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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. 2005 - 2009 i may be mistaken - but i think your out by at least a century.
  2. the new NUSC website has gone live tonight. http://www.nusc.org.uk Those of you that are members will receive your password email sometime tonight/ tomorrow morning allowing you to keep your details updated (and more).
  3. peasepud


    tbf thats three good reasons why he had to go on.
  4. maybe hes been misquoted and the word totalling is missing Could be 17 bids of £12million.
  5. More than you can imagine bids. A cornucopia of bids. A plethora of bidding.... We're inundated with bids.... you wouldnt belive some of the people that have bid. Ive had bidders knocking at my door all day long
  6. Isnt there one on Grey St as well? La Vina I think. Never been like so it could be shite.
  7. that a hatch? hatchback is good, room for all the shopping too you had one? I'm a wee bit quirky tho, kinda was looking for something that reflects that. Is the civic not bit, and i don't mean to upset anyone here, middle aged for me? I think they're fucking rank like but its got all the useful stuff a girl could need such as a flower vase on the dashboard.
  8. peasepud


    Pimms? fuckin Pimms?
  9. Just buy 10quids worth of cream cakes and eat them in front of her.
  10. The age worries me like, what happens if he croaks it in a year or so? Some widow keeps us on? I doubt it? some son comes along and decides its now his plaything? This is the problem I see with individuals owning us, they arent around forever and sometime it has to change. Knowing our luck we'll no sooner get settled and be looking good when he drops down dead and we're in limbo again. Still, its a chance we have to take.
  11. peasepud


    Maybe hes a jinx, so if history repeats itself they'll sign him, a little later be taken over by the owner of Aldi who will sack Ferguson, bring in the ghost of George Best to manage them only to fuck him over by having Bill Shankly oversee all transfers. Voila relegation and oblivion. dry.gif You can but hope.
  12. Maybe hes a jinx, so if history repeats itself they'll sign him, a little later be taken over by the owner of Aldi who will sack Ferguson, bring in the ghost of George Best to manage them only to fuck him over by having Bill Shankly oversee all transfers. Voila relegation and oblivion. You can but hope.
  13. Back slightly on topic, the Strand Palace hotel do a carvery on an evening, £15 I think for two courses. Food that a picky person would like, enough food for a fatty (or two ) and right spot on in theatre town.
  14. Hes bought em and hes dropped em.... fish chips n gravel
  15. hmmmmmmm I sense a slight problem here
  16. I know what you mean, even though I see the moneys coming out the bank and I have a card in my mitts somehow I get the feeling that it wont work come August
  17. Shit, I regularly have both
  18. how many of you have renewed?
  19. Eggfookinsactly. They opened the data room a fortnight ago and the next day were excitedly talking about two bids being in, every day we hear about how its progressing and the two bidders are going through the motions. Now we're back at stage two.
  20. peasepud


    Count yourself lucky, I have to go to Hudedersfield this week followed by two nights in Tonbridge fucking Wells the week after. Excitement overload!!!!!!
  21. I always thought that he (tooJ) was you?
  22. You know as an Arsenal fan you'd think you'd have more fun down the road with the Spuds.
  23. The fact of the matter is that we are currently rudderless and sinking fast. The word according to Llambias is that those who are pushing ahead with the purchase want him so if Llambias is to be believed then theres no problem there. If there are no buyers then this club needs a manager regardless and one which can handle the job. Having Shearer installed can only be a good thing when trying to sell the club rather than saying "look at us, we're failing miserably and we have Joe Kinnear in charge". So again, win win. Fact of the matter is, we cannot and should not continue on blindly believing that a takeover will happen tomorrow and a competent manager installed the day after. It needs doing now, it doesnt have to be Shearer but thats who the majority of fans are happy to see in the job, its who most of us believe has a realistic chance of getting us out of this shithole that we currently sit in. More importantly he has the name and the backing of fans to ensure that Season tickets get sold, shirts purchased and the future looks tempting to someone looking to buy.
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