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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. No they're not. We now have Barclays dictating whether we can or cant appoint a manager. That doesnt happen when you owe yourself.
  2. Nah, he rang Sir John up and said " 'ere geeezah, Ive got loadsamoney me, you want some of my dosh?" to which Sir John said "I couldnt possibly sell it to someone who hasnt got the best interests of the club at heart....do you have the best interests of the club at heart?" "errrr yeah" "you'll do for me kidda, show us the money!"
  3. I dont see that though, any fees owing out will just add to the overdraft so they pick up the bill ultimately just with added interest charges.
  4. You dont need any of those, you've got big Sam managing you now, strikers? pah! they dont help defend a 0-0 draw. *and before anyone says it I know, just one more 0-0 draw would have kept us up
  5. Yep, works perfectly and keeps it's format so everything goes into individual columns - much quicker than PP's export, open malarky! hmmmmm we'll see, give it six months and he'll be back shouting about how it didnt copy over "Show tunes 4" or "Will Youngs greatest hit" then who'll be sorry? eh? eh?
  6. Have you not got a proper gay doctor? Surely you need a specialist who understands the intricate nature of being a gayer?
  7. A better way to get your tunes out would be to export your playlist from iTunes as a text file and then import it into Excel. iTunes will export as tab delimited so when you try and open the file in Excel it will let you import all the columns.
  8. From what Ive heard thats fairly close to it yet there are still people who say hes put us on a better financial position. To quote Decka (using the same quote I did in another thread) "We shoud start talking about MA buying the club for 244m rather than 134m if it would make it easier for us to "understand" and not get hung up on." so that means he paid £110 million off in debt, which if your calcs are correct makes us now £220m in debt but a league down and bringing in about £35 - £40m less per season. Way to go Rockerfeller.
  9. On top of everything though, in seriousness what player in their right mind is going to come to a club where the current players are saying "I want out, this is shit"?
  10. He's holding onto the players atm and using them as assets for possible buyers as far as I can see. There can be no other reason to continue to pay the lilkes of Martins 70k a week. I think you're right, worried though that if any sale falls through then we will see either a firesale or something worse.
  11. Why dont you all club together and pay his wages? [/baldy from the Times]
  12. Im worried that we ditch everyone possible and bring in Kinnear to start the season. I heard (and think I repeated it here) a while ago that the rumour was Ashley was not going to install a manager until the day before the season starts. if thats the case then we're fuckdiddlyfucked. I can honestly imagine Ashley and Llambias working on the logic of "so you play 11 a side and have 3 subs....so technically you only need 14 players yeah?" "so I can sell the rest of the squad as long as we have 14 left....cool!"
  13. Fucking premature bastard
  14. Its all we've got left in common
  15. Who will be todays Chronicle interview with? We've had Harper, Nolan and Beye so far releasing statements so whos turn is it next? My money is on "Steven 'bleeds black n white' Taylor".
  16. Is she though? two weeks ago there was a snippet or story every other day about how well it was progressing, how many people were in for it and how "a deal will be done by the end of the week". Now though its gone ominously quiet and we've been here before, if Decka and Harris dont make any soundbites then we're in trouble.
  17. When pressed about debt and statements that contradicted previous statements Derek Llambias became extremely annoyed about the semantics of "debt" and stated his desire for us to start talking about MA buying the club for 244m rather than 134m if it would make it easier for us to "understand" and not get hung up on. http://nusc.org.uk/full_article.php?articleid=5 Dont get your pretty little head hung about such semantics, just be thankful good old Mikes here.
  18. Stable footing....lower debt.....sound financial position......[/stupeedo]
  19. Just glancing at the title and I saw 6 "Prem" stars as 6" Prem stars I wondered how old the thread was to be talking about Dennis Wise in that way?
  20. Nah, the cheque was paid over in February just SBR wasnt well enough to do a photo until now, we werent bothered about getting a pic but the blokes a legend.
  21. When did NewInsider come out the closet? last I saw he was some high flying Yank businessman who just happened to be using the same PC as a wind-up makem?
  22. The caring, sharing face of the NHS Whats a sharing face look like? You wouldnt know
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