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Everything posted by peasepud
"@mickygray33: Anyone know good masseur??? " isn't that Titus's chatup line? #shesaidnoTitus
#ff @TaylorandBesty a right couple of shites, just made me look a tit on the metro sniggering at their podcast
“@the_dilsh: Your a smelly pirate hooker!!” thank Christ, Ron Burgundy. I thought you were off ya tits!
“@billy_whizzer: Just seen the anfield cat going in to new look in r towny buying a fur coat” COMEDY GOLD
“@NUFCThreatLevel: I'm off out. Clear the Coast Road..” you heading for Billy Mill Roundabout like?
“@tt9m: Sick of bastard work actually making me work. Cack.” there's some reet bastards about aren't there!
Ode to @taylorr1984 to the tune of Lip up Fatty #pipedownsillybolloxPipe down silly bollox,ah pipe down (cont) http://t.co/wD7JUUxg
“@harwoodinho79: @pjwhitfield change the double e to double o.” now THATS the channel to watch!
I'm sure I've said this before but how come I find out Sinitta from Corrie has cracking chebs by watching CBeebies!
“@billy_whizzer: Fernando torres got a teeshirt on under is top next time he scores queens looking good for 100” IT'S ALL IN THE DELIVERY
“@billy_whizzer: Harry rednapp forwards for tonite haddie bonder whore and louhee say rar ha ha” Are yee on glue?
So Stephen Ireland was subbed at HT for telling his manager to Fuck Off. Odious little cunt that he is #Nufc #AVFC #wifi-fish
“@2NarMe: Winners Breakfast. Would love to give this a shot. http://t.co/l5v4RTik” Michael Winner?