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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud


    I learnt all my German from watching GGG porn.
  2. cant believe Im stuck in the house without Sky
  3. Same...gritty, scrappy win...1-0 maybe 2-0 if we get a goal in 1st half! ---Harper--- ---Simpson---Williamson---Coloccini---Van Aanholt--- ---Routedge---Guthrie---Smith---Jonas--- ----------Nolan----- -----Carroll---------- Isnt Enrique and Barton due back soon? A perfect post to introduce you to the patented toontastic formation generation generator thingy. Its not finished and still needs a little bit work but basically its working.... http://www.toontastic.net/formation_generation which would produce.....
  4. Circus (formerly Stanleys) is the best imho, although it depends on what you want I suppose, Aspers is more trying to be the Las Vegas style, showgirls, entertainment etc while Circus and Grosvenor are more aimed towards the gambler. I find Aspers to be too full on, too many people all just standing around drinking rather than getting down to the actual playing of the tables. tbf though thats probably what you're after to take the missus to for a first time.
  5. I dont care, we're going to piss this league anyway. fwiw I dont want to play them, as it stands even at their current poor form they could well turn us over. A premiership without us as top North East dogs is not thinkable as hanging to the coat tails of our "more successful" neighbours would be hell.
  6. Apple store opens Monday. http://www.apple.com/uk/retail/eldonsquare...-2827&sr=em
  7. Got it working I see good stuff Yeah, much preferring the new font, obviously theres still all the things we talked about to be done such as setting up the position names etc but thats fairly close to the finished output. Now Ive just got to rename 60 or so team strips to incorporate all the other clubs
  8. Im working on a little project at the mo and need some additional help with stuff. Team formations, Im trying to sort out a comprehensive list of the possible sensible ones and more importantly the player types within them. Formations Ive got so far are: 3-4-3 3-5-2 4-3-2-1 4-3-3 4-4-1-1 4-4-2 5-3-2 5-2-3 5-2-2-1 What I now need to add in is the player types in one list ie LB (Left Back), RB - Right Back etc etc Anyone fancy sticking them in here to save me time while I do the relevant coding?
  9. Im looking for a collection of images/icons of all the main teams shirts (Prem, Championship, Scottish Prem). I've found a few that are suitable for what I want but I cant find a full collection of them all the same. In an ideal world Id like a collection where they have been designed as computer icons rather than photos but Im happy to take a look at anything at the moment. Just want something thats uniform style across the images. These are ok but maybe something simpler would be good. Any ideas?
  10. Quite rightly too. For me country doesnt even come into the equation, its club only, I watch England games in the same way I watch any other game not involving the Toon, with indifference.
  11. Chatter on Blackburn forums is that a few were pissing around at half time in the concourse, someone threw the bin up in the air and he deliberately went and headed it. Not sure how true but this is coming from eye witnesses.
  12. Its fucking mental, so you can go to the game, sit in your own end surrounded by your own fans and still die because some arsehole thinks its a good idea to lob something. absolute lunacy. Hopefully, the bloke will be done for murder, not manslaughter and anyone who is identified from CCTV as being involved ie egging the fucker on etc should be done as accessories.
  13. is that from the new Palestinian range?
  14. This week I had sweet & sour nut mix which I can highly recommend. limon cello (lemon raisins, walnuts & cherry) which was nice, wild pecan halves, good and dried apricots which are now going on my "please god dont send me those dried up rubbery fanny like things" list. And yes, I got a quid off a future box for everyone who signed up, just as you lot can now do the same. My next 14 boxes are all for 1.99 each. Oh and another little tip with them, I had a problem with my bank account last week which meant they couldnt take my payment and as a consequence didnt get my box, what I did get though was a "please update your card details and we'll send you your next box free. Cool!
  15. so what time is it then? We've established it's not 3 and not 7.45 so what time????
  16. Anway I dont get what the investment etc have to do with the OP? I couldnt live with him, I bet he pisses on the toilet seat and drinks out of the milk cartons. Dirty herbert!
  17. I've often wondered whether his intention was to spend big if the debt hadn't been there. Then again I can't understand if that was the case why he didn't just bite the bullet and spend anyway. Wasn't his stated intention always to put in another £20m each season? Which he claims to have stood by even having paid off the debt. He would say the additional £20m a season has gone on running costs. The argument against that is that he's only loaned the club money and so shifted the debt and gone on to increase it even further. Exactly, all he did was take some debt to one organisation and move it to another ie his own company. Fair enough, it saved the club interest payments however he never intended to kill the debt and was always going to look to get that back. He then went on though to take out a further £40m overdraft with Barclays. It was only when times became really bad ie relegation that he thought about writing it off just to get out. At the same time as crowing about how many Premiership sides would love to be in our financial position they were also contradicting themselves by saying how great Mike was for putting £20m in just to keep us alive.
  18. Its upgrade time for me and Im sick of paying out for this contract, although Ive got an original 3G Im more than happy with it and dont fancy upgrading now to a 3Gs when its rumoured the new one will be out in June, plus the cheaperst upgrade contract involves me still paying £35 a month but for the next 24 months! Im thinking of just whopping a PAYG SIM in and lobbing £15 a month on that before maybe starting a new contract later in the year.
  19. Wasnt it just so they could talk about the Germans without them realising ie a German would think they were talking about a colleague called Eric. Not sure how Eric was chosen though.
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