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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. The purchase price is *allegedly* the full price, no debt, Im not sure however if that includes the Overdraft. The President and board make the decisions, this is no Ebsfleet, we vote in a President and board and they run the club, they deal regularly with the fans, proper fans forums, regular contact with the Trust, that sort of thing. The fans also have the ability to remove a President if things arent going right. As Ive said before though, thats not an easy process otherwise we'd have President changeovers just because we lose 3 games. Something like 25% of the membership would have to back any request to hold a new election before its put to the vote. No, your investment is your investment, after that its down to running the club on a sound financial footing and any new investors joining. No, the board is the board they dont report to some financials eleswhere, one of the Presidents 3 on the board would be a Finance Director.
  2. "we ransacked the City at the end of the day didnt we" Im assuming the kid in the burberry cap had a booster seat in the van. Berbry, Purada we wear it all.
  3. how about we have one investment, people can pay what they like but they get one vote per pound? so those of us putting in £150 get 5 times as much say as those putting in £30. If you dont want to get outvoted then put more in!
  4. Here Noelie, when was the last time you came over the UK? We're not going to get it in Guineas are we?
  5. There is no denying, no matter how much I mistrust the bloke that he will be making a loss on this. The scale of that loss however when you take everything into account such as free advertising for SD etc is not so easy to calculate, as HF says.
  6. Just to keep you all informed, we have been already been contacted for talks with Ashley and Llambias. Because its not the time to be doing it and we need to be sure of how likely this is going to be (plus the fact that we want everything to be done above board and open, which they didnt want at this stage) we have declined the offer for now, asking them to hold off for a while. People may think thats a wrong decision however we feel its right, just as we havent issued all the information to everyone yet it would be daft to start negotiating and showing our hand without ensuring those we are looking to buy into this (ie yourselves) are fully happy with the plan. Lets not raise false hopes and dawns without being sure of things.
  7. You can cum on my tits for a tenner. Fuck me, is there any thread you lot wont bring down?
  8. That's very little information If I'm going to commit to an investment of thousands of pounds. I'd like a little more info before seeing a financial advisor. I had thought the trust were going to turn the club into a pensions provider sort of deal which meant we as fans would make a regular payment that would give the club ongoing working capital. But I can't see anything to suggest it's much more than a way the Trust suggest I come up with the money to invest initially. This offers no provision for cash injections required down the line. It's along the same lines as suggesting I take out a loan to invest my initial contributiuon. Am I wrong? Then Wiki says.... I assume that means NUFC becomes an "Investment trust subject to FSA regulation". Is that right? I'm not sure because.. So only 15% of funds collected by NUST could go to NUFC. Apologies for the wording as its taken from a bigger reply from our financial bod: The club will not be a pension provider, the provider will invest in the club and it's tangible property, ongoing capital will be sourced from natural income, investment income and further contributions from new members. Regarding the permissability of investments. Rest assured NUFC is a permitted investment as long as the operating capital is sufficient to allow the club to operate normally...ie we must raise enough to buy and operate and deal with contingencies. Torquay and Ebbsfleet have similar models, the revenue are ok with it as long as the rules are kept. 100% of what is raised is ok to fund the project.
  9. Again, I dont know the definite answer to this as both methods were muted originally. If it was the latter though then people who wanted to go down the Pension route would replace your stake rather than cash buyers.
  10. So anyone commiting with the intention of using their pension, needs a £2.5K deposit. Of which we'll lose £125 if it falls through? Or does the 5% of 10% only apply to cash pledges? I havent got the answers on the rest yet but in this case its no, those with a pension dont put down a deposit, I believe we will need to provide proof that the pension exists and is transferrable but thats it.
  11. See this is what boils my piss. The likes of the Chronicle, Journal etc should be supporting this (save our club stuff) with free advertising. Im sure NUST will have looked into this but there are First class national marketing firms, such as Robson Brown, based in Newcastle with owners who are passionate Newcastle Fans. Im sure they would help out if asked. And how do you know they havent? how do you know that the Ronnie isnt running ad campaigns for this?
  12. I believe that one or more of the companies involved have paid for the campaign, companies linked to it obviously get good exposure and free advertising as such. Six weeks is the time we've set aside to gauge how successful this will be (the first stage as such), we need to have a closing date on the campaign otherwise we'd end up in the situation of always saying "lets try another week, maybe we'll get more in then" and it would become a joke. Thats the point where we say "ok we've got x millions lets give Ashley a call and start negotiating".
  13. The difference here is that all of those other clubs were purchased at a time when they were on the brink of disaster, clubs with small scale support, in addition they were doing it all via cash investment. What we are looking at as the thing to sustain the club is this whole pension investment. Its not been tried before but as Ive said elsewhere its seen as workable by those involved in the Pensions industry. Take Notts County out of the equation as that was a bad move on behalf of the voters, to go with big cash before finding out just who they were and what they actually had. Due Diligence works both ways tbh. I met the lads from Exeter a few weeks ago at the Supporters Direct AGM, they love it, its working well and the club is being sustained without a problem, in fact its going from strength to strength. I think its important to see that taking a club in huge debt and trying to run it based on supporter handouts will not work which is what a lot of those other clubs have done, having a strong structured plan in place beforehand which covers the future running costs is a different thing altogether.
  14. Id be tempted to stick something into this as well.
  15. Think people are letting it sink in. It will also take a while to sort out, at present its just a statement of intent which i'm sure we all hope captures the imagination of the support. On the technical side, i dont have access to one of the financial advisors where i am. Having stopped paying my UK pension at the end of 2007 (there are 12 years with two seperate pension funds from two employers), can i go down the pension route? I would need a phone number for someone i could speak to about this. Out of interest: Is there a reluctance to reveal details of how the scheme works because those behind it are worried about it being public and it being copied? Are you working with the people who were banging on about this idea a few months ago? I look forward to reading the outline structure and detailed plan, as there will be some who need more detail to answer their concerns. Some people may need that before they take the time to see an expert. Stuff like, are you guaranteeing a minimum return? What is the downside risk if the club, for example, went into administration? could be concerns for many. Look forward to reading more. Our financial advisors will be more than happy to take calls not just seeing people in person, the details of those advisors will be available shortly. From what I know though the pensions you talk about seem to be the ideal sort of thing. A pension thats currently sitting doing nothing. As I said on N-O there is no reluctance to reveal further details, we've simply done as you pointed out at the top, told people the basics on day 1 and give it a day or two to sink in before moving into the more in depth stuff. Discussions are still ongoing with some of the partners and bits being ironed out, for example the question asked about payment portals, thats been raised with the solicitors handling the escrow and they are looking into ensuring thats in place. If we can iron out things now before we need to release certain bits of info then we reduce some of the questions/ issues later. We are working with some of those from a few months ago, with one or two noteable ommissions. We're guaranteeing a return of 2% for first two years after that it would be dependable on what was happening on the pitch and how well the club was doing.
  16. I'm torn tbh- I think it's got the potential to be a fantastically positive change , not just for our club, but for football in general.The prospect of it coming off in the near future leaves me excited,very excited, The torn bit comes in because I haven't got two beans to rub together right now. The nearest I can realistically predict being able to invest anything is next summer. I sincerely hope this works, so that I can(invest). I have to say that I'm not in the least surprised at the negative posts- worrying about selection processes for Presidents???? lets get the club bought first ffs. Exactly, I agree that the process has to be developed before we buy the club but it doesnt need to be worked out fully and notified to everyone on day 1. Some of us are working on these details now, how Presidents are voted, what happens in the meantime ie from the day we buy the club to the day the President is installed etc.
  17. I got 3 on the account I originally registered for something to with NUSC and another 3 on the account that I actually joined with Im on the committee I only got two
  18. George Caulkins take on it: http://timesonline.typepad.com/thegame/200...r-campaign.html
  19. The best way to be frankly and any questions that dont get answered, bung them on here and I'll attempt to get a full answer for you.
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