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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. How to make friends & influence people - #LFC PR Dept #ThinnestSportsBooks

  2. And now the full works, Balti, rice, bhaji http://t.co/feoUNJMZ

  3. "@mickygray33: Anyone know good masseur??? " isn't that Titus's chatup line? #shesaidnoTitus


    #ff @TaylorandBesty a right couple of shites, just made me look a tit on the metro sniggering at their podcast

  5. That must be the place a mate of mine recommended for the wet shave experience. "Not something you need to do more than once, but by god it'll make you feel like a real man." Or words to that effect. Just as the bloke next to me was about to get his shave, I asked the barber how his Parkinsons was doing. Twat that I am.
  6. “@the_dilsh: Your a smelly pirate hooker!!” thank Christ, Ron Burgundy. I thought you were off ya tits!

  7. “@billy_whizzer: Just seen the anfield cat going in to new look in r towny buying a fur coat” COMEDY GOLD

  8. “@NUFCThreatLevel: I'm off out. Clear the Coast Road..” you heading for Billy Mill Roundabout like?

  9. Theres only one place I'll go to and thats the one next to the Empress (or whatever the fuck its called these days), at the top of the Side. Proper mans barbers, got the pole and everything, 3 barbers in there who all know you by name and good chat. Costs about £8 for a cut and they do proper wet shaves n'all but Ive not tried one yet.
  10. God I fucking hate those cunts #unwashed

  11. “@tt9m: Sick of bastard work actually making me work. Cack.” there's some reet bastards about aren't there!

  12. Ode to @taylorr1984 to the tune of Lip up Fatty #pipedownsillybolloxPipe down silly bollox,ah pipe down (cont) http://t.co/wD7JUUxg

  13. Any minute now I expect @S123AMK to tell @TaylorR1984 about the 9-1 game #Nufc #safc

  14. “@harwoodinho79: @pjwhitfield change the double e to double o.” now THATS the channel to watch!

  15. I'm sure I've said this before but how come I find out Sinitta from Corrie has cracking chebs by watching CBeebies!

  16. “@billy_whizzer: Fernando torres got a teeshirt on under is top next time he scores queens looking good for 100” IT'S ALL IN THE DELIVERY


    #dear14yearoldself it's a lie, I can still see perfectly fine! #dear14yroldself


  18. “@billy_whizzer: Harry rednapp forwards for tonite haddie bonder whore and louhee say rar ha ha” Are yee on glue?

  19. Hold on, something doesnt add up here..... 1. Norwich City Average attendance 26,434.......Highest attendance 26,816.......Capacity 26,034...... so on the average game, they have 400 people who shouldnt be there? Its another Hillsborough in the making.
  20. Court sketch of Harry Redknapp isnt very lifelike, so Ive redone it. #nufc #thfc #afc #mufc http://t.co/uSD0kOPY

  21. So Stephen Ireland was subbed at HT for telling his manager to Fuck Off. Odious little cunt that he is #Nufc #AVFC #wifi-fish

  22. If @Joey7Barton goes to jail, will they let him share a cell with his brother?

  23. “@2NarMe: Winners Breakfast. Would love to give this a shot. http://t.co/l5v4RTik” Michael Winner?

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