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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. “@SimonPryde: "He's more like Leon Best. #totalsport” Well now I'm on a downer :(

  2. “@cognoscentinovo: @MarcSDuffy @The_Paris_Angel @delscottio cling ons have smaller noses” my arse clingons better not have noses!

  3. “@Tom_Mullen: Find out more about Mike Ashley's diet - which has seen him lose more than 3 stone. #nufc” NSFCB!

  4. Italian divers searching cruise ship found 2 Geordies at bar. Geordies told them to fuck off as theyre all inclusive

  5. Another #nufc Fools and Horses based song #1trickpony We got a half price Yohan CabayeAnd a pair of Demba (cont) http://t.co/LfhuvFqP

  6. “@NilePowerRanger: Its Not What U Know, Its Who U Know” and luckily I don't know you

  7. So is Cisse signed, sealed & delivered or just strong speculation? #Nufc

  8. Jesus H has @themichaelowen got an app coming out? Wtf is that going to entail?

  9. 20k at Wembley, 2.2k last home game. 17k "fans" should hang their heads in shame as #Darlo die

  10. Jesus wept, what the fuck is this cunt? @Arsenalwinner Seems like some reet daft wank #afc #Nufc


    #michaelowenfacts Michaels favourite food is peas

  12. “@bigspence2: @NUFC_Lamby hope he snaps his colored les” <- such prose & grasp of Queens English #smb #safc #Nufc

  13. “@timlovejoy: #SFTW on 10-11:30..... #xfm on 12-3pm. I'm gonna be tired tonight.” <- heart bleeds kidda, that's like a 4.5hour shift

  14. “@NilePowerRanger: Silence is one of the most effective forms of communication.” <- it works on twitter too, try it

  15. “@derek_acorah: All my tour dates are available on my web site www.derekacorah.com” I'm getting the word "nonce"

  16. I fought the law and I won #TioteSongs

  17. Jeff Winter calling the Pope a kiddy fiddler is a bit rich seeing as he's a smoggie

  18. “@NUFCStevie: @toonlowdown a Senegal shirt nee where's got one” can't you just amend a Spurs one?


    #moviethingstodobeforeidie bunk off school to take road trip in Ferrari

  20. “@Chris_Hewitson: @tt9m I actually used the phrase "whopper", in real life today, it felt good...” <- fries with your whopper sir?

  21. “@mattypnufc: @markbradley1986 - bullshit. Nowt on twitter or forums.” there will be soon #Nufc #hereIgo!

  22. "@themichaelowen Look at me, I'm considerably richer than you & i get freebies!!! Hahaha peasants" what an odious man

  23. My Roasties bring all the girls to the yard & they're like they're better than yours! http://t.co/Qgz124B2

  24. Keith Fitt has to be funniest bloke on Telly "watch n learn bains watch n learn"

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