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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Wise words and yes, Im a member of the interim committee and responsible for the website, so let me know what the issues are and I'll take a look. Whenever someone has come along with something Ive endeavoured to fix or change it.
  2. That sounds like a terrible idea to me. The thought that someone could come in and purchase the club without actually forking anything out and then pay for it by selling off our assets and mortgaging the future horrifies me. No matter who it is, the new owners need the cash behind them to at least compete. Ive no problem with consolidating for a season if thats what it takes and we get sorted but doing that while selling off everyone, buying nobody of note and paying over the dividends to Ashley is a scene I dont want to see played out.
  3. We called again for them to just come out and tell the fans the truth about whats happening, we made it clear that we dont expect to be told the ins and outs of whos involved or what the amounts are etc. Just are there any buyers? how serious are they and what are the chances of it being sorted. No bullshit no lies to increase sales of tickets etc just the truth. The rest, as they say is history. For those still not sure of our aims heres an interview John Gibson did with our Trust guru Colin Whittle. http://nusc.org.uk/full_article.php?articleid=21
  4. I think he thinks we'll come up with that squad. I honestly think he's that out of touch. More thinking than I'd expect from you on a Tuesday afternoon. fwiw I reckon if we're not sold by the close of the window we won't be this season. I'd also expect an exodus at Christmas while we're languishing just below midtable. Don't worry, I formulated that theory over drinks on Sunday. No thinking today thanks. That would have been the case if we hadnt had an overdraft however the £40m owing to Barclays could be recalled any time they like. Even if they dont recall it immediately, they could stop us increasing the amount. Also we dont know who else hasnt been paid, has the taxman been getting his PAYE?
  5. Thanks for that John, there is a lot of info on the website about the Trust and how we see that going as well as other aims and aspirations. One thing though, we've never demanded that he walk away or anything like that, you, me and anyone with any sense at all knows thats not how it works. At times I think the SC is tainted by some peoples beliefs, still to this day we are charged with "boycoutt banners" and "Cockney mafia out", neither of which were anything to do with us, in fact the original protests led to us being formed not the other way round. We have been trying to get Ashley to deal with the fans and tell us all the truth about whats happening. Something that seems to be missed by a lot of people is the fact that at times we have actually worked with the club on certain things, the Al-Together Now campaign being the main one that springs to mind. Anything specific thats not on the website then please feel free to ask specific questions either via email or alternatively on here where the replies can be seen by all. As for living away from Newcastle, there is a possiblity that we will be looking to hold stuff before / after certain away games depending on the possible numbers, in particular these would be places where there is a local supporters club and we can do something with them. The likes of Ipswich, London and the Midlands spring to mind as they all have active SCs.
  6. 5 month BUMP "Fancy" new website which stops you copying content, but still no change. Is it a concious decision not to have a message board and only canvas opinion from the roadshows and random emails? As a member I really have no idea what the current position of NUSC/T is and what action if any they are thinking of taking should Ashley announce the club is off the market, or the sale just remains ongoing like a Sports Direct store closing down sale. I certainly have no input into it or vote on it. Patience with the imminent takeover pretence will come to an end soon and there's going to be a lot more people willing to "do something" over a more prolonged period to show their anger than there were a year ago. Are NUSC going to take the initiative? We are currently discussing this as the current stance was based on the fact the club was being sold and we were working toward Trust status which has taken a lot of peoples time up, it was assumed that the sale would progress and there wouldnt be a need for any change from what was previously decided by the members ie sail along as we are and see what the immediate future brings. If anything I personally think that our internal communications have suffered slightly while people have beavered away at getting the big initiative working, yes we read, respond and act on every email or comment received but at the same time they, as you say are not necessarily a proper indication of what is actually happening out there. Theres a few things being looked at at the moment and I would imagine things will be changing as far as members communications and participation are concerned. I would expect a lot more in the way of us speaking with members in the very near future and some events/ communications soon. As for the website, it was a conscious decision not to have an open message board however that could be changed to create a members one where these things are discussed. Oh and it wasnt changed to stop people copying stuff, that merely allows us to have a pretty font. If you did want to copy anything then switch off javascript in your browser and refresh the page and you'll get the copy and pasteable text up.
  7. Yep I wouldn't mind someone explAining that one to me, I agree we weren't doing great but we only have fat mikes word that we were dying quickly.
  8. The Bastard I was going to send you a random one over. 6 months time you proudly show it off to someone who says "hold on Ive got Joes autograph here, that looks nowt like it"
  9. Im not sure about that one Fish, it would mean us getting access to the ground and being able to organise something like that. Its a good idea I agree but it could be a little too difficult to organise. I tell you what I would like to do for the first home game, get a hat like Bobby was wearing and place it on his seat. I hope that seat will not be given away at least for a while.
  10. Of course theres nothing to say he wont be sold to Spurs on the last day of the window when unfortunately theres just no time to spend the money.
  11. Bassong is happy to stay, from what Ive heard the club offered him £17k a week, he was happy to accept 25k, his logic not being that he wanted more through greed but that there were numerous "lazy bastards" there earning 40k+ while he was working his arse off on 5 and a half. To put it into perspective we pay some players agents more per week than Bassong wants.
  12. They're (the club sources not the posters) the ones I trust the least. Unless Thomo and Obi happen to know Mike Ashley, Dekka Llambias or someone from Seymour Pierce whos involved in the sale directly then anything else is hearsay (or Llamearse propoganda). Nobody at the football club would be told about the sale until it was necessary and if thats before the club is sold then they would need to be high up and therefore by default it would be more than their jobs worth to pass that info onto anyone else. If we go back through the last year of sale threads you'll find numerous posts saying "a friend who works at the club" and none of them have turned out to be true.
  13. come now geordie faithful let us say a prayer, for our beloved bobbys gone and i know its hard to bear, our hearts are filled with sorrow, our eyes fill up with tears, but listen very carefully and you'll hear the angels cheers, for bobbys entered wonderland and now with god he stands, with that twinkle in his eye,and that smile upon his face , he blessed saint james park with true amazing grace, so rise now geordie faithful , let us sing his song , for there is ONLY ONE BOBBY ROBSON, and in our hearts he does belong. nicked off Facebook.
  14. No matter how many message boards carry the story it doesnt make it true, in fact its the ones that fly around the fastest that are probably bollocks. If some billionaire diamond merchant or multi-trillionare oil baron were buying us then we wouldnt have a clue until the deal is done, these blokes dont talk to their mates in the pub loudly, they dont slip it into conversation at a dinner party to impress the big titted blonde next to them. No they do it using solicitors and let it all go through without a word. Its a piece of piss in this day and age to get major news corporations to take bollocks as stories and write them up themselves, they like to do it because if they dont and it does turn out to be true then it looks like they knew nowt. Now with newsnow it doesnt even have to be the likes of the BBC or The Sun, some little website can make up a story and have it published worldwide in a minute. In this case it wasnt even that they made up a story. All they did was state that "they'd heard rumours we were going to be taken over" any of us could have done that and it would have been 100% true, we're sitting here now debating the fact. People then see a story and think "I'll look in the know" and come on with some bollocks about "a mate in the pub" or "a lad at work heard" and suddenly because we're all desperate for something it gets picked up on and added to, each time more and more people think "well if that daft little gobshite knows something then Im not going to look clueless" and add a bit more. People have given up on ridiculing them after the event because it would become all we did. This site seems to have a good concentration of mature, level headed posters yet we rarely see posts of that kind, is it because we're not in the know? is it because the likes of toon-talk and N-O are stuffed to the brim with people who move in the circles of arab billionaires and yank computer magnates? or could it be that there are more bullshitters on certain other boards? How many times has someone on here linked to a post on N-O and said "according to such and such its a done deal"? How many of those deals have been done?
  15. peasepud


    A P birfday you old scrote.
  16. So theyve all met up at SJP today to finalise the deal? Seems like a sensible thing to do I mean it would have been nice and quiet there today, nobody around to see people coming and going, no curious faces peering at those walking in and out oh and no chance of the worlds media being anywhere near the place. If Llambias is at SJP and meeting some foreign looking gentlemen then you can guarantee it is a load of bollocks designed to fool us. Any business would be done well away from SJP this week to avoid being spotted.
  17. It only counts for real sale prospects and not made up "we're selling to a big name Yank/ unknown Iranian/ tinpot lunatic this week" bollocks.
  18. So when you packed that bag and went in search of fame and fortune you didnt bother packing your Toon dvds?
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