KK went
  8. Dear Derek & Mike, I have both of your home addresses. If you don't believe me Derek you have a black & white stair carpet & you decorated the place in the style of Vegas (you also have picture of your grandkid on the bedside table). Anyway I digress, revoke this or I'm passing the details to Deadman, who I'm sure would love to discuss things over a coffee, he said as much in the post earlier. Love ya longtime, Pud (and Deaders)
  9. And so it starts "he's lent us some money so can shit on us" If I nick your wallet then lend you a tenner to get the beers in will you be happy when I expect a go on your lass in return?
  10. I'm amazed by Wraith like considering how against the East Stand sign change he was.
  11. Agreed however it's a no win situation, kick off & he gets exposure, don't and he has our blessing to do this and more.
  12. You are right I did and I stand by that although not the statement "everything in their power", some things are not for sale, at least not at a price that wont really make any significant difference. Put it this way, if we did manage to sell it, its less than a 3rd of how much we got for Carroll, is AC 3 times more important to NUFC fans than SJP? The thing is you and I know fine well that we will never sell the name of the ground to any other company because they all know its toxic to be associated with and even if not, its hugely over priced. By adding the shirt sponsorship into the deal then hes effectively cut off our chances of any other advertiser. This means SD gets both for free and appears to be doing us a favour by taking it. I bet you now that if you were to ring the club and ask to buy a dozen advertising boards in the Gallowgate you'd be told that there werent any available yet all of those SD ones should be up for sale to anyone that wants them. We all know that they arent paying the going rate for that advertising (if at all). Anyone who believes they are would be foolish after all why buy 200 advertising boards in one ground and have them appear on tv 4 times a year when you could buy 20 each at 10 clubs and get them seen 40 times by even more people? No doubt people will make the argument that hes not gaining anything by not paying but I honestly believe he is. Additional advertising raises the profile of SD and in turn the profits. As major shareholder he gains from those both in "paper wealth" and actual dividends. NUFC however is different, the more profit it makes then the more the fans expect to see investing in the team etc and him taking money out will not be seen well. So he gives away the advertising and the club end up 2,3,4 or more millions down however all that does is reduce the amount we can spend on players so hes not out of pocket at all. SD however reaps the benefits of world wide exposure, not only in the amount of ads in and around the ground but other things as mentioned on here by others. Everytime the ground is mentioned on tv, in media etc. Maps, every map of the city will at some stage be renewed and instead of saying "St James' Park" will hold the name of his company. as said before, google searches, Sports Direct will now have an absolutely massive increase in the number of webpages its mentioned on. Wikipedia, every football site that details clubs etc etc etc, it will even start appearing on SDs competitors websites! Wigan will not have to carry the words Sports Direct in their write ups of the match etc. Club merchandise, we'll no doubt start seeing numerous merchandising of the ground appearing "buy models of the Sports Direct stadium" etc, it may not make SD any actual money but again its further putting the name Sports Direct into homes. Theres probably a thousand more things, some of them massive, some insignificant but each and every one of them is seen by somebody somewhere and all of those are free. Stevie also hit the nail on the head when he points out that there are going to be kids growing up who know no other name than "Sports Direct Arena", 20 year down the line and someone comes in to reclaim our club, this place will erupt again when the new people dare to change the name to St James' Park. I cant put forward strongly enough how bad I think this is, the name of our stadium, thats changed and grown over time but has always been known as SJP is erased overnight by some fat bloke looking to increase his already massive gut. I'll be slated for this but I dont care, I would prefer we went down than this, as proven already you can recover from a relegation, this is history, this is tradition and this is way more significant than a league placing. I will follow this club whether it is in the Champions League or the Northern Alliance, what I wont do is ever accept that changing one of our most important and iconic symbols is anything other than bad.
  13. Shearers is shite I agree but having an SD sitting there is the next logical step. I dont believe that anything is sacred anymore, this bloke would rename the cenotaph if he could make a tenner off it.
  14. Oh and you heard it here first, by the start of next season Shearers will be a SD store. A year later and the last club shop will have closed.
  15. If it's a phone in then I'll listen. It won't be so I'm not. However is he going to be in the studio?
  16. I honestly did believe you were brighter than this. By linking the shirt deal with the toxic naming rights and quoting £10m for the privilege he's basically minimising the chance of anyone actually taking up the deal. Which means in a years time we will be wandering round with SD on our tops. You're going to mock me here but I think there's worse to come. Nov 11 - stadium name change to "promote the advertising potential" Feb 12 - Llambias blames fans for lack of transfer purchases & sale of Colo "your protests against name change is putting sponsors off" Aug 12 - no new sponsors therefore SD on shirts to "further promote the advertising potential". Oct 12 - Llambias blames fans for lack of transfer purchases & sale of Tiote & Cabaye "protests against name change is putting sponsors off" Feb 13 - Llambias blames fans for lack of transfer purchases & sale of Ba, HBA & Krul "your protests against name change is putting sponsors off" Aug 13 - Club announce they've been forced to add to sponsorship benefits. "have the strips in your corporate colours with your name on the front "amazing chance to fully sponsor a major Championship club for only £50m per season". Sports Direct step in and graciously offer to let us use Blue & Red as a showcase. Aug 15 - "On Sky Sports 7 today we have the clash of the titans, our new First Division coverage starts with a trip to the Sports Direct Arena as Sports Direct FC take on Brighton" meanwhile Football Club United Newcastle play their inaugural game against Hebburn Labour Club in front of a 30k crowd. I've made the statement & I stand by it. I will never set foot inside the Sports Direct Arena unless it is to take part in some organised protest, this is our club and our stadium it is not a corporate brand. It is Newcastle United FC @ St James' Park
  17. Me Dad's been doing a bit of scouting for them lately actually. Went to watch Droylesden and Gateshead recently as he knows Blyth's manager quite well. I just noticed this morning that they've signed Jamie Mole. When he first came on the scene about 5 years ago for Hearts he was supposed to be the next big thing in Scottish football, seem to remember him having a stormer against Celtic. Mental that he's signed for Blyth at just 22. Well done to the lad, worked hard and finally made the step up into English football from the tinpot league.
  18. This is where the worry sets in our squad is clearly still lacking in depth, tbh I wouldnt be rushing any of them back for the next 2 games as nobody expects anything from them anyway.
  19. Aye theyre a little bugger them ones like....allegedly
  20. I would now put myself into the "more than cautiously optimistic" in that Im very optimistic that we will do better than last season. As always, my pessimistic side says thats for every good thing done by Pardew et al, theres a dozen kittens being slaughtered by Llambias and one day the RSPCA will catch up with him/us.
  21. Shame on you, its like riding a bike, you never forget Ryder
  22. Hes been quet on twitter lately aint he Dave?
  23. Im guessing its the same slip road I was involved in an accident at about 12 year ago. We were travelling back from Torquay and ahead of us a bus pulled out of the slip road, cars in front swerved and braked. I managed to slam the brakes on and move from fast lane into middle, car behind me wasnt so lucky and hit him. There was then this weird 30 seconds or so as cars were piling into each other, when it all quietened down I got out and we were literally the only vehicle of about 20 that was unscathed.
  24. Are you saying that up until this point that HMRC records have not been cross-checked with benefit claimants? No they are cross referenced however how it currently works is: Man gets job in May and gives false NINO. Following April company sends data to HMRC HMRC send data to DWP HMRC cant trace NINO so go back to company. Employee left employment in December so no come back. How it will work: Man gets job in May Company sends data to HMRC when he is paid HMRC cant trace so go back to company Company goes back to employee for more info Correct NINO traced and DWP informed.
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