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Everything posted by peasepud
“@GingerFTM: Not enjoyed an Olympics as much since LA84 when I was 11.38 & buggered now”Best not to sit down then mate
“@NilePowerRanger: Am i a LEADER ?”Yes, Nile you're the leader of the gang...the new Gary Glitter
“@MUFCToonUltras: We are the Man Utd ultras of the city of Newcastle. Die-hard fans without the violence.”What the goddam fuck?
“@leazeslad: He probably stores it on his computer... Something sinister about it all I reckon.”Wrongun klaxon!!!!
“@statsnufc: @kimbertoon Remind yourself i do this voluntarily....”You're tweeting, not tending the sick
Dunno why @Joey7Barton has a problem with the Queen. She says it's Her Pleasure looking after his brother
Am I the only 1 that thinks this tweet to Tom Daley was insensitive but nothing more? Police investigating? Come on!
She's wasted toothpaste, took the plane to the vets then paid vet to open Pippins mouth & say "they're fine"
If I don't care how many people followed/unfollowed me then why would I give a shit for your stats?
“@HawxXx: @pjwhitfield plus I've been working here for 2 years ...”You must stand out there then, working!
“@Sophie_Doughty: ...1 of young athletes who lighted cauldron”Has @lee_ryder been teaching you English?
“@tt9m: @SholasHats AS IN THEIR ENGINE ROOM YOU PERVERT.”Everything's going through her engine room???!?!? #filth
Well pissed off with lottery, this 100 uk millionaires. I'm sure it said National Lottery not Euro