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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. eating a massive slice of humble pie I think its safe to say my prediction of massive failure and relegation may not come true
  2. 2 year old George loves Wednesdays when Graze box comes! @grazedotcom http://t.co/mc9c26Nu

  3. Has anyone confirmed this @NolbertoSolano account? I'm wary! #Nufc

  4. Well I for one am confident about Euro2012 with candleface in charge

  5. Anyone wanna tell me what I've missed re Raylor & Perchinio? #Nufc

  6. Fucking Terrible Match #FTM


    #ff @octoberjones and his incredibly funny "texts from the dog" http://t.co/yQMvdV6h


  8. Oh dear just as my son used to drop the L in Clocks he now replaces the ST in stick with D!

  9. “@leazeslad: This Senegal top does nowt for me moobs in the gym like....its like the opening credits from Baywatch” Crimewatch?

  10. “@Iwantcurlyhair2: @NorthernJam no, just some kid good with photo shop in his bedroom” what? Better than your "I'm in LA" 'shops?

  11. "@nufcfans: we're twitter, on a bigger scale." FUCKING HELL MAN

  12. Missing @ellietog and the awesome power of the little fella in the morning! :(

  13. Dear Arsonists of Stevenage please have yourselves a quiet night in as this is outside my hotel window http://t.co/cRECRNjk

  14. Ahhhh that's better, I was Hank Marvin! http://t.co/oAC5wvSg

  15. Dear @alandavies1 you might not want to stand near any walls in near future. You know what they're like

  16. This #partywithmarty is now turning into the sort where someone breaks your mums best vase & is sick in your kex drawer

  17. “@NeilTheGeordie: Its up. Woo hoo. Morning all ;)” FNAAR FNAAR HURRIP JIGGA AROOOOO

  18. Did Will I.Am invent dry cat food?

  19. Claire Balding should stick to horses, not a clue about people #boatrace

  20. It also seems #thfc are looking to do us a favour too #Nufc #nice

  21. Tell you what I should be in Advertising me like

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