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Everything posted by peasepud
Yeah Patrick brilliant idea, we hold off paying any money to the club so it hurts Ashley and so we get it cheaper. How much after Administration? how much after the loss of every single player and replacing them with part-timers. We'll start about 10 points down but what the hell we'll save some cash. As for the last sentence, thats why you included the link to the website and mentioned NUSC by name isnt it?
it may get mentioned, then again I may just hand the transcript to Simon Donald and ask him to read it out, probably one of the best bits of comedy we'll have (although I can confirm that our two comedians are top notch and you'll be pissing yourself*) *the bogs are out of order
I believe that they may be here tonight (I still have a couple of tickets left which people can have cheap ) I know they've been invited but whether they can make it is another thing. Heres hoping though
I didnt have any problem with the tone or the sentiment of the article. What I questioned was the logistics of it. I'd love to know where he thinks we read the article as any kind of anti-NUFC writing. The original aarticle's tone is okay as you say - it's his responses to legitimate criticism of it that grates. I wonder who we could pass it to?
I didnt have any problem with the tone or the sentiment of the article. What I questioned was the logistics of it. I'd love to know where he thinks we read the article as any kind of anti-NUFC writing.
Because Man U and Liverpool are just trusts, they're not supporters clubs as well. The trust is one aspect the SC is the other, in the respect of Man U though they have been charging and I believe have built up around £3.5m already. The members of the trust are then expected to put their hands in their pockets to make up the additional funds needed should the time come. Id estimate that 90-95% of trusts charge a fee, the whole idea being to raise money should the time come.
Brace yourselves folks, hes replied to my latest on this morning (and hes been on here!) Heres what I replied back with this morning following last nights little gem. And he came, he saw, he spat his dummy. :razz:
Fuck me he just doesnt know when to stop does he? Latest reply
I dont know whether Im willing to lose my jailbreak
At least take faith in the fact hes not going to knock a hat-trick in against us.
Self admission that he's talking absolute twaddle IYAM hmmm notice he hasnt replied to my last mail
Anybody else think the club might not be sold?
peasepud replied to Park Life's topic in Newcastle Forum
Trouble is, its not even spending another penny of his own, they're not spending a penny of the clubs money. There is nothing available. -
Must be absolutely loving all this like. Don't blame him either. I can imagine the calls now.... Mike? its Dave, Dave Whelan....just wondering mate, when the Toon play here next seas......oh fuck! shit sorry mate I forgot. Anyway when you go to Blackpool, do you want to call in for a coffee? tea? coca cola? shiiiiit sorry done it again.
I would have thought that chances of getting to away games are less likely now, smaller capacity stadiums while our core away fans will still be there no matter what. You'd be better off getting a friend with an ST to try and get you tickets than give any more money upfront to this feckless bunch of tossers.
Anybody else think the club might not be sold?
peasepud replied to Park Life's topic in Newcastle Forum
I dont think it will be quick although I have to disagree with the OP its not really dragging on as far as it appears. Allegedly, they've asked for expressions of interest, confirmed they are genuine and are now into due dilligence so I would imagine thats been going to a normal timescale. Whether there actually are any bidders however remains to be seen, my money is on there being one, a certain fat lad from Byker who will offer way below the asking price unless hes given the belief that there are others bidding against him. -
Well I sent an edited version of my post to Patrick with the thought that it may be used in some form of debate that could open up, you know like democratically and shit? as newspapers are meant to do. Heres what I sent. And heres the reply I received.
Basically, what he is saying is "we (Dekka and Mike) have absolutely no intention of signing Alan Shearer, it just will not happen under our watch, however we do want you to buy season tickets and therefore Im going to tell you that it could all be sorted in the next few days to a week. That however should be just enough time to make you think, "what if I dont buy my ticket and Al comes?". Were basically putting the whole emphasis on those that may want to buy it". Now forgive me if Im wrong but due diligence doesnt get sorted in a couple of days, these are things that teams of lawyers and accountants pore over for weeks on end, unless of course those books say "nothing outstanding, everything paid and loads of cash coming in" if they do say that then I reckon any prospective purchaser is going to take even longer to go through them trying to find where the fuck hes hidden it. Its amazing how media will take one story and come up with what they think we want to hear. Do people have to announce their going through due diligence? is it possible they've been going through Due diligence for weeks already? I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but I think you're desperately trying to find the worst in every article mate. and your insistence on reading something positive in every article means you miss the simplest of points from the main quote. Dekka makes it clear that nobody could have carried out due dilligence before tomorrow. "The data room will be open on Wednesday, which will allow the groups who have proved they have the money to buy the club to look at the books. Nobody has been able to do that yet because the data room hasn't been opened." That is the start of due diligence, people cannot have started to carry it out if they havent had access to the necessary documents.
and who exactly is it thats fishing around for him? we dont have a manager for fucks sake.
Am I the only one who reads that statement totally differently? Basically, what he is saying is "we (Dekka and Mike) have absolutely no intention of signing Alan Shearer, it just will not happen under our watch, however we do want you to buy season tickets and therefore Im going to tell you that it could all be sorted in the next few days to a week. That however should be just enough time to make you think, "what if I dont buy my ticket and Al comes?". Were basically putting the whole emphasis on those that may want to buy it". Now forgive me if Im wrong but due diligence doesnt get sorted in a couple of days, these are things that teams of lawyers and accountants pore over for weeks on end, unless of course those books say "nothing outstanding, everything paid and loads of cash coming in" if they do say that then I reckon any prospective purchaser is going to take even longer to go through them trying to find where the fuck hes hidden it. Its amazing how media will take one story and come up with what they think we want to hear.
I hate to break this to you buddy, but we ain't no god damn Premiership Club, and the Championship don't mean diddly outside these shores. To be fair trophy, we are a Premiership club in everything but league position. The right investor would not look at us as a small club to make big, but a big club to return to glory. Most of the work is done for them, we have the stadium, the reputation, the facilities and the support. Yeah, I knew what you were alluding to really and don't disagree, but we are currently in the shop window at BHS Aldi and not House of Fraser. FYP
Whatever way you slice and dice it, the net sale price to Ashley should be the same. If he repaid part of his loan ahead of others, then the sale price will go down to reflect that. I still find it hard to believe anyone is seriously considering offering £100m for the club when they just have to sit back, watch the shit hit the fan and stand ready by the phone with their cash still in their pocket. From the sounds of it we're struggling to settle even routine payments. Administration does little solve the problem with players- as football creditors the league insists payments are honoured in full. Everything depends on the realism of Ashley's asking price. I dont see how this bit works, Im not doubting you but I just dont understand it. Working from what we've been led to believe, Ashley bought the club for £130m and then loaned it £100m giving him a total outlay of £230m yes? Now he says hes selling for £100m and we're being led to believe the debt is scratched off (I've personally never read anything official that states this though). In my view that means whatever money is owed to St James' Holdings on the day of the sale is lost to them (Ashley). Now as far as he is concerned that money could be £100m or it could be £20m either way the new owners will owe him zero and he will still have met the original deal ie £100m for the club and no money owed to Ashley. Its down to the potential buyers to realise that the debts are mounting up I would imagine, how far due diligence goes Im not sure. To use an earlier analogy of the advertised car and petrol, in the advert hes saying that it comes with whatever petrol is in it at the time of purchase. Ashley is just going to make sure he goes for a very very long drive before dropping it off. It could be that Im totally off the mark here and all debts are being paid on time to whoever but it doesnt look that way when you see the BMW fiasco. We dont just go into Administration / Bankruptcy (whats the difference? I honestly dont know???) when Ashley decides we do. If hes not paying bills then a/n other creditor can file for it cant they? What if that creditor is HMRC? A hell of a lot of money can be owed to them in a short period of time at a football club. If the projections of £72m annual wage bill is correct then thats half a million per week in Tax and NI payments. Considering HMRC gets paid monthly then £2m unpaid before anyone even has a chance to notice. Im assuming (its not my area, maybe Mancy would know) that HMRC maybe goes a full quarter of missed payments before starting proceedings? thats 6 maybe 7m owed before they kick off properly. Take a looky here > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7741859.stm from November last year, now if Leicester can run up £7m debt to the taxman, Ipswich £5m and Luton £2.5m on their wage bill then what the fuck could we be owing? According to stuff Ive been reading Lutons debt to the taxman was on a wage bill of £4m! Using that logic then we could rack up about 40m debt to the taxman before he kicks off big time.
Norwegian starlet Skjelbred still keen on NUFC
peasepud replied to Angelus71's topic in Newcastle Forum
hmmmm I see thw words "£5million fee" in fact, the word "fee" should be enough to tell you we aint gonna sign him. -
Is that Jimbos telly cos if it aint then
I dont know why it is a good thing for Ashley but I do believe that he has contemplated it already. When I was originally told the stuff about Administration being imminent if we went down it came from not one but two seperate credible sources. The story was then broken nearly two weeks later by Alan Oliver, as Ive said previously in a different thread, I cant see what had changed football wise on Sunday March 29th to suddenly make Ashley call up Shearer. We hadnt had a game for a week so its not like we got tonked the day before and he finally woke up. I personally believe its too coincidental, the timing of us suddenly wanting to stay up enough to beg Shearer being the same day as this story. Again though, what he achieves I dont know, from everything Ive read all football debts must be paid in full, thats players contracts, outstanding transfer fees the lot. After that comes the other creditors including the taxman. What does worry me is that we know Ashley is refusing any money out of the club, not even for petty cash, coffee in the meetings, anything. Its a fair bet then that the club is living on its credit rating, as seen by the reposession of Llambias car. How many months of non-payment does it take before they reposess a car? what about the hotel costs for players, Llambias and others etc? local companies who were more than happy to supply the temporary staff, catering supplies etc under the belief that there was no way a business as high profile as the football club would default on their payments. The rumour months ago was that Mort had to come her personally and demand the money that was owed to Freshfields as it hadnt been paid months after it was due. Could it be that every single penny that would have gone to pay other bills has instead gone to paying off the debt to SJ Holdings? If so, just how much of that £100m is still outstanding? How much of it went in that mortgage we found back in November? What about the January transfers? is it possible that the likes of Given were now owned by say SJ Holdings and therefore any payment is due to them and not NUFC? I havent got a clue on the answers above but the potential for these and a lot more worry me shitless.
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