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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. “@MJWsafc: @TheJimSmithEra @sniff91 Amongst people there yes. You can't even have a debate without resulting to calling us cunts.” CUNT

  2. There must be some merit in seeing if we can get a load of fake lookalikes into the Micky Owen app

  3. Oh great, I'm at Birmingham University station for the 6min journey to New St but there's some delay my main trains at 3:30 grrr

  4. “@GeordieChris_F: The mackems were chucking coins? Bet they weren't euros. #nufc #safc” wahey!!!!!

  5. Whey this train to Birmingham is a reet barrel of laughs

  6. “@nigelsafc: @R0b_NUFC_Finlay shut the fuck up scum #safc” lolz

  7. THe 2nd one looks like James Cordon starring in the stage version of Mask
  8. It appears the whole of Sunderland want to fight Tiote, not really fair is it? Do you wanna go get some more mates lads?

  9. Anyone who ever ever slates Shola again should die a horrible death #Nufc

  10. I'm at George Scotts gentlemans barbers...haircut time!!


    #ThingsThatHaveHappenedSinceMackemsWonNineOne 99.99999999% of those alive on earth at time have died

  12. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind is fucking mental like man

  13. some thick makem on BBC Newcastle ad "get stuck into them show we're better than the Maggys" @SimonPryde where do you find em?

  14. There's an old woman shouting at her grandson in Soft Play, understandable really, he's got the gingerest hair ever!

  15. “@BlaydonRaces150: Just been followed by @BrendanHealy4 Got to be happy with that!” first 3 were funnier, sequels always lose it

  16. At @firenzejesmond with @ellietog and the little fella. Top notch scranning!

  17. Anyone looking to cheer their day up, get your ears around Black Grape Money Back Guaranteed. Pure class

  18. RIP a much troubled man for obvious reasons
  19. So @tt9m quit twitter cos someone said he could be a bit irritating? Haway man ye big girls blouse pick your dummy up!

  20. Its unlikely I'd not vote Labour but Ed Miliband on this party political broadcast is doing his best to convince me otherwise!

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