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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. “@NilePowerRanger: Huge weight off my shoulders!” got rid of them cornrows then?

  2. the country shits itself about petrol shortages and @themichaelowen brags he's using a MacLaren.

  3. He's a Killer Whale of the seaworld.....I think hes a cock #theapprentice

  4. That my friend is the ultimate! A Broon Ale Schooner, I'm sorry I ever doubted you & thought you were supping out the bottle

  5. Ladies: if you like seeing lots of pink then forget Big Fat Gypsy Weddings on Ch4 & tune into ITV at 7.30 #safc #Nufc

  6. peasepud


    very belated greetings you old fart
  7. Come on then, who wants a game of this Draw Summat thingy?

  8. When did Free For All on MW2 become 16 players?

  9. “@maxrushden: off to meet the prime minister for lunch. hope it's worth it...” punch him in the nads for me

  10. Oh fuck...anyone know about top end tellys?

  11. Fucking hell telly has 926 channels. Including "Northern Birds", basically lasses too shit to score in Bigg Market http://t.co/iwZzA66a


    #ff those that sat at back of class shouting #Nufc obscenities @2NarMe @TheJimSmithEra @weldy1980 @toonlowdown @WackyJnr1


  13. George Osborn has one of those faces Doc Marten boots were invented for

  14. It's a tree not much else to say really http://t.co/HMuOp53q

  15. Who will blink first? @ De Vere Slaley Hall http://t.co/m2fU4GGe

  16. so @itvnews have managed to get the least juicy tax change of tomorrows budget? #muchbiggerstorytocome

  17. Loving this 10 year old on Gippo Weddings "there's not enough hippies to save our lives"

  18. It's not a bad little property http://t.co/VRRMNQjD

  19. “@Walken4GOP: What the hell happened? It feels like the entire UK is pissed off at me. What is a bellend?” You are

  20. Share of sponsorship £210St James' Park tshirt £10Seeing look on Dekka's face Pricelesshttp://t.co/Fds0kK3H #NUFC


    #5WordReviews 3 points, who cares how?

  22. “@BU5HY30: Come on stoke” 3 words that should never be uttered

  23. As its mothers day I'm treating Wor lass by beating my batter to a frenzy

  24. This latest stuff from Gazza is even less well thought out than his last trip to KFC #Nufc

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