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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Love the way @tetley_teafolk run #freeteafriday & make it sound great. A years supply of tea, 8 cups day works out at £48 #bigprize

  2. Demba, Demba, Dem DembasDemba, Demba, Dem DembasDemba, Demba, Dem DembasNow hear the word of Tiote#Nufc

  3. “@marleyftm: Geordie cunts” Do you kiss your mum with that mouth? Bet you do...with tongues

  4. Tell you what this @BurnsieBen @cwarr07 @nufcinsider & all the other bollocks #itk lot can piss right off

  5. Two mothers sitting nattering in the ball pool fail to notice their 2 y/o daughters wander off into restaurant #softplay #mongs

  6. “@FloridaTopMakem: have #safc signed anyone yet? its 25th january; what are they doing?” fear not Heskey is on way #Nufc

  7. “@NeilTheGeordie: I lied. Harry Roberts was never my friend. Sorry for any offence #thecorner” <- whys the Corner full of liars? #scoreboard

  8. “@cognoscentinovo: Just found £7,000 under the sofa, forgot I had that.” should stick that in your Swiss account

  9. Apologies all Pancrate/Pancake appears to be the concensus. Forgot to put in original tweet that I didn't know answer!!!

  10. Quick #Nufc quiz. Came in on free, short, fast winger. Played couple of games at most & scored 1 goal. Was released 2 or 3 seasons ago?

  11. “@BabyElvisSocAM: @alorsondansssse yes I'm proper nutty, are u?” and so explains why I never watch Soccer AM

  12. “@themichaelowen: Super Sunday - can't wait! ....lunch and then it's the sofa all afternoon.” 1 day merges into another eh?

  13. “Liverpool: Dietmar Hamann reveals how lost £288k in single bet as gambling and drinking took over his life” I LOVE KARMA

  14. Unless we're saying the ref was at fault for at least 3 goals then we've not got anyone to blame but ourselves #Nufc

  15. I mean come on, who gives a 2 year old one of these? http://t.co/DigcyIvS

  16. Good to see that @OfficialGlitter wasnt real, even better that it was done for a reason http://t.co/Xvcxvuuc

  17. “@steph_NUFC: @pjwhitfield that's fab!!! :)” Thank you very much ahaaa you've been a lovely audience

  18. “@stevewraith: @pjwhitfield @peterramage83 he said the same mate” and so he should, tis only right

  19. Am I missing summat or has @Nigella_Lawson started cooking with Coke? https://t.co/jS0yr7wY

  20. If that really is Gary Glitter then he's shit at that peado lark #shittestdisguiseever

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