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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. How much space are we giving them there?

  2. You can show possession stats all you like. The points go on goals not passes


    #ff @thisdave would write a comedic sonnet of epic proportions for a chance to sniff my delicate beautiful ladylike poo's


    #ff a couple of #Nufc lads who'd miss a match just to feast their eyes on my bootylicious stunning looks @leazeslad @2NarMe @weldy1980


  5. I've just adopted zeebox as my TV sidekick. Download the app and let's watch together! http://t.co/VtUm8vLG

  6. “@arcpantmcgee: @stevewraith RT for G-Star eldon squares closing down sale? All stock must go!” doesn't the G stand for Gay?

  7. “@Sophie_Doughty: Worlds biggest rat just ran past me. Was size of a dog” you sure it wasn't a dog?

  8. “@leazeslad: @weldy1980 fuck knows I just copied everyone else.” Baaaaaa

  9. Shola's just picked Nobby up for work. No tractor though :(http://t.co/ZqOgXktf

  10. Well it looks like I'm through the worst of this bug. Horrible stuff, by the sound of things though @ellietog is now suffering :(

  11. I'm inclined to believe the @H_atemBenArfa account is more real than @CissePapiss

  12. “@gordythemag: @Lee5_1Johnson @nufcfans Magnificent point. He's worth 100 Michael Owens !” means nowt, I'm worth 96 @themichaelowen's

  13. “@ttnineme: How is manager of the year decided?" this year is based on proximity to 'Arrys 'ouse

  14. Ok this is freaking me out now, there's a woman walking behind me whispering to herself


    #5WordReviews we kicked racism outa football

  16. Dear @lfc looks like you're gonna be needing more tshirts for @paulcallaghan6 #joblot #racistfc #lfc

  17. Wahey! Andy Carroll starts for #Nufc

  18. if you're in #Bromley & don't fancy electrocuting yourself give @sparkyinbromley a shout. Very helpful

  19. I once sat in the East Stand and the bloke in front of me read a paper for 1st 20mins of game #Nufc #shityeenot

  20. If you added all the wins of #safc 02/03 season to this one, they'd still be a point behind #Nufc

  21. There's some faces at Nobbys party that I recognise but can't put a name to...if that makes sense

  22. Congratulations @Walken4GOP for winning this years "proving Americans are thick as pig shit" award. Keep on keeping on fella

  23. this one'll throw her: @Nigella_Lawson where's best place to eat North of Watford?

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