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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Shit, Ive hit rock bottom. Shints is recycling my jokes
  2. How come La Toya doesnt get a mention,shes obviously pegged it as well.
  3. He hasn't walked out of the club, he's walked out of impossible situations. Not an impossible situation at all, hes walked on us the fans, and the club twice am not gonna go on too much about why hes walked out because, but the manner in which he left in and where he left the club has been disgraceful specially the second time. You want another crack at that post without the aid of alcohol?
  4. I would object. Could think of a lot worse managerial signings and hes a thousand times ahead of Kinnear ffs but at the same time, we need sense, stability, tactical nous and long term planning. Keegan, as fabulous a man as he is just doesnt tick all the boxes. Plus of couse he'd bring Terry Mac back after its taken us 15 years to get rid of the fucker
  5. Like Alex said its not revolutionary thinking. Ashley gets the brunt of the blame because thats where the shit lies, its the same as managers getting sacked for the team performing badly, ultimately they carry the can. In the same way Ashley (for the reasons Alex laid out) is to blame for the mess. Anyone with a modicum of sense could see where we were heading months ago and knew what we had to do to get out of it. Ashleys attempts to make money in such an important transfer window ultimately caused our downfall. You could argue that Llambriiiiiini was the one who actually blocked the purchase of players but it was on Ashleys orders. If Llambsarse had gone against Ashleys view and sold Given and Milner then again Ashely should have booted him into touch and employed someone with a clue. Ultimately though, its all down to one simple decision way back when. Ashley decided to employ Wise, Llalalalalbamba, Jimminez and that other fucker whos name escapes me. A group of blokes who all enjoy a pint together but cant run a football club for toffee, those employments caused the near (still to be avoided) death of this football club. Those employments were made by Ashley and therefore his fault.
  6. The reason we didnt sell Xisco in January wasnt it? Although like you say "play" is a very loose term where most of our lot are concerned.
  7. How long have they been moving ahead? I'm still wondering whether Llambias has begun to consider relegation from the Premier League might be a possibility yet Not if you read the small print on your ST renewal he hasnt, Premier League gets a couple of mentions there.
  8. Nah, he basically put all the emphasis on the new people (in a vain attempt to get ST sales going!). I think what he said was "if the new people want him then something could be done to make it happen" more than likely that means "if the new people want him then they can pay us £20m upfront and we'll put him in as manager until they take over." or something equally as unrealistic.
  9. Am I the only one that sees that as extremely bad planning? No players from the club available to attend the game, no directors, manager (whatever the fuck one of them is!) to show their face, sit with Bobby or provide possibly much needed help? Fans now torn between following the club they love or attending a charity match. Planning? pah whats that?
  10. hey those crayzeeeeee makems and their wacky jokes
  11. will do on payday guv (which reminds me Ive still got to do Meenzer as well! )
  12. No, no, no these kids clearly werent related.
  13. One big failing in that plan there Chris, you addressed it to the one place he won't ever set foot in again.
  14. Like people say, as long as hes gone I'll feel a lot happier. The £20m clause though is a worry. What happens if whoever takes over isnt some oil rich arab or multi billionaire software magante? What happens if they are careful, plan things out and work hard to get us promoted a la Stoke, Hull, Wigan type of clubs? We manage to go up in a couple of seasons time and suddenly we're £20m out of pocket. Not a good start to Premiership life! £80m damn! its £5m more than we were raising by all putting in £375 looks like we'll have to refund everyone...... now then Barclay, Barclay Ive got a cheque here for a Patrick Barclay?
  15. Just approaching 'Billy Mill roundabout' :razz: (see Viz profanosaurus) what happened to Shearer being confirmed?
  16. pah Its a risk Id be willing to take. If nothing else, a PM would suffice.
  17. fucking hell man Snakey are you gonna PM me n Radgi then? Im guessing JJs answer will involve a bottle, 2 grams of smack and repeated anal intrusions. (whereas Radgi, will go without the smack) plus Im sceptical of JJ working for HMRC for two big reasons. firstly you cannot get TT on HMRC's bastard internet second (and more importantly) no self respecting civil servant is in the office at that time on a Friday!
  18. Family commitments mean I cant make as much as I wanted to Should manage some of the weekend though.
  19. Well believe it or not, I didn't know that one off the top of my head... pah Douggy has it tattooed on his arse. Hes a proper Spurs WUM though
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