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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Just watching Swansea tear Fulham a new one #scfc #ffc #motd

  2. Just heard about Fabrice Muamba, terrible stuff #bwfc #thfc

  3. “@NilePowerRanger: Nuh bwoy can bad mi up ah dat mi no !” Gadangaa you're well 'ard bro

  4. Just seen some graffiti in local park "Brunton Park Crew" tell you what #LBAB must be shitting themselves

  5. What's this I'm hearing about a certain Mr Wynn?

  6. The legend that is Cisse. Got his name n number on his car! http://t.co/r0xZ5ZLB

  7. ...I'm sat with feet in my bag to stop the draught! #crosscountry http://t.co/sBZtFcXS

  8. 12 hours ago I was sat in Wetherby services with a coffee...now I'm sat in Wetherby services with a coffee http://t.co/5p6Znx6x

  9. “@Joey7Barton: The Guardian is becoming my preferred read at the min” I'm guessing you're not their target demographic like

  10. Oh fuck! which one got the biggest smile from @Jay_Hoops I wonder #Nufc #afc

  11. I misread it and thought the #spoonieshateoutsidebecause tag was about a Radio 1 DJ being desperate for a crap

  12. We're all on DAB now Niall keep up son
  13. Gerroff!!! @ Banana Studios http://t.co/xxSW50yZ

  14. “@ellietog: £20 photoshoot to the first confirmation for today at 3pm all pics on disk. Near Cluny.” good mothers day pressie lads!

  15. “@therealrobbo: Up 1 hour and some conundrums solved. #racing” living the dream kidda

  16. I've just fallen asleep sitting up, luckily I was woken by the scalding coffee I was holding pouring down my chest

  17. RT "@PaulRobbins1969: andrew is a big fat cunt hope he drops down dead twat #eastenders" oh the irony

  18. “@dcb72: holy fuck - didn't realise @GreggstheBakers were on twitter.WHERE ARE MY FREE STEAK BAKES?” and mine!

  19. “@Robatkinsonnufc: My god there are some right dickheads in this town” are you in Stoke?

  20. Tell you what, Mr T is on Channel 4 now he's really let himself go #suchashame

  21. “@ToonTeg: @pjwhitfield jesus!” Bless you my child

  22. “@CraigMid18: RIP #safc fan Darren Lark, who died suddenly after derby game on sunday” RIP

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