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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. My last RT.What a crock of shite #FA really are. No interest in fans just money. Remind me of Westwood & co #Darlo #Nufc

  2. "@jamieOliver You'll be munching out of the window box for years to come" Dorty filthy bastard!

  3. “@MarcSDuffy: Danny Simpson for England? Nee chance.” I'll see your nee chance & raise you a Jordan Henderson

  4. “@NorthernJam: Just had another breakfast wrap Tremendous”#addicted

  5. "huhuh Holly Booby is fit"© my 2 year old son 02/06/12#TheVoice

  6. “@BigAls09: @pjwhitfield @NeilTheGeordie He (Ashley) listened to PK for Kinnear,” I assume PK stands for Peter Kay? Comedy appointment

  7. “@Robatkinsonnufc: @steph_NUFC I call everyone duck lol. It's a local thing.”Oh dear that sounds #stoke

  8. Proof that football shouldn't always be so serious http://t.co/g8vxrPhI

  9. “@Joey7Barton: @ianrowbo you have more chance than me mate. I am not even joking... #personanongrata#victim

  10. A horse walks into a barand is served because they don't discriminate on gender, colour or equine status #inoffensivejokes

  11. “@NUFCThreatLevel: "I mightn't always be right when it comes to football." ...I didn't want Pardew.” not many did

  12. “@MirrorFootball: 2) Manchester's united... in pursuit of #nufc goal machine Cisse” Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. “@jessemariano: @pjwhitfield Need Wisdom Teeth Advice ?”Funnily enough, no I don't

  14. “@NilePowerRanger: Phone in pocket off lock... Was tweeting all sorts. Sorry guys”Never noticed the difference to be honest

  15. “@geordiedentist: @stevewraith are you going into stand up now?????”Christ I hope not!

  16. “@PayasoDeMierda: Seasonal bait at The Priory..... http://t.co/n6gVxCpN” glad to see you're getting help mate #justsayno

  17. “@ian_nufc: Had to open my 'balcony' door, as Hebburn seems to have got confused with somewhere hot.” is that a euphemism?

  18. “@StephNUFC: This has to be the saddest football thread of all time http://t.co/7lFzKmSv” check archive there's dozens like that #SMBs

  19. “@GaryNE1: @Iwantcurlyhair2 I just think it stinks of Man Utd fans crack.”You've sniffed a Man U fans crack?

  20. If you follow @AlanShearer_ then please: 1. Close twitter account2. Turn off PC/phoneYou clearly can't be trusted with it

  21. "between 5 & 18 you can legally drink alcohol at home, at a friend's house or other private premises" WTF? I've learnt something there!

  22. well this is fookin booooooooooring

  23. OMG!!!! @AlanShearer_ is on twitter!!!1! Oh hold on no, no he isn't still #nufc tag goes fucking mental in the belief he is

  24. “@leazeslad: Staggered by headline in paper "Toon fans - All is forgiven Ashley". Not by me its not, never will be neither” never forgive

  25. “@NilePowerRanger: Hurdy gurdy... Ringtone.. NOKIA BAaNGER” this is the closest I've ever come to understanding a Nile tweet

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