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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Nearest they'll ever get, let them have their moment, its a once in a lifetime tbh.
  2. So where are these two "useful" South American agents now we need favours in return?
  3. I was in level 7 and the answer is no. What happened? at the end when i was coming out, I walk down near the away fans, and there were charges from both sides towards each other with police and stewards intervening looked like it could of turned pretty nasty. As I was walking away from the ground I could hear loud chants of "who are ya?" which didnt sound like friendly banter.
  4. Again though, we need everyone who is a member to put these thoughts in the place that will be read by the rest of the committee, its easy enough for me to say "3 people I know who are members think this" however its meaningless. I ask anyone that is a member to put their thoughts forward to the committee through the proper channels that way they have a chance of being seen, debated, thought about and answered. Continue it here by all means but please never assume that because I read it, it will be seen by others or taken on board.
  5. Had the scan and official date. We were a month out, 25th January now and hes definitely a boy, saw the scan, takes after his dad he does by that I mean its about 0.4cm long
  6. I have no problem with the debate being raised on here however I would want to see these concerns being raised in there as well, thats the place for them, thats where you'll get answers from more than just me because at the end of the day I could be feeding you any old bullshit on here. Concerns, thoughts, questions etc etc should be raised in the proper place, that way you know you'll get answers and to be fair, you're not really helping the cause by raising them here only. Non-members could read what you've put and think theres a rabbit off, members have concerns and cant get them answered, that sort of thing which is anything but the case. Raise your concerns there, you'll get answers, if after debate you're not happy then raise them here in the public domain also but at least give us a chance to do things properly first.
  7. When it comes to the repititious "Newcastle, Newcastle, Newcastle, etc...." simply replace 'Newcastle' with 'Five Point Two' Now that I like
  8. no, especially as a year down the road there has still being no elections. You confuse me totally. You shouted on about how we should have a forum where members can put these points forward yet weeks after its been put in Ive not seen a post from you? Thats where you should be making these points, raise it, ask the questions and see the answers you get back. On that note have you read the FAQs? the reasoning behind the delay in elections etc?
  9. Its going to sound stupid because they're blank but can people forward me the mails they received? peter.whitfield@nust.org.uk
  10. PM me your email or membership number and I'll check that out. I didnt receive a blank mail so its not gone out in bulk that way.
  11. There are a number of businesses involved so far. Big companies and individuals, this is NOT Graham Roberts I must point out. Those involved will be announced over the next week or so. A lot of work has been going on in the background over the last month or two and it's starting to gain momentum.
  12. Needs to be made into a banner that does. Indeed - far more appropriate than "Cockney Mafia Out" How about we merge the two into "Lying, cheating Cockney mafia out"
  13. http://www.oneandother.co.uk/participants/Owen_R
  14. Second teams? Favourite foreign? London team? Scottish? Italian? Sorry like but no. I like football, I can enjoy a good game between Real Madrid and Barca. I can glory at the skills of the samba like brazilians and marvel at the Italians but frankly while it's on I couldn't give a shit who's playing or get bothered by a result. There's only one club I could ever care what happens to, one team I give a monkeys about and they're anything but foreign
  15. Let it be known that should my soon to be son or daughter even contemplate Chelsea they'll be out on their ear
  16. haha sad bastards losing in the Champions League
  17. subtle as for the iPhone has anyone else had a problem with the clock? me and Ellie both have original iPhones (8Gb) and in this last week we've discovered that both phones are 5 minutes slow, its as if they've both dropped 5 mins somewhere last week?
  18. 25th December 2009 is the date Now thats a saving on Birthday presents straight away
  19. we're going down with the Portsmouth, down with the Porrrrrrrrtsmouth, we're going...come on everyone sing up!
  20. Rap over some greasy mop haired emo on guitar any day You know your getting old when you have to google what an emo is
  21. Only a fiver in ASDA, along with bottles, a microwave bottle steriliser and summat else that I cant even name. Ended up spending £60 when all we went in for was Hot Dogs! and for those who dont know (and I didnt until half an hour ago), you stick a shitty nappy in the top and it comes out as a neatly wrapped sealed package that you can stick a stamp on and send to someone in the post. Now wheres Ashleys address again?
  22. at times last season I would have settled for a freshly painted fence so I could watch it dry.
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