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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I think its safe to say that nobody on this board disagrees with that logic.
  2. In the past I would have been packing his bags and putting a note out for the milkman but now no way, yes we have cover in his position but we are now woefully short of actual bodies and IF Shearer was to walk into this club next week then Barton wouldnt be counted as a player so we'd then be two down.
  3. He's an ugly cunt.... I can't wait for my PM like! Look Craig, if you want to mess with someone who's ran several - YES! SEVERAL! Preston NE club shops, that's up to you, but don't drag me into it.
  4. We've been relegated, half the players are fucking off, we're a shambles and a joke meanwhile you want to be able to view bustybritishsluts.com while at the game.
  5. 1 minute 30 in on that video, is the fat lad a member of keystone kops or do his thighs just rub together so much he cant walk properly? Interesting to see how the FSF can still support anyone following the release of what is clearly a case of two sides heading for bother. Maybe they should check out all the facts and evidence before wading in and condemning police chiefs and officers.
  6. or for that matter if he hadnt walked out one Saturday evening. People seem to see that as a bad thing yet if he hadnt done it we wouldnt have managed anything like what we did. That was a defining moment in NUFC history, without that early dispute and KK marking his stake in the ground then we wouldnt have had the good times we did, of that I am certain.
  7. As if you'd want to go post elsewhere.
  8. it's a definite ffs - why does no one realise the CCC is as weak as piss ??? As is our squad, give it til November when the cold starts hitting the likes of Sideshow Bob and Jonas. When we've hit injuries and have nobody to cover. If we're still winning then I'll congratulate you on your excellent vision. Till then, the bet still stands if you want to take it.
  9. They sell em in Asda quite cheap too, if only someone had been thoughtful enough to get him some sort of currency that could be traded in said supermarket for goods or services.
  10. I dont see any fun in what we went through last season tbh. If thats the prospect then give me a few years of failing at the play-offs, at least we'll get a trip to Wembley and have all the heartache in one day rather than an entire season of disappointments and piss taking as we went through last season. Yo-yo? no thank you.
  11. Did you know the word "gullible" isnt in the Oxford English dictionary?
  12. technically I dont think you can but at the same time, a club can make it hard for a player to stay "we need to sell you for the club to compete", "if you dont go then you wont be played", "we'll kill your dog" etc etc All of which we know is bollocks. I dunno, I wouldnt put a bit of doggycide past Llambias, in fact he looks the type to partake in a bit of doggyfiddling tbh
  13. Could have spent the fucking money on paying his debts instead of having the bailiffs knocking on our door at all bastard hours
  14. This is the thing, with this lot I dread to imagine one of them coming out and smiling, saying they are committed to the club.
  15. technically I dont think you can but at the same time, a club can make it hard for a player to stay "we need to sell you for the club to compete", "if you dont go then you wont be played", "we'll kill your dog" etc etc At the same time this article could be a "I bleed black and white and dont want to go honest" written while on the phone to Moyes begging a move.
  16. peasepud

    2nd Hard Drive

    I had a 750Gb external HD on which the casing has become broken and cant be used externally any more. So I ripped the drive out and installed it in my main PC, setting the jumper to slave and changing the BIOS the ensure my original HD is still the boot one. All is good so far, PC boots up and normal C Drive is still C Drive. Second Drive however is showing in Device Manager as Working Properly but doesnt have a volume associated to it. I know that I can go into Computer Management and "Initialize Disk" but I canot find anywhere that will confirm if its ok to do that, looking at the fact it rewrites the partition table Im wary that I'll lose the data on there. Anyone confirm what I should do next?
  17. Shouldn't they should just copy their idea and run with it themselves. The NUSC couldnt run a bath .... whey aye mate, like you're doing such a good job I like how the people who organised NUSC can take criticism so well and don't just say "well you do better then". So you point out the criticism in "couldnt run a bath", constructive criticism we can all take and do. Random baseless statements dont constitute crticism. You didnt reply to this one http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?showtopic=25356 I didnt because it didnt make any sense. You seem to moan about us being a pressure group (which we're not) then say we should be a pressure group by applying pressure. Interested in the bold bit though, name me the last two times we canvassed opinions.
  18. there goes my chances of a beer n natter at the Toontastic Christmas do
  19. Seemingly some Christian dating site was hacked and peoples Facebooks compromised today, heres some of the results. This one was a bit sick like
  20. so why dont you join up and make your vie....... oh fuck
  21. Shouldn't they should just copy their idea and run with it themselves. The NUSC couldnt run a bath .... whey aye mate, like you're doing such a good job I like how the people who organised NUSC can take criticism so well and don't just say "well you do better then". So you point out the criticism in "couldnt run a bath", constructive criticism we can all take and do. Random baseless statements dont constitute crticism.
  22. Shouldn't they should just copy their idea and run with it themselves. The NUSC couldnt run a bath .... whey aye mate, like you're doing such a good job
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