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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Agreed. if you're doing it for fun and not profit then why waste a year hassling with the championship?
  2. Too much quite frankly. Simply due to the fact at the moment they don't have the support of our fans. Personally I don't think 10% is enough. Also nobody is going to give the fans a stake. They are going to have to get organised and grab a slice themselves. 10% is more than enough tbh but your point on grabbing the slice intrigues me. Grab it from where exactly? if we were floated on the stock market then yes, you could do that, pull some readies together and buy up enough shares to get you the required percentage. We are not and will not be in the foreseeable future therefore unless you are a master of mind bending or hypnotism then you're going to have to convince any prospective owners that giving the fans some representation is a good idea. That is what is already going on, Colin Whittle of the NUSC is working tirelessly on us becoming a Supporters Trust and being recognised by the FSF and Supporters Direct. Thats the first moves to gaining representation in a football club. once you've done that though then you need the backing of fans, build up a membership and funds so that if they offer shares up for sale then you can buy in (I believe Manchester United Supporters Trust has about £3.5 million sitting in a bank account waiting for that to happen). Ideally though, any prospective new owners would see the merits of having fans representation on the board and put aside a facility for them. Like I say it doesnt have to be much, just enough to give you access to the major decisions and accountability, that would ensure that if things arent being ran sensibly then at least they can shout about it and make people aware, that in itself is enough deterrent to ensure we dont end up in the kind of lunatic asylum we find ourselves now. As Kitman pointed out, Barcelona is a totally different beast to the toon, yes both are well supported but Barca are more like an entire country or race with the Catalans than just another football club. its politics, religion and football all rolled into one.
  3. Id rather he was in Blackburn, the additional 150 miles would make me feel safer!
  4. I swear Ive just seen Sam Allardyce drive past me in Gosforth. He was driving a dark grey Ferrari 365!
  5. boring New plan. barca is owned by circa 156,000 according to that article. there's more than 156,000 newcastle fans, so why don't we take over barca and rename them to FC Newcastle, the Camp Nou to Park St James, and Etoo to Shola Ameobi, and lets all decamp to Spain. Come on NUSC, there's a manifesto I'm arranging a committee meeting as I type, consider it done
  6. it's not at all feasible in the short term and probably not ever. What is possible is the long term aim of the NUSC which is to gain fans representation at board level through being a supporters trust (see our website for details).
  7. Its my birthright. Cant imagine supporting anyone else.
  8. Whats your thoughts? Mine is simple and straight forward he saw how well football tops sold in his stores and realised there was even bigger money to be made by owning the source as well as the supplier plus how hard can it be to win the Champions league? piece of piss to the great Mike Ashley business genius. I honestly do think he assumed all he had to do was buy a top club, tell the players he wanted them to win the league and off they would pop. Then he'd pocket sackfuls of cash and see the sales of shirts shoot up as well. Running the club in the way he runs his shops, pile up the cheap tat and sell it on for a profit. Life and especially football isnt like that Mike, its one hard slog all the way, permanenetly looking for the next big player to purchase, investing heavily and ensuring you have the right structure and personnel in place to take the club forward. On top of that, both him and dodgy Decka are used to being able to do whatever they want in business, close a shop and who argues against it? just the staff, play dirty and its just one of them things isnt it? So they came into this doing the same shady deals and moves that they would normally however now theres 50k paying customers who actually care about the product, not just the price. The worlds media are suddenly watching your every move and reporting it, does he not like that? I know Im a sceptic but frankly theres more to come here, its only after Fat Mike has actually gone will we start and see the actual devastation that he has wreaked. Personally, I believe that any assets the club had (outside of the stadium and training ground) have been transferred into SJ Holdings. Im also of the belief that a good chunk of the £110mil or so has already been pocketted by the fat lad so hes not really writing off the debt, hes merely set up an overdraft/ mortgage with Barclays and pocketted a fair chunk of the cash already. No matter what happens and is said, I will not believe that hes willing to write off over a hundred million quid in investment and walk away. Only after Ive seen the accounts for this period will I be satisfied and that isnt due to happen for over a year yet. Plenty time for him to up and run.
  9. So basically you're saying that the price of the club has barely dropped at all then? Why would he even attempt that, after failing to do it when the club was in the premiership? The price tag last time he put it up for sale was ~£200m. It's £100m this time. How has the price not fallen? The loan is still there payable to him, but the price tag has halved. So what about the "club doesn't owe a dime" etc quotes? Yeah that's basically bollocks. He paid the loans off to externals with his own cash, but the club now owes him for all of the debts he settled. The club is still in debt, but to the owner rather than to a third party. But he becomes a third party that wants his cash as soon as he sells up. Allegedly not, seems we're now living day to day on the rather hefty Barclays overdraft (somewhere between 40 and 70million depending on who you listen to).
  10. Just shows how out of touch the SundaySun/Journal/Ronnie actually are!
  11. pud as chairman I like your thinking Paddy me lad! As for the NUSC, its not feasible for us to get together any kind of realistic amount to join forces with some consortium, nice thought but not at the minute, this is though why we are pushing forward with the Supporters Trust initiative, hopefully whoever takes over from this total shitstick of a human being will work with the fans in the long term. Whether Freddy has learnt his lesson though only time will tell. Hes also renowned for looking down on the fans. Here endeth the NUSC bit and starteth the Pud view...... Maybe now you lot will see where I was coming from a week ago, I dont believe a word either of these clowns say, I do believe that we are close to administration under this man and by doing this hes started the ball rolling. Basically hes now saying "its nowt to do with me, its not my fault". We have debts, all those that say we dont are fools, theres an overdraft and a morgage with Barclays, we've made money in the last two transfer windows and *allegedly* Ashley has pumped £140million in to clear the debts yet now we're sitting here with bankers breathing down our necks. I said it last week and I'll say it again now, Ashley had no intention of doing anything to steer us away from relegation, Im not saying he wanted us to go down but he didnt want to change things and bring someone in. He only did so with Shearer because he shit himself when Oliver broke the Administration story. He then had to actually try and stop us going down otherwise he would be seen as the out and out liar that he is. Now we're down he doesnt want to fork out anything to get us back up so hes pulling this one, as someone else pointed out, this stops him agreeing anything with Shearer, we will now be in limbo until either we're sold or Kinnear reappears to sell off more players and bring in some cheap cheap shit. I dread to think how far we have yet to fall..... just another day in the NUFC saga.
  12. I think its unfair to pull the Ultras out like that, they're not a protest group and I personally have never seen anything to suggest they are any more vocal when it comes to protesting than the average fan.
  13. I agree but what Im getting at is we either bin him or use him, paying some twat thousands a week to sit on his arse and not give a shit isnt a good idea. For me, we either get rid or renegotiate his contract: A small basic wage with good play bonuses but at the same time hefty hefty fines written in when he gets booked / sent off and an agreement that should anything happen outside of the football pitch then hes out, no pay, no severance, nowt.
  14. Thats the bit I dont agree with though, if we dont want a player then paying them the same wages to perform in the reserves is mental. Hes either a toon player or he isnt. IF we kept him then he needs to earn his keep by doing his job in the 1st team. fwiw though I'd bin him.
  15. Just found this thread and fuck me you lot are boring! High interest account? Offshore funds? Christ on a bike, these people have £3million in a suitcase, there can be nothing better than that!
  16. peasepud


    8 games, 1 win out of 3 winnable ones. utter shite. dowie would do better than shearer, cheers for the memory alan but you're no manager. If I could refer you to the following post?
  17. peasepud


    insightful and well thought out, thats what I like about your posts TC
  18. Or the more demands they will have ground him down on.
  19. You cant expect him to do that, hes only made £1,244,666 per goal for us so far. I mean how can he be expected to live on the pittance of £21,340,000 we've paid him in basic wages in his career. You ungrateful bastard!
  20. What was the last thing our club captain actually said about the club ever?
  21. I'm posting this from work numbnuts and if i can do that on my third day, I must be pretty savvy at this work malarkey, he should definitely listen to me and you're a ginge and therefore untrustworthy
  22. peasepud


    You certainly wouldnt have thought so. I said to the guy "do you not know what its like for small business's at the moment?" and his reply? "but thats not your money, its your employee's money and their tax". I told him he clearly had no idea about running a business or cash flow. Which in hindsight probably didnt help..... You'd be right though, no idea on running a business, cash flow, PAYE, how to spell "tax" or anything related to income tax, some of the numpties we employ these days!
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