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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. i'm in You just heard the words "Womens wrestling" didnt you?
  2. Sitting across the road from Darsely Park yesterday.
  3. I think you've been on the sauce my friend. If Mike Ashley was looking to do his best then he would have appointed a manager even on a temporary basis, he would have worked with them to make a joint business and football decision on who should be sold. He would have booted fucking Llambsarse as far away from here as possible. He would in fact have actually taken an interest and done something, anything over the last 6 weeks. More importantly than any of the above though, Mike Ashley would have made sure we all knew what he was doing and why.
  4. Have to say I disagree that part, to force those that have worked to get it to this stage out not because they arent doing a good job or that there are better people out there would be stupidity at its highest level. Its like saying that your current MP cannot stand, that every general election we would have to field a new Prime Minister because the last one had done his stint. If better people exist and are voted in then thats great but to use a new broom clean sweep logic would throw the SC into chaos. Nobody would know anyone else, we'd start each campaign with a new set of agendas, new way of looking at things and would jump period to period with no stability. Also, what would happen if there werent enough candidates to form a new committee? do you disband? do you force others to stand even though they werent 100% up for it? or do you say to those that you were about to kick out that they can stay even though they're not wanted? how does that fit in with motivating people to use their own time and money? As for the date of the elections, we're now following the advice of SD and their timeline, that said, if the members got together and decided they werent happy with the current setup and it had to be changed asap then something would have to happen. Its not about power or some "cheap working mans committee" its about stability, purpose and the best way forward. Thats not saying the current committee should exist as it is after the elections but in an ideal world the members will re-elect a core handful along with new faces to ensure the best foot forward.
  5. What Im guessing, based on nothing more than what Ive heard and read about the bloke and the fact hes Ashleys mate is that hes provided the necessary credentials but with a bid that Ashey has already decided isnt enough, the announcement last week of this Fridays deadline followed by SP recommending an exisiting bid is accepted would flush out anyone who was sitting waiting, the likes of Shepherd may then make a revised offer rather than let Moat have it. What I dont understand is, Moat is also mates with FFS so why hasnt he joined forces with him to ensure they get control? And I dont think Ashley realises the seriousness of your last line because I tend to agree with you, the refusal of the last exisiting offer followed by taking the club off the market again would be disasterous as far as the fans are concerned. EDIT: More worryingly (and a Parkyesque theory) what if this is all a smokescreen and they play out a purchase yet really Ashley still has control of the club with Moat as a "geordie saviour" being the puppet? EDIT Again: Of course Im hoping this is all bullshit and tomorrow we see proof that Moat really does have the necessary and the bid is accepted.
  6. For what its worth, Im with Redheugh on this. I heard well over a week ago that if Ashley didnt take SPs advice then they'd tell him to shove it as it was ruining their reputation as well as his. So far, Ive been led to believe that 11 credible bids have been made for the club and all have been shot down by Fat lad because they didnt hit his "criteria", there is no negotation as far as hes concerned. Personally, I think this deadline for a bid to be accepted has been imposed by SP and not Ashley, they've told him that if he hasnt taken their advice then they'll stop representing him. I also personally believe that Moat isnt genuinely bidding and its been engineered to try and push others on. He doesnt have the clout or wherewithall to carry this out, hes another thats just hit lucky in business and frankly Im wary of him, I just cant get into my head how any staunch Toon fan (which this bloke is, theres no denying that) could renew their box for 5 years to help Ashley out and is still willing to support him even now.
  7. I think Toms use of the word "serious" made it seem something it probably isnt. Its a members meeting, discuss whats going on, whats happened so far, where we're at with the plan etc. More importantly, hear how the members are feeling, what your thoughts are and how we should progress. I would say that for those who cant make it, if you have any concerns, thoughts or ideas then bung them to the query@nusc.org.uk or help@nusc.org.uk along with your membership number and name and we'll make sure they're looked at in time for the meeting.
  8. Oh fuck off! I'm trying to copy it on an iPhone and it's a twat. Look up louise taylors blog for today
  9. http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/blog/aug/0...ley-joe-kinnear
  10. Thanksgiving service at SJP perhaps? I'm sure it'd be filled to the rooftops Durham cathedral allegedly
  11. The ones sat right next to the table? Aye hillbillies seems a good description, tallish kid with glasses and a short lass in black plus others? I left as ando started his 2nd stint to write stuff up for the site
  12. Where were you sat/stood? And more fucking importantly where's me beer?
  13. Some of Andos stories are class like, he tells the well too could be a comedian
  14. Its a problem one, boycotts would gather headlines and hurt him where it matters trouble is it could scare off potential buyers, protesting in any other way now doesn't gain us anything other than bad publicity. Original protests did what they were meant to in that they got the message over but we now know that's to deaf ears. Damned if you do fucked if you don't
  15. I estimate it at £54.55m coming in with £39.45 being spent a net profit of £15.1m more interstingly though is the business since Keegan £28.9m received and 4.05 spent profit of £24.85m
  16. To go back to a post I made elsewhere, I have it from the lad himself that he didnt want to leave, was happy to stay and would accept £25k a week, the club would only offer £17k and in his words (sounds better in a French accent) "there are lazy bastards there earning £40k+ thats why I want £25k". To put it into perspective, we allegedly pay Colos agent £28k per week! So an agent is worth £11k more than our player of last season.
  17. I think I might pop along very soon, if ones shite you can always nip over the road to see the other, who'll take first billing? I think you need tickets for Shearers, whereas we'll let any old riff raff in
  18. Doesnt Steve Howey run the security company thats employed by Newcastle? if so, then expect 2 hours of bullshit as he scrapes to save his contract. Oh and the NUSC have an invite to this shindig tonight so theres your non-cohesive, not a clue element oh wait, no Im not going I'll be at the Strawberry.
  19. Oh fucking hell, Thomos mate again?
  20. Its a fair point like, he was supposed to put in £20m last year which he didnt, he was then going to put in £10m this year and he hasnt so to assume hes really going to put in £40m for the Championship season is how do you say? a tad optimistic?
  21. Why should the bloke selling the club have any say or be the one to announce that? When will these people stop being Ashleys puppet and just get on with selling the club?
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