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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Well I think it's time to lay ava of Mr Speed to rest, it's been emotional

  2. congratulations to @MrBrowz & @mrsbrowz for their latest addition (another mouth for those amazing looking sausage meat sarnies!)

  3. Dont Let me Phaal - Lenka #currysongs

  4. anyone that says "theres nothing worse than..." has clearly never had a football in the plums.

  5. So the question has to be asked, if we didnt need a striker then why put all that work in for Maiga? It all comes down to something Ive said all along, its not best player for the job or whatever its simply "who can we get that has a clause in their contract/ on a Bosman with potential to sell on later" there obviously isnt anyone available that fits the above criteria.
  6. wahey its errrrrrr emmmmm that poster that did that thing which might or might not have been memorable but probably wasnt because nobody seems to remember it like errrmmmm
  7. seems like the idea to book the Irish Club and Paul Merson for an hour is a goer. #onthecase #nufc #1hoursolidabuse


    #5wordreview guess which 5mins I missed!

  9. Its looking fairly evenly balanced to me like
  10. “@MrBrowz: @pjwhitfield there you go bud merry Christmas http://t.co/GJfdN61B” you sir, are a scholar & a gent

  11. Presents packed around tree, batteries in the noisy stuff we've even had a couple of hours sitting watching Telly #organised #worlassnotme

  12. At this very moment in South London @Joey7Barton is smashing a Telly up #towie #textsanta #killmenow

  13. Fucking hell you sit down to tea & stick Come Dine with Me on only to find Gina bastard Yasheres face staring back

  14. “@weldy1980: @Leazeslad thats just paid for Mikes dinner the nite :)” Maybe he'll choke on chicken bone & stevie will be hero!

  15. Don't know what the fuss is about, he's clearly innocent #lfc #Nufc http://t.co/bLTCHtHD

  16. I bet #safc counted that dog in their attendance last night

  17. I bet @Tony_Jeffries stops uing #ftm on his tweets next time hes up for Sports "Personality" ...#smb #daftcunt

  18. peasepud


    Happy Birthday you elusive bastard!
  19. peasepud

    Demba Ba

    As we signed Ba on a 3 year contract then hes going to be in that whole dodgy two years left position come the summer. The ideal time for the club to sell and realise a good profit rather than take a chance on him seeing out another year and potentially going on another free elsewhere.
  20. see he couldnt even get that right! fucks sake man Biffa
  21. Thats not on, you're out of pocket now seeing as you paid Biffa a tenner to say it was Caizley...bad craic
  22. “@secretGeek: The first rule of BASIC club: you don't talk about BASIC club. The second rule of BASIC club: goto the first rule.” geektastic

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