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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Just had our free Pizzas from @FirenzeJesmond absolutely fantastic! Already planning nights out! Go go go!

  2. HBA will be Goal Of Season......unless Scott Parker grabs a 3yd tap in #Nufc #southernmediabias


    #whatis31 the price of a 3 bed semi last time #safc did double over #Nufc


  4. somehow blinked between ads on ITV last night & missed #Nufc game, just watched HBA goal..FUCK ME just about covers it

  5. “@MichaelDWass: I still like Yohan Cream-Pie #NUFCPlayersYouCouldEat” hmmmm dodgy alternative meaning though!

  6. My accumulator for today ToonCharltonCrawleyMK DonsSheffield Wed Derby#showmethemoney

  7. “@Tony_Jeffries: My mrs has the same name as my older sister..” <- not sure where to start here like! #SMB #filthymakem

  8. if so, are you using those home network power adapters that come with it? I have a pair of them and due to her work wor lass cant use a machine on wifi so these are ideal, one of them just died. Anyone got one or two they want to flog urgently?
  9. am i the only person who dislikes the Ronnie front page? makes us look like little club in my opinion #nufc

  10. “@Iwantcurlyhair2: @tt9m never forget we're never more than a transfer window away from a punch in plums

  11. “@themichaelowen: By the way, Steven Taylor's gear?” <- still better than your "craic"

  12. If @burnsieben gets to 450 followers he'll bungee jump, @ReturnOfTheMag will supply the rope and I'll bring the scissors

  13. Happy Birthday @dannysimpson12 it's also my son George's 2nd birthday today #Nufc

  14. Gawd I love the bairns birthday! http://t.co/WvO9Dg07

  15. Sat watching Biggest Loser while scranning a cream cake #irony #ukfatfuckscene

  16. oh dear “@Joey7Barton: Why do people always want to solve any conflict with a fight? As a pacifist, I find it incredible."

  17. Plenty people telling me 4s way faster than 4 +better camera, worth paying £19pm more for though?

  18. Ok so I can either have an iPhone 4s for £46 p/m or a 4 for 27. Is the s worth the difference? Anyone?

  19. I end 2011 lying next to one of the 2 people that makes everything in my life great @ellietog x

  20. Thats exactly how my day has gone. minus the exercise bit obviously
  21. “@deano_nicholson: @dannysimpson12 worst player in NUFC history” clearly only been following #Nufc for about 2 year then

  22. Coupleah likely lads fiddling thah social #ff @GaryNE1 @ToonTeg @toonlowdown @jameswalpole @ritchiemarshall laaaaaaaaah


    #ff @LeazesTerrace @NUFCThreatLevel @shiteseats possibly rozzahs thah so watch out icky boy

  24. “@Tony_Jeffries: Jesmond tonight” why don't you wear your #FTM t-shirt?

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