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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I dont see how we do. We were not self sufficient Under Shepherd last few years and havent been since. We couldnt afford it keep on raking up the debts trying to keep up. Thats why us and so many others are / were really fucked. It amazes me that some seemingly sensible people on this board think that crowd size and tv money is enough to compete with the big boys. It simply is untrue. You need a benefactor these days. Those who simply think we can go back to the spend spend spend days of Shepherd are fucking clueless. A different approach is needed and if and I agree its a fucking huge if, Ashley has learnt his lesson and is interested, then he could be our best long term route back to a serious contender. I dont think there are any quick fixes however if some of you have any you should spell them out, rather than just moaning about Ashley. He is a British Multi million / soon to be billionaire, his empire is growing again, his brand fits in well for world wide promotion. Hopefully he will get it right in the summer. If not the prospect of a sale to a Barry Mort type is truly horrific. Why? who is Man U's benefactor? Liverpools? Arsenals? Spurs? none of those clubs have benefactors, Man U have levels of debt that far surpassed anything raked up by Shepherd (although Ashley is doing his best to get to that level). If you want to go from nothing to world beaters overnight then yes, a multi billionaire who will pump in the cash is needed. If however you dont have that then you need to steadily build up a winning team, going into debt to get it but knowing that the success it brings will more than pay for it. Nobody (or at least not me) has ever said we were self sufficient under the previous regime, what we were though was pushing towards success, our problem is that at the point where we needed that final push, that bit more cash injected we lost our bottle and pulled in the reigns, it was downhill from there. I still argue that Shepherd had passed his time, he'd ran out of ideas and was never going to take us to anything like the heights he and Hall had previously however at this moment I'd crawl over broken glass and shit to carry him to Gallowgate if it meant replacing Ashley. Anyone who thinks Ashley is going to push us forward in any real capacity is simply off their tits.
  2. You do, I agree however you dont get so used to it that you look forward to the down season in order to experience the rush of promotion. Thats akin to a junkie going cold turkey with the express view that when he does shoot up it'll be so much more exhilerating. No club has a divine right to being in the top flight however some clubs have the necessary levels of support to ensure enough turnover to keep them there. We are one of those clubs.
  3. Nobody should or could ever enjoy relegation, yes we enjoy the results of the promotion season but those who have any sense know that its a temporary thing, that this time next season we'll be shitting bricks (if we're not already mathematically relegated). Nothing in our setup prepares us for the Premiership and nothing will change enough for us to be safe next season and Im happy for that to be put on record for people to slate me in a years time if Im wrong. To be so confused that you see relegation as anything but a total disaster for our football club is quite simply astonishing, tell the 200+ people who were put on the dole how its all been good, Im sure theyd agree with you.
  4. I sleep perfectly safe in my bed knowing that theyve got the worlds best minds working on this, bloke on the left of the pic is clearly Johnny Ball, nobody can Think of a Number faster than that bloke.
  5. I never had a problem with O2 and if youve got one of their mobiles it only costs about £7.50 p/m for unlimited.
  6. Shame we're going to lose him for six months or so shortly.
  7. my small tributary seems to have dried up
  8. And if you enjoy relegation then under Ashley you're going to be like a dog with two dicks.
  9. How the fuck can anyone enjoy relegation? enjoy the excitement of going down and then (in their own words) boycott with their wallet? Everything people accuse us of comes true in that one post tbh, fair weather fans who enjoy the rollrcoaster of relegation at the games and the fun of promotion in front of their radios.
  10. Sounds like an Adobe problem, but what does the error message say? Are you using PC or Mac? It tells me that theres been an error downloading the App and to goto adobe.com/go/goair Now if I attempt to open the App I get nowt, no sign of anything. Im on PC
  11. Football of the future.....
  12. It screwed my machine up or at least the download of Adobe Air did. App appeared to download but I then get an irritating Adobe Air error message popping up every 30 seconds. Only way to stop it is to close the App.
  13. For me it was the fact I'd have to wait an extra 2 weeks to get Broadband in if I went with someone else, all down I may add to the way in which BT works. I'll be waiting for the first chance to change back to O2.
  14. As per my post in the Bandwidth thread, my home broadband has been throttled by BT because I used 56Gb in the first week of March, of course being BT they dont tell you as normal companies would oh no, they send you an email to an email address they made you setup at the time of registering. An email address which Ive never had any intention or need to log into. It gets better though, their idea of throttling your bandwidth is to allow you to be connected at full speed for 2 minutes and then disconnect you for 30 seconds! Unfuckingbelievable. I found this out when I rang up the helpline on Monday to report the fault on my line, the fault that meant I lost connection every 2 minutes. The helpline then did some digging and agreed to remove the throttle "there you go sir that be working it will now, having you a nice day" they said. The problem continued however so tonight at 7.40 I rang up to give them hell and was put in a queue, cue 20 minutes of phone ringing and every other minute a woman saying "all our operators are busy, thank you for being patient we will answer your call shortly". That was until the clock struck 8, at which point the woman came on and said "Thank you for calling BT, our service centre is operational between 8am and 8pm, please call again tomorrow" Absolute cocks
  15. Yes Good lad. While you're there you can sing Ashleys name and see how the majority join in with you.
  16. Viv Graham, would liven up a Saturday neet in toon.
  17. You havent answered my question.
  18. You still haven't answered my question from last week CT, now that Ashley is doing good in your eyes then are you going to stop your self imposed boycott and hand our struggling club some of your taxi tips?
  19. Dongle, but like I say they're expensive if you're using daily. Cheap enough to get hold of and a piece of piss to use (plug n play). You're not thinking of taking your PC on the train are you?
  20. Add nust.org.uk to the list of sites and I'll give it a go.
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