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Everything posted by peasepud
Is no one concerned the club will be saddled with the debt? As you mentioned it doesn't sound like he'll have any money to invest in players. We all want Ashley out but the club can't take many more years of under investment. Well if this is what the clubs like with no debt, then fuck me bring the debt on. Nearly every team has debt. Even the Glazers borrowed the money to buy Manure. Man U and Liverpool are saddled with nearly £1.5bn of bank loans. Shepherd secured loans on the back of an almost guaranteed home attendance and the banks where the first paid when the ST money rolled in. Thats the problem though, Man U and Liverpool are saddled with the debt of buying themseleves. Their owners borrowed money to buy them then passed the loans onto the clubs, Im amazed its allowed and franly Im amazed Ashley didnt do it with us. Its like me buying a car off you by borrowing the money off you and then asking you to pay it back. When I get bored and sell the car though Im getting the money.
The committee said a few things which they'd already voiced, (and to be fair, nobody really disagrees with), however, the membership also put across the view that the nusc should maybe become a little more militant and use the contacts in the media we've gained, I think the issue became clouded with the lads on the committee getting a little defensive, (understandably) and misreading the intentions of the majority of the criticism, basically, from my point of view, everybody is fighting for the same cause, there was just a bit of healthy debate about the direction we are/should be taking. And that my friend is exactly how I would have put it. There was no mass arguments, the NUSC is not "dead in the water" and if you want proof of that you just need to ask the main person putting the alternative argument across tonight, Michael Martin. Michael was arguing the corner for protest and doing it well, to be fair the whole thing sort of took the lads on the top table by surprise and thats where you had a sort of "rabbit in the headlights" period. This meant it was difficult for them to group their thoughts and it came across (in my view) as a little frayed. Ask Michael tomorrow if he thinks the NUSC is needed and is a valid organisation and I have no doubt he will state 100% yes. For the record though we are not saying we should "say nowt", what was made clear is that theres a lot more going on at this precise moment than most of us (myself included) realise, a lot of stuff involving the NUSC and people working to get this club sold and away from Ashley once and for all. What was being said is that we must look at the bigger picture, yes we all hate the fat lad but at the same time we need to be careful in the short term as to how the NUSC is perceived and who it pisses off especially if the protests are not going to gain any viable results. Thats the main problem, as much as many people would like to protest, Ashley has already shown that he doesnt care what we say or do therefore all we could end up doing is giving more fuel to the press and getting this football club into the headlines for all the wrong reasons again with no gain as far as Fat Ash is concerned. The fact there was a relatively small meeting compared to the original one shows to many that the calls for protest are not as big as thought otherwise I would have expected 250 hostile members in there calling for blood. There wasnt anything like that and (based on the general feeling and the fact 70-80% of those there didnt speak) I would say that it was a fairly even split for and against. I could be wrong but thats the feeling I get. For the record these are my views on the thing. 1. I agree with Michael Martin, not on the protesting itself but that its for the members to decide whether we lead protests or not, its not my decision or even the chairmans decision but the members. What has to be done though is for both sides of the argument to be put to them equally and fully to allow a proper decision because word the question even slightly ambiguously and you'll get a problem and once we commit to a decision then there can be no turning back, we stick with it for an agreed period of time and all support the decision. 2. IF the decision is made for the NUSC to co-ordinate any protests then it has to be with the full backing of all fanzines, all websites and as many individuals as possible otherwise it will not work and the only people to come out of it badly will be the NUSC, that would then jeopardise the other "things" that are going on and potentially put this football club back another couple of steps. 3. Personally, I dont think protesting will work but if we do go down the route then we need to be clever about it, we need to hit him hard and where it hurts. Theres other threads on here which talk about it and I havent got a clue who proposed it but they were spot on, we hit Sports Direct and anyone else associated with Ashley business wise. Standing outside the ground with banners will merely give SSN something to focus on, bringing the charvers out with their bedsheets. Hit the shops, hit them hard and make sure he loses money and credibility. Get the support and backing of other football clubs fans, Liverpool, Man U etc are all looking to protest at times in the future, they scratch our backs, we'll back them when the time comes. So finally, with the benefit of what I've been told I would say that protesting now is not something that is within the NUSC and more importantly NUFC's interests, thats not saying we should kiss fat bastards arse, its merely that providing a show of banners, boycotts and marches will not in my own opinion sway fatty at all, if anything I think he'll dig his heels in further and if these are led by the NUSC then when/if the time comes for certain things to move forward we could be in a much worse bargaining position.
Toon bid hopefuls backed by New York firm
peasepud replied to Geordiejihad's topic in Newcastle Forum
Im gonna fucking ban you at this rate. -
Agreed, its coming to the point where anybody whos ever had anything to do with the club will be putting their name forward. Christ, we'll have the ghost of Justin Fashanu sticking an application in if it goes much longer.
You may have seen yesterdays Ronnie front page, if not here it is again > http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/north-east-...72703-24380936/ Sophies appeal is something that the NUSC is trying to help and on Saturday 30 of her family and friends will be carrying out a sponsored walk from Stadium of Light to SJP and should arrive at about 2pm. We're waiting to see if they will have permission to collect outside the ground but either way they will be collecting somewhere, if you see them please stick a quid or two in their buckets. They are also collecting old mobile phones and now gold (broken necklaces, earrings etc) so if you've got an old Nokia or Motorola and that old Run DMC style chain that now looks a bit naff on a 45 year old accountant why not drop them over to them too. You can also donate online at http://www.justgiving.com/Sophie-appeal/ dont forget to tick the Gift Aid box to maximise your donation.
As did Given and Bassong.
This is not a soooper fan comment but you really need to get to SJP to see the fucking apathy this cunt has created. It's not obvious on the telly. As I said I've seen it in action at St Pauli and it's a beautiful thing and nothing is going to change until this cunt is pushed. There's not much I'd love more than to see a game at St James'. I'm completely across the feeling of apathy created by Ashley in my own life, but yes it probably would be eye opening to see it on a broader scale. Despite this I've perservered and watched every match we've played in over the past two seasons (and most matches for multiple seasons before when available). So I might not be across the feelings in Newcastle (though they're probably similar to mine) but I have seen the steady decline in player morale particularly after Keegan's departure last season. I definitely don't have all the answers, just putting my opinion (however ill informed others believe it to be) across. We all want the same thing. I agree we do and your opinion is as valid as anyone elses here but as sammyb points out you have to be here to fully understand. The telly does not convey the feeling of hoplessness that you got when you were sat inside the ground on a matchday. The passion, the noise, the sheer devotion for the team didnt exist in a number of games. Not because we love the team any less, not because we dont have it in us but because its been suppressed by both fear and loathing of these men (I hold Llambretta as equally guilty as his employer now). Fear that they could (and did) take us further into the shit and loathing for everything they say and do. Until television manages to transmit emotions then you're stuck with a view that only gives you a tiny fraction of what it feels like to be a Toon fan, thats not your fault and its not ours but it is a fact of life.
club statement: Mike Ashley today announced a revolutionary way forward for the club, Ossie ardilles, Graham souness, Glenn roeder and Jack charlton are to take Joint charge of the club. Ossie will have the managers chair on a monday all day and a Thursday afternoon, souness taking charge on thursday mornings and Friday evenings. Glenn on a Wednesday and Tuesday mornings with big Jack taking every third Tuesday afternoon and all day Friday. Transfers will be dealt with on an alphabetical split with ardilles taking A-J, Glenn K-Sm, Graham U-V and Jack taking Z and all players coming from south America. Matches will be decided using regular bouts of rock, paper, scissors with the winner getting to make the next decision.
If only people hadn't kicked up a fuss when Poland was invaded eh? If we'd had a little less name calling and blame then who knows what....
The thing is though, fans representation is the long term aim of the NUST. Its what we're working toward and you rightly point out that it often (but not always) requires purchasing a stake in the club. You say that though as if its not doable. It is, we already have a number of major people who are willing to back us should the possibility arise. On top of that would be whatever could be raised from the members and you're looking at a serious possibility. What you propse is all well and good and in itself would be a good thing but the way you're putting it you seem to be saying that we should bin the idea of getting a seat on the board and lower our expectations. How do you know that the idea wouldnt be seen favourably by Moat (especially as he doesnt have the necessary readies to do this) or anyone else for that matter? Shy bairns get nowt as they say, more importantly though, as a kid what did you do when you wanted to borrow a fiver off your dad? Did you ask for a fiver? Or were you smart and ask for a tenner knowing that whatever you requested would be met with "howwwww much?!?!?!" only to have him barter you down to 6 quid! Go in there looking for board representation and who knows, you may just hit lucky, if not though then maybe you'll get the consolation prize of a Supporters Panel. Go asking for a Supporters Panel and you could get offered a five minute chat and a coffee once every six months.
You been on the sauce again? fuck me kidda it wasnt a go at you, I was merely pointing out that when you listen to what he has to say you'll realise it is very doable.
Didnt we have a DDOS attack yesterday? related?
Everyone.... except Shola
Then lets all go home now then, its a waste of time having the dream. oh hold on though, give it another year or so and we wont be a "big club", what then? Its time you got along to a roadshow and listened to Colin Whittle talking about what he believes and how it can be achieved.
I have made the view totally clear above, they would be a full member of the board, same as all the other members of the board. I really am at a loss to see how any fan can think that would be a bad thing, to know that someone they elected and trusted was there in the boardroom????? And as for the Premiership question, Im not sure if there are any, like I say Im having problems locating a list of the 60 clubs on the SD website but the word Premiership gives it away, we're not a Premiership side. We play in the Championship, none of the big boys have been in the problems we are in and facing. Many of these smaller clubs with fans representation have been and its only when they got to the worst part of the shit that they gained the rep. Heres hoping we never need get to that stage eh?
Mike Ashley weighing up St James’s return
peasepud replied to Christmas Tree 's topic in Newcastle Forum
No doubt it'll be discussed at the Members meeting on Thursday night. Will there be a webcast? I dont think so, being a members meeting it would need to be private which cannot be guaranteed webwise at the mo. Once the full members area is up and running on the site properly then maybe it can be done but for now it would just be those there. Nae bother chief! Gis a ring at 7.30 and I'll put the phone on the table -
Mike Ashley weighing up St James’s return
peasepud replied to Christmas Tree 's topic in Newcastle Forum
No doubt it'll be discussed at the Members meeting on Thursday night. Will there be a webcast? I dont think so, being a members meeting it would need to be private which cannot be guaranteed webwise at the mo. Once the full members area is up and running on the site properly then maybe it can be done but for now it would just be those there. -
To a degree, that post does inspire me. I guess I'm just bewildered at the true effectiveness of having 'one of us' at the table. Picture this: Board meeting to hire a new manager. Chairman says, "The names we have are w, x, y and z." Now then, does 'our man in Africa' dispute those names? Does he report back to us? That would just be plain daft. This is where I'm confused about it all. How much does he/she become 'one of them' due to all the confidentiality ?? He/she cannot possibly tell the board to hold on whilst he consults the supporters on every nuance of running the club. The principal of having one of our friends as part of the decision making process sounds, of course, brilliant, but I just have my doubts as to real benefit. However, I guess I will support the calls for this plan to have our fellow fans on the board, and remain hopeful that the true worth will be demonstrated, thus making my Doubting Thomas sentiments unfounded. The rep wouldnt be consulting the rest of us though, maybe thats where this isnt clear. They would be a fully eligible member of the board with the same rights as the rest of the board members. The supporters trust members would elect the member to sit on the board and that would be it (until their term was up), they would be responsible for what they do and accountable to the supporters. We (the supporters) would have to trust them to make the right decisions. its the same as electing an MP, they dont consult us as to which way to vote in Parliament, we trust them to make the right decisions. More importantly though, they are the voice of reason in there, the person who, should things be going dodgy will turn round and say "hold on a minute, this is shit". Still think the most workable step would be for a "decent owner" to employ a "Fans Liasson officer" who would chair a monthly fans forum where ALL fans groups (Disabled, Juniors Family etc etc and not just NUSC) would get to provide input. This Fans liassion officer would then be the go between for the fans and the directors. To think an owner is going to allow a non employee to attend full board meetings is pie in the sky IMO How can it be pie in the sky when 60 clubs already do it successfully? Weve had fans liasons they failed, we had the Supporters Panel, it was used to see how tasty the mince pies were and what would make someone buy another shirt....It failed.
To a degree, that post does inspire me. I guess I'm just bewildered at the true effectiveness of having 'one of us' at the table. Picture this: Board meeting to hire a new manager. Chairman says, "The names we have are w, x, y and z." Now then, does 'our man in Africa' dispute those names? Does he report back to us? That would just be plain daft. This is where I'm confused about it all. How much does he/she become 'one of them' due to all the confidentiality ?? He/she cannot possibly tell the board to hold on whilst he consults the supporters on every nuance of running the club. The principal of having one of our friends as part of the decision making process sounds, of course, brilliant, but I just have my doubts as to real benefit. However, I guess I will support the calls for this plan to have our fellow fans on the board, and remain hopeful that the true worth will be demonstrated, thus making my Doubting Thomas sentiments unfounded. The rep wouldnt be consulting the rest of us though, maybe thats where this isnt clear. They would be a fully eligible member of the board with the same rights as the rest of the board members. The supporters trust members would elect the member to sit on the board and that would be it (until their term was up), they would be responsible for what they do and accountable to the supporters. We (the supporters) would have to trust them to make the right decisions. its the same as electing an MP, they dont consult us as to which way to vote in Parliament, we trust them to make the right decisions. More importantly though, they are the voice of reason in there, the person who, should things be going dodgy will turn round and say "hold on a minute, this is shit".
There doesn't seem to be a defitive list, just numbers.
The rep on the board would be accountable as any other board member, commercially sensitive info would be just that, commercially sensitive and bound by the same rules. The fact of the matter is that a huge chunk of the business is tied up in the customers, if they're not happy then they won't spend as much money. So it makes sense to an owner to have their input at the time. Boards are brought in by shareholders, the fans rep is voted on by the fans and would be based on a lot more than wheter they were at scunthorpe in January 76 or could name the fairs cup side. Sensible level headed business type people with a love for the club as a bonus. By default fans would trust the board more knowing they'd elected one of them, that alo e should be enough for any owner that isn't looking to screw the club over and wants it to do well.
The only time an owner would want secrecy is if they're being underhand, any true well meaning owner would see the benefits of working with the fans alongside you. Plus it takes some of the shit away , fans would have been represented in the decisions that go wrong as well as the good stuff. I don't see why there would be any more arguments or disruption, there's no reason why in almost all decisions the fans rep shouldn't be agreeing with the proposals any more than any other member of the board. Like isaid earlier 60 owners seem to see it as a good thing so far
Toon bid hopefuls backed by New York firm
peasepud replied to Geordiejihad's topic in Newcastle Forum
Sure I got slaughtered for this last week Not off me you didn't though, I agreed with you on SP no longer being involved or at least close to binning us. -
Toon bid hopefuls backed by New York firm
peasepud replied to Geordiejihad's topic in Newcastle Forum
Or SP have told him to go fuck himself and Assley being the fat cocky bastard that he is thinks he can shift the blame to them by putting stuff like that out. Next thing we know we'll be getting sued by them for slander -
Simple benefit is you know that at least one person on the board loves the club and wants what is best for it regardless of monetary gain, share price or how they look to the chairman over the road. This person can't be bought because they report to the fans and would have to justify what was done. I have to admit to being totally confused how anyone can't see the benefits of that especially after the shit we've gone through the last two seasons