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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Good luck geezah, where does the assessment take place? Do you get to leg it round the streets with the old blues n twos going?
  2. peasepud


    What was the total cost then? all in with drinks etc.
  3. Hes off the oxygen and upto full feeds (still through a tube).Hopefully he should have now been moved to the Blue ward Special care and in a few hours be moved again, this time to Green (the lowest level of SC).
  4. peasepud


    And which part of using a chasseur mix and Ragu sauce constitutes cooking, haway man put a bit of effort in it for the little lady!
  5. Seen in a carpark in Kingston Park.
  6. Nah, the £50m relates to the Trust having already raised as per Ja's post in the Yes We can thread. Stuff will be coming out over the next few days though about Ashley. My source is a good un and I believe its going to be big stuff.
  7. howays pud - you have to expand on that I would if I knew mate, all I know is that tomorrows papers have stories in however one of them might have been crossed wires with the story you just posted
  8. Let's see what tomorrow brings, a little bird tells me we're about to learn a few stark truths on Mr A and the finances.
  9. Enough for Dekka to give him a new 3 year contract then.
  10. Its right to do though, whats the use in fining a millionaire £200? its no deterrent, it wouldnt even register.
  11. Ok folks, boredom set in so Ive redesigned the whole thing and now theres a full site and pretty stuff too! http://www.toontastic.net/comical_dekka/
  12. peasepud


    with a pencil tie, by that I mean one that actually looks like a pencil....
  13. Yep, was signed up yesterday morning, youngest member ever. Todays update is a goody, hes now managed to drop from 100% added oxygen to (when I left tonight) 39%, hopefully by morning he will be low enough to remove the machine altogether. Oh and we managed to get our first holds of him, other than the 2 minutes you get immediately after the birth. Now that was a moment to savour.
  14. peasepud


    Went to Grainger rooms last Christmas, it was bastard freezing! Try the Ivy House next to West Jesmond metro
  15. peasepud


    I think the prices must have been dropped since I took a look when it first opened because Im fairly sure you'd have hardly managed a starter alone for £15 at the time. That and its location didnt exactly make it a "call in" place for most people. As for the Weatsheaf, its dismal, we went in there a month or two back just to grab a quick bite to eat and like you say, cheap but decidedly average grub. If you're looking for a good indian restaurant then Sachins Punjabi on Forth Banks is imho the best quality.
  16. peasepud


    What I remember of the place from when I lived round there was just how empty it always was, never more than one or two tables in. Probably due to the rather hefty prices.
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