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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud


    King Prawn Balti from a few nights ago
  2. Seemingly for a few seconds about 15mins ago the entire country just lost its Broadband, all ISPs everywhere.
  3. peasepud


    nowt happening but if you think we can have a forum sitting on 666 topics
  4. Ive not seen it but I really hope thats true. The thought that this kids only worry is to assure everyone he can write it down properly.
  5. “@GeorgaGutierrez: It's about the badge, the team, not the stadium name #NUFC” bollocks. It's history & heritage

  6. ..... so from my point of view I've got nothing to gain from it at all. From the looks of what you've said I'd imagine you've got quite a bit to lose from meeting him tbf.....teeth, pride, ability to eat unaided being just 3
  7. Whats this about The Futureheads doing a Capello album? Seems a bit random, what next? N-Dubz do Redknapp?

  8. “@AdamLightowlers: Built us up and let us down for 3 years! Good riddance! #HTFC” much better to not be built up in 1st place eh?

  9. “@StanCollymore: Taking extended twitter break.See you soon.”See ya...wouldn't wanna be ya

  10. “@billy_whizzer: Manchini says to tevez i never treated u like a dog hers your dinner the bowls on the floor with water in” HAHAHAHA THUD

  11. Yeah thanks @kraftfoods for box of Chocolate Orange Segsations with zero Popping Candy ones! #badcraic http://t.co/gPCVtYj8

  12. I have a crisp fiver here that says all 557 people who follow @papisscisse9 also follow Colin #Nufc #gullible

  13. “@therealrobbo: @pjwhitfield works for me...I do have her something though.” DOUBLE WHAMMY! top bombing!

  14. I don't know what this is in window of London Sports shop but designer must be a Geordie #Nufc #liamO http://t.co/pjSHq5sm

  15. She says she's been attacked 10 times because of house she lives in. No pet, they've spent time on a train with you

  16. well done @NRE_EastCoastbtrain to Kings X is overcrowded & no seat reservations so now standing for 3hrs to let old woman have seat



  18. “@deadbloke: Why is a really small bloke trying to shoot Dwight Yorke? #avfc #mcfc http://t.co/f1A5CUui” why not?


    #NewsAccordingToLFC Whitney Houston is in best of health, nothing to see here move on

  20. Wor lass hasn't got up yet, not sure how to break the news of Whitneys death to her.. #whyGodwhyyyyy????

  21. twitter now brings grief to the VIP masses, no doubt Sky News will ticker tape Waynes touching message throughout the day
  22. Why not just give Parker MOTM champers now so it's chilled for HT? #Nufc #thfc

  23. Scum 2 - racist scum 1

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